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Ashton,  Idaho 

Glade  Lyon 

Waking  Lion  Press 



The  Centennial  History 

This  account  of  the  first  one  hundred  years  of  Ashton,  Idaho,  and  surrounding  communities  is  dedicated  to  those 
intrepid  immigrants  who  left  their  homes  in  the  eastern  United  States,  Europe,  or  elsewhere  to  search  for  a  better 
place  to  live  and  found  it  in  1906  in  the  beauty  of  what  is  now  Fremont  County. 

Previous  page:  Ashton's  bustling  main  street  (looking  east),  about  191 7.  The  building  under  the  "E"  in  "Glade"  is  the  Odd  Fellows  Building.  The 
building  under  the  "H"  in  "Ashton"  is  the  Cannon  Building,  which  is  no  longer  standing  but  most  recently  housed  the  Ashton  IGA  store. 

The  views  expressed  in  this  book  are  the  responsibility  of  the  author  and  do  not  necessarily  represent  the  position  of  The  Editorium.  The  reader  alone  is 
responsible  for  the  use  of  any  ideas  or  information  provided  by  this  book,  which  may  contain  errors,  omissions,  and  discrepancies.  The  author  did  the  best 
he  could  with  the  information  available. 

ISBN  1-60096-376-5 

Copyright  ©  2006  by  Katherine  Mearl  Lyon.  All  rights  reserved.  Printed  in  the  United  States  of  America. 

Published  by  Waking  Lion  Press,  an  imprint  of  The  Editorium 

Waking  Lion  Press™ ,  the  Waking  Lion  Press  logo,  and  The  Editorium™  are  trademarks  of  The  Editorium,  LLC 

The  Editorium,  LLC 

West  Valley  City,  UT  84128-3917 


Foreword  vii 

Preface  ix 

Life  before  Ashton:  1905  xi 

1  In  the  Beginning  1 

2  Businesses  10 

3  Infrastructure  51 

4  Churches  and  Organizations  60 

5  Recreation  75 

6  Education  91 

7  Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities  97 

8  Distinguished  Citizens  117 
Photo  Gallery  123 
Acknowledgments  143 
Index  145 


I  would  not  have  taken  on  this  job  for  just  anyone. 
When  the  Ashton  Centennial  Committee  was  looking 
for  volunteers  to  write  a  book  about  Ashton's  history 
over  a  year  ago,  I  firmly  declined.  I  knew  it  would  be 
a  time-consuming  ordeal,  and  I  wanted  no  part  of  it. 

My  father,  Glade  Lyon,  on  the  other  hand,  was  per- 
fect for  it.  As  a  retired  octogenarian  who  loved  to  red- 
line  newspaper  articles  and  send  them  back  to  the  edi- 
tor, and  with  a  sharp  mind  for  historical  detail  and  sto- 
ries, he  took  on  the  task  with  gusto.  Even  as  his  physical 
health  failed,  he  worked  on  the  book  daily.  Or  I  should 
say  nightly.  He  always  said  the  two  hardest  things  to 
do  in  life  were  going  to  bed  and  getting  up.  He  liked 
to  work  on  his  computer  until  two  or  three  nearly  ev- 
ery morning,  writing,  reading,  pondering,  and  making 
notes  to  himself.  He  died  early  in  the  morning  of  Octo- 
ber 10,  2005,  sitting  at  his  computer,  writing  this  book. 

I  have  been  a  bit  upset  with  him  ever  since.  Sud- 
denly I  got  the  job  of  finishing  this  book  by  default.  I  in- 
herited a  bramble  of  scribblings  and  partially  finished 
chapters,  and  a  pile  of  papers  and  books  that  I'm  sure 
he  borrowed  from  someone.  My  brother,  Jack,  is  a  pub- 
lisher by  trade  and  said  he  could  handle  that  part  of  it, 
but  after  all,  I  am  an  English  teacher;  I  should  be  able 
to  whip  out  this  book  in  no  time. 

This  book  was  a  labor  of  love  to  my  dad.  To  me  it  was 
just  labor,  but  I  did  it  because  I  love  my  dad.  In  spite  of 
good  intentions,  the  information  is  incomplete  and,  at 
times,  possibly  incorrect.  I  know  there  are  holes;  I  just 
hope  people  don't  hurt  themselves  when  they  fall  into 

Suzanne  Hamilton 
Glade's  oldest  daughter 



Many  of  the  names,  dates,  and  locations  given  in 
this  book  are  unable  to  be  verified.  That  is,  different 
sources  and  reference  books  sometimes  give  different 
dates  for  the  same  event,  names  are  sometimes  spelled 
in  different  ways,  and  the  location  of  some  businesses 
is  unknown.  Where  a  discrepancy  has  been  found,  the 
most  likely,  in  the  view  of  the  author,  has  been  used.  As 
reporter  Bob  Woodward  once  said,  this  is  "the  best  ob- 
tainable version  of  the  truth."  Much  information  about 
Ashton's  history  is  simply  unavailable. 

I  have  used  my  best  efforts  in  collecting  and  prepar- 
ing the  information  published  herein.  However,  I  do 
not  assume,  and  hereby  disclaim,  any  and  all  liability 
for  any  loss,  damage,  or  offense  caused  by  errors,  omis- 
sions, or  inclusions,  whether  such  errors,  omissions,  or 

inclusions  resulted  from  negligence,  accident,  or  other 

Glade  Lyon 

[Publisher's  note:  This  book  started  as  a  sort  of 
"walk  down  Ashton's  Main  Street,"  with  a  history  of 
the  businesses  that  had  occupied  each  building,  but 
it  quickly  expanded  to  include  much  more  informa- 
tion. The  book  was  left  unfinished  at  the  death  of  Glade 
Lyon  on  October  10,  2005.  His  children  Jack  Lyon  and 
Suzanne  Hamilton  have  done  their  best  to  complete 
the  project,  with  invaluable  help  from  Neal  Wickham 
and  Jane  Daniels,  who  deserve  special  mention  and 


Life  before  Ashton:   1  905 

This  is  the  way  life  was  the  year  before  Ashton  began: 

The  average  life  expectancy  in  the  U.S.  was  47  years. 

Only  14  percent  of  the  homes  in  the  U.S.  had  a  bath- 

Only  8  percent  of  the  homes  had  a  telephone. 

There  were  only  8,000  cars  in  the  U.S.,  and  only  144 
miles  of  paved  roads. 

The  maximum  speed  limit  in  most  cities  was  10 
miles  per  hour. 

The  average  wage  in  the  U.S.  was  22  cents  an  hour. 

The  average  U.S.  worker  made  between  $200  and 
$400  per  year. 

A  competent  accountant  could  expect  to  earn  $2000 
per  year,  a  dentist  $2,500  per  year,  a  veterinarian  be- 
tween $1,500  and  $4,000  per  year,  and  a  mechanical  en- 
gineer about  $5,000  per  year. 

Ninety  percent  of  all  U.S.  physicians  had  no  col- 
lege education.  Instead,  they  attended  medical  schools, 
many  of  which  were  condemned  in  the  press  and  by  the 
government  as  "substandard." 

Sugar  cost  4  cents  a  pound. 

Eggs  were  14  cents  a  dozen. 

Coffee  was  15  cents  a  pound. 

The  American  flag  had  45  stars. 

Crossword  puzzles,  canned  beer,  and  iced  tea  hadn't 
been  invented. 

Two  of  10  U.S.  adults  couldn't  read  or  write. 

Only  6  percent  of  all  Americans  had  graduated  from 
high  school. 

Marijuana,  heroin,  and  morphine  were  all  available 
over  the  counter  at  corner  drugstores.  According  to  one 
pharmacist,  "Heroin  clears  the  complexion,  gives  buoy- 
ancy to  the  mind,  regulates  the  stomach  and  bowels, 
and  is,  in  fact,  a  perfect  guardian  of  health." 

Eighteen  percent  of  households  in  the  U.S  had  at 
least  one  full-time  servant  or  domestic. 

There  were  only  about  230  reported  murders  in  the 
entire  U.S. 


Chapter  1 

In  the  Beginning 

Ashton's  beginnings  can  be  traced  to  the  Homestead 
Act,  passed  by  Congress  May  20,  1862,  and  signed  into 
law  by  Abraham  Lincoln.  The  act  provided  for  "any  citi- 
zen of  the  U.S.  who  was  the  head  of  the  family  or  over  21 
years  of  age  to  file  on  160  acres  of  unappropriated  land 
and  to  acquire  title  to  the  same,  by  residing  upon  and 
cultivating  it  for  five  years  and  by  paying  such  fee  as 
was  necessary  for  administration."  "Proving  up  on  the 
homestead"  was  a  common  term  used  by  those  meet- 
ing the  requirements  and  getting  title  to  land. 

Although  land  came  free  to  the  settlers,  much  labor 
was  still  required  to  establish  homes,  farms,  and  even- 
tually communities.  There  were  no  roads  or  bridges — 
only  the  tall  sagebrush.  To  clear  the  land,  horses  were 
hitched  to  large  chains,  and  these  were  pulled  through 

the  sage.  Then  hand  hoeing  was  required  to  clean 
up  the  remaining  vegetation.  The  ground  had  to  be 
plowed  twice  to  prepare  the  soil  for  planting.  The  grain 
was  broadcast  by  hand  and  harrowed  in  with  harrows 
made  from  poles.  As  fast  as  the  land  was  cleared,  canals 
and  ditches  were  dug  to  bring  water.  Wheat,  barley, 
oats  and  corn  were  the  first  small  grain  crops  planted. 
Every  farm  needed  these  grains  at  home  for  food  for 
themselves  and  their  livestock. 

Threshing  machines  were  costly,  so  farmers  joined 
forces  to  acquire  them.  Several  farmers  united  teams 
and  equipment,  going  from  farm  to  farm  to  complete 
each  harvest  in  one  operation.  This  group  became 
known  as  the  "threshers,"  and  their  annual  coming  was 
a  big  occasion.  The  women  prepared  large  feasts  for 

In  the  Beginning 

them,  supplying  three  meals  plus  treats  throughout  the 
day,  as  they  started  early  and  worked  long  after  dark. 

Earliest  Settlements 

Early  settlers  came  to  the  Henry's  Fork  of  the  Snake 
River,  north  of  Fall  River,  establishing  settlements 
and  communities  around  what  would  later  be  Ash- 
ton.  There  were  at  least  20  of  them:  Drummond,  Far- 
num,  Franz,  Grainville,  Greentimber,  Harris,  Highland, 
Horseshoe  Flats,  Hugginsville  (Svea  Falls),  Lamont,  Lil- 
lian, Lodi,  Marysville,  New  Hope,  Ora,  Rice,  Sarilda, 
Sand  Creek,  Upper  Sand  Creek,  and  Vernon.  The  first 
settlers  were  Joe  and  Mary  Weaver  Baker  and  their  chil- 
dren, who  came  in  1889  to  the  springs — still  called 
Baker  Springs — about  a  mile  north  of  Ashton.  Mary  was 
the  postmistress  and  had  the  post  office  in  her  home 
until  Marysville  was  started  and  the  post  office  was 
moved  there,  but  with  Mary  still  as  postmistress. 

The  first  post-office  building  in  the  area  was  built  at 
Lodi  by  John  L.  Dorcheus  at  Dorcheus  Springs,  about 
a  mile  and  a  quarter  north  and  a  quarter-mile  west  of 
present-day  Ashton,  with  Mary  Dorcheus,  who  came 
in  1893,  as  postmistress.  Ed  Dorcheus,  Mary's  father, 
bought  the  homestead  of  Mr.  Shepard,  and  the  post  of- 
fice and  a  four-room  school  building  were  built  there 
at  Lodi.  Mr.  Shepard  taught  at  Lodi  in  the  winter  and 
Sarilda  in  the  summer.  Mail  was  delivered  from  Market 
Lake  to  St.  Anthony  in  1906  and  on  to  Lodi. 

Mary  Weaver  Baker,  looking  decidely  unhappy  about  having  her 
picture  taken.  The  dress,  jewelry,  and  corsage  indicate  that  she  had 
dressed  in  her  finest  for  what  was  probably  a  special  occasion. 

In  the  Beginning 

Food  was  scarce,  but  Joe  Baker's  daughter  Maude  said, 
"There  was  plenty  of  wild  game  and  good  fishing  for  fish  so  fat 
they  fried  themselves." 


The  first  immigrants  immediately  realized  the  need 
for  water  to  irrigate  their  crops  and  began  digging 
canals  as  soon  as  possible.  Digging  those  canals  with 
horse-drawn  slip  scrapers  was  extremely  difficult  and 
sometimes  required  the  use  of  dynamite  or  black  pow- 
der to  get  through  the  lava  rock.  In  some  cases,  ham- 
mers and  chisels  were  used  to  cut  away  the  banks,  with 
"blood,  sweat,  and  tears."  They  hauled  their  culinary 
water  in  50-gallon  drums  on  a  wagon.  The  problems 
they  encountered  are  almost  beyond  comprehension 

The  Brady  Canal  was  started  in  1889  by  James  H. 
Brady  under  the  Carey  Act,  which  Congress  passed  in 
1894.  When  he  was  elected  governor  of  Idaho  in  1908, 
he  sold  his  interest,  and  the  name  was  changed  to  The 
Marysvale  Irrigation  Canal,  sometimes  known  as  the 
Marysville  Canal  and  Improvement  Co.,  Limited. 

The  Farmers  Own  Ditch  Company  was  incorporated 
in  March  1896.  The  most  difficult  part  was  building  the 
7-foot-high,  154-foot- wide  dam  just  above  the  Kirkham 

Bridge  on  Fall  River.  The  first  three  miles  of  the  canal 
were  hewn  out  of  rock  and  a  hard  cement  formation 
with  picks  and  shovels,  hand  drilling,  and  blasting.  Wa- 
ter first  reached  the  lower  end  of  the  south  lateral  in 

The  Yellowstone  Canal's  first  filing  was  in  1904  and 
was  designed  to  take  the  water  from  Fall  River  just  be- 
low the  mouth  of  Boone  Creek.  Gottfried  Reimann  took 
the  contract  and  was  paid  $1.50  per  day  for  a  man  and 
a  horse,  half  in  cash  and  half  in  stock. 

In  1898  the  Green  Timber  Ditch  was  started  with 
the  head  at  Sheep  Falls  on  Fall  River.  The  farmers  had 
disagreements,  so  they  split  up,  and  the  Yellowstone 
Power  &  Irrigation,  Ltd.  was  formed  in  1902.  The  ditch 
was  completed  in  1907  but  usually  had  only  a  small 
stream  of  water.  It  was  reorganized  in  1938. 

The  Conant  Creek  Canal  was  laid  out  in  1896  for 
Horseshoe  Flats,  later  known  as  Mountain  Dell.  They 
originally  planned  to  build  a  canal  ten  feet  wide  and 
three  feet  deep,  so  they  filed  on  30  feet  of  water,  not 
realizing  what  a  small  amount  that  was,  but  then  lost 
their  opportunity  to  increase  that  filing.  The  water  was 
taken  from  Conant  Creek  beginning  at  the  area  desig- 
nated Henry's  Camp  from  the  rocks  found  there  with 
the  names  of  Captain  Henry  and  his  party  chiseled  into 
them.  Workers  were  paid  $2.50  for  a  man  and  a  team 
for  ten  hours,  but  there  was  no  money,  so  payment  was 
taken  in  stock  in  the  canal  company.  Water  was  first 

In  the  Beginning 

turned  into  the  ditch  in  1903.  There  was  always  a  camp 
of  men  and  women  to  cook  for  them,  and  Tom  and  Brig 
Murdoch  held  pleasant  evenings  around  the  campfire 
with  stories,  songs,  and  music  with  their  fiddle  and  gui- 

The  first  survey  of  possible  railroad  routes  into  the 
area  now  known  as  Ashton  was  in  1881  and  was  fol- 
lowed by  settlers  looking  for  good,  fertile  ground  to 
homestead  or  just  a  new  place  to  live.  Many  of  them 
found  just  what  they  were  looking  for  in  the  area  north 
of  Fall  River  and  south  of  the  Henry's  Fork  of  the  Snake 
River.  One  early  immigrant,  Acil  S.  Hawkes,  described  it 
as  a  prairie  of  waving  grass  where  frequent  fires  would 
kill  out  the  shrubbery  and  sagebrush,  and  the  grass 
would  then  grow  very  quickly  and  to  a  considerable 
height.  It  was  a  beautiful  place  and  an  ideal  range  for 
stock.  The  snow  seemed  to  drift  more  than  it  did  in 
later  years  and  would  stay  in  drifts  until  late  in  the  sum- 
mer. There  was  an  abundance  of  game  of  all  kinds.  Elk, 
deer,  and  antelope  were  often  seen  in  herds.  Some  of 
the  settlers  bought  land  and  were  able  to  pay  their  debt 
off  after  their  first  year  because  of  the  bumper  crops 
grown  in  the  rich  virgin  soil. 

The  Founding  of  Ashton 

According  to  historian  Thornton  Waite  of  Idaho 
Falls,  640  acres  of  land  were  purchased  in  1904  for 
about  $40  per  acre  for  the  townsite  of  Ashton  from 

George  Harrigfeld,  J.  E.  McGavin,  and  Asa  Hendricks 
by  the  Ashton  Townsite  Co.,  which  consisted  of  13  men. 
Most  of  the  men  were  residents  of  nearby  St.  Anthony 
and  included  C.  C.  Moore  and  H.  G.  Fuller.  They  were 
instrumental  in  creating  the  township,  which  was  be- 
gun February  14,  1906,  when  the  first  train  stopped  at 
the  Ashton  depot.  Fremont  County  records  give  the  ac- 
tual date  of  incorporation  as  July  11, 1906. 

Next  page.  Handwriting  on  the  photo  side  of  this  RPPC  (Real  Photo 
Post  Card)  reads,  "on  the  homestead  in  Idaho  1911."  The  postcard 
was  purchased  on  eBay  with  four  other  RPPCs  of  the  Ashton  area,  so 
all  five  came  from  the  same  source.  One  was  addressed  to  Council 
Bluffs,  Iowa,  with  an  Ashton  postmark  of  11-6-1914.  Most  of  the 
writing  on  the  postcards  is  in  Norwegian,  and  there  are  similar 
handwritten  comments  on  the  other  RPPCs  about  the  sender's  life. 
However,  since  the  photos  are  RPPCs,  they  are  not  photos  of  the 
actual  sender's  life,  and  the  comments  were  probably  made  in  jest. 
These  five  RPPCs  were  probably  purchased  in  Ashton  just  before 
being  mailed  to  relatives,  since  they  depict  scenes  in  the  Ashton  Area. 
The  photo  appears  to  have  been  taken  in  one  of  the  watered  canyons 
near  Ashton,  such  as  Fall  River  or  Conant  Creek  or  even  the  Henry's 
Fork.  Comments  on  other  photos  indicate  that  the  senders  lived  west 
of  Ashton.  The  Upper  Snake  River  Valley  was  rapidly  homesteaded, 
and  homesteading  was  mostly  complete  by  the  mid  1890s.  The 
well-  watered  canyons  were  surely  some  of  the  first  areas  to  be  settled. 
This  photo,  judging  from  the  sage,  pines,  and  flat-bottomed  canyon, 
is  almost  certainly  in  the  Ashton  area  but  is  likely  to  have  been  taken 
in  the  mid  to  late  1890s.  Whether  the  photo  was  taken  in  1895  or  in 
1911,  it  definitely  depicts  a  typical  homestead  in  the  Ashton  area. 

In  the  Beginning 

A  newspaper  dated  January  3,  1906,  reported  that 
the  details  were  completed  for  filing  the  articles  of  in- 
corporation of  the  Ashton  Townsite  Company.  The  fol- 
lowing were  elected:  Wm.  Vanderveer,  Pres.,  Geo.  N. 
Swartz,  Vice  Pres.,  Lee  S.  Borrows,  treasurer,  Hiram.  G. 
Fuller,  secretary  and  other  directors,  including,  C.  C. 
Moore,  C.  P.  Bartlett,  and  Wood  D.  Parker.  Wm.  Van- 
derveer died  and  was  eulogized  at  the  Fourth  of  July  cel- 
ebration in  1906.  The  first  council  was  elected  in  1906 
with  H.  L.  Cannon  chairman,  and  H.  G.  Fuller,  Jos.  Mur- 
phy, M.  Crouch,  and  Joe  Mosser  as  board  members.  A 
meeting  was  held  March  10,  1908,  to  choose  the  loca- 
tion of  the  new  town. 

James  Fuller  invented  the  slogan  "Keep  your  eye  on  Ashton" 
in  July,  1906.  Another  slogan  heard  at  that  time  was  "Watch 
Ashton  Grow." 

A  letter  dated  1956  from  Mrs.  Heber  Hartvigsen,  wife 
of  Ashton's  first  newspaperman,  contained  the  follow- 
ing information:  The  south  side  of  Main  Street,  part  of 
Ashton  Townsite,  was  deeded  from  the  State  of  Idaho  in 
1900  to  Chris  and  George  Harrigfeld.  There  was  also  a 
part  that  had  been  homesteaded  by  James  E.  McGavin, 
patent  granted  in  1905,  and  sold  to  Moore  and  Fuller. 
The  Harrigfelds'  land  was  deeded  to  G.  E.  Bowerman 
in  1905  and  later  to  Ashton  Townsite  Co.  Horace  Baker 

owned  the  north  side  of  Main  Street.  He  acquired  it 
from  his  parents,  who  had  homesteaded  the  land. 

Two  of  the  people  signing  over  their  land  were  unaPle  to  write, 
but  their  "X"  was  duly  witnessed. 

Louis  Maurer  mapped  out  the  streets  and  alleys  and 
made  the  original  survey  of  Ashton.  W  J.  King  surveyed 
the  sections  for  the  townsite  of  Ashton  and  named  the 
streets.  Roy  Drollinger  is  reported  to  have  built  the  first 
house  in  Ashton.  He  was  a  chain  man  for  the  surveyors 
laying  out  Main  Street  in  Ashton. 

The  U.S.  Census  shows  the  population  of  Ashton  as  follows: 





















Hotel  Ashton 

Steam  Heat  Thruout 

W.  J.  Haack.  Proprietor 
ASHTON         :         IDAHO 



OH   j4&NT0rt 



3' 7  £. 

-4~^~-    /*J~*—*»~-Ui 


Postcard  from  the  Ashton  Hotel,  postmarked  in  Ashton  in  1912. 

In  the  Beginning 

The  Railroad 

William  Ashton,  chief  engineer  of  the  Oregon  Short 
Line  Railroad,  surveyed  the  railroad  line  through  the 
Ashton  area  and  named  the  town  after  himself. 

The  track-laying  gangs,  totaling  as  many  as  1800 
men,  were  mostly  Chinese  and  Japanese  (six  railroad 
cars  under  Pat  Feeney)  and  Greeks  (ten  railroad  cars 
under  Chris  Carson).  They  were  paid  two  dollars  for  a 
twelve-hour  day.  Johnny  Christofferson  cooked  for  the 
blasting  crews. 

The  first  train  to  stop  at  the  Ashton  depot  site  was  on 
February  14,  1906.  There  was  a  huge  celebration  that 
included  the  opening  of  the  Millers  Bros.  Elevator.  Spe- 
cial trains  brought  in  hundreds  of  people  who  helped 
celebrate  with  a  non-stop  dance  and  free  refreshments 
furnished  by  the  local  bars. 

The  Oregon  Short  Line  began  regular  daily  service 
to  Ashton  on  March  29,  1906.  In  July  1906  the  original 
tar-paper  depot  was  torn  down  and  a  new  depot  built 
1.7  miles  to  the  north  at  the  site  of  Ashton.  The  new  24- 
by-40-foot  Railroad  depot  was  completed  in  1907  and 
extended  in  1921.  In  1907  they  built  a  section  house,  a 
bunkhouse,  and  three  tool  houses.  In  1914  the  railroad 
added  a  14-by-24-foot  freight  house,  a  wooden  water 

tank  24  feet  in  diameter  by  16  feet  high,  a  coaling  sta- 
tion 24  feet  in  diameter  and  19  feet  high,  a  four-  stall 
brick  engine  house  86  feet  long,  a  16-by-34-foot  round 
house,  a  13-by-42-foot  sand  house,  and  a  24-by-40-foot 
power  house. 

R.  D.  "Bob"  Jennings  was  reported  to  be  the  first  sta- 
tion agent.  He  was  probably  followed  by  R.  T  Drollinger. 
In  May  1906,  Mr.  Council  was  the  Relief  Agent.  He  was 
followed  by  agents  Star  Willis,  John  T  (Jack)  Lyon  in 
1938,  Ben  Meese,  Pard  Dallas,  Harvey  P.  Green,  R.  J. 
Davids,  Darrell  Waters,  and  LaMar  Jones,  who  officially 
closed  the  office  in  1992.  John  Christofferson  handled 
the  Railway  Express  for  many  years. 

On  May  25,  1906,  six  Japanese  workers  who  were  dynamiting 
fish  in  the  Snake  River  near  Warm  River  tried  to  evade  the 
Idaho  State  Fish  and  Game  wardens  by  crossing  the  Snake 
River.  Three  of  them,  H.  Ishii,  S.  Makita,  and  S,  Matsu,  were 
drowned.  Two  were  buried  in  the  southwest  corner  of  the 
Pineview  Cemetery,  but  the  body  of  one  was  never 
recovered.  The  other  three  were  apprehended.  There  was 
quite  a  controversy  as  to  whether  or  not  they  should  be 
punished  for  merely  trying  to  get  food.  Their  fate  is  unknown. 


■■^■RKT.  ^Gawr     ■**?;.  JrTTT  ^RTC 

Whooping  it  up  at  the  round  house,  about  1910. 

Chapter  2 


The  Early  Days 

The  first  business  building  in  Ashton  was  the  of- 
fice of  Moore  and  Fuller  on  the  south  side  of  the  500 
block  of  Main  Street  in  business  on  February  22,  1906. 
Charles  C.  Moore  and  Hiram  G.  "Fess"  Fuller,  two  of 
Ashton's  founders,  built  a  small  frame  building  known 
as  "The  Old  Townsite  Building"  and  were  operating  a 
real- estate  business  and  an  insurance  business  there 
in  February  1906.  It  was  they  who  first  platted  the  town 
and  then  sold  lots  to  anyone  who  would  buy.  They  were 
the  sole  agents  for  the  sale  of  lots  in  the  City  of  Ashton. 

Moore  and  Fuller  sold  all  the  lots  along  Main  Street 
as  fast  as  they  Could,  and  the  purchasers  of  those  one 
190  lots  are  shown  in  the  county  records,  but  often- 
times the  way  they  were  used  or  what  was  built  on 

them  is  not  known.  There  were  a  number  of  early  en- 
trepreneurs in  Ashton.  Harry  Cannon  ran  one  of  the 
first  stores,  as  did  Dick  and  Dan  Thomas.  Hugh  Perham 
built  many  of  the  first  buildings.  Bennie  Woods  opened 
the  first  restaurant.  Burrell  and  Stone  had  a  dry- goods 
establishment.  J.  A.  Fulleton  purchased  a  lot  for  a  black- 
smith forge  to  open  about  March  1906.  Also  at  that 
time,  Chris  Anderson  bought  another  lot  to  enlarge  his 
proposed  building  next  to  Fogg  and  Jacobs  Lumber  Co., 
and  Amos  W.  Neeley  bought  property  on  Main  for  a 
drug  business.  The  first  builder  in  town  was  possibly 
Hugh  Perham. 

Harry  Cannon  built  a  drug  store  near  the  Moore  and 
Fuller  office.  He  was  not  a  pharmacist,  so  Dr.  E.  L.  Har- 
gis  filled  prescriptions.  Harry  did  a  booming  business 



in  hard  liquors.  Ole  A.  Brothen,  a  pharmacist,  came  to 
work  for  Cannon  and  then  bought  the  business,  which 
he  continued  until  the  arrival  of  Gus  Isenburg,  who  op- 
erated a  drug  store. 

Grant  Lamport  made  arrangements  for  Peter  Wil- 
son to  build  a  butcher  shop.  Peter  Wilson  was  com- 
pleting his  boarding  house  on  April  12,  1906.  Local 
farmers  formed  Peoples'  Saw  Mill  Co.  in  1906  with  J. 
T.  Dorcheus,  H.  R  Cunningham,  and  Peter  Wilson  plan- 
ning to  start  work  in  the  spring. 

Johnny  Sack,  a  short  but  colorful  fellow  famous  for  building  the 
Johnny  Sack  cabin  at  Big  Springs,  was  employed  as  a  butcher 
at  Stevens'  meat  market  in  Ashton  when  he  first  arrived  in 
1909.  He  originally  homesteaded  in  Island  Park  and  built  in 
1914.  He  built  his  custom  home  at  Big  Springs  in  1929.  Tourists 
can  still  tour  it.  He  died  in  1957. 

The  Ashton  Boarding  House,  operated  by  Wm.  Zim- 
merman, proprietor;  Bennie  Woods;  and  a  cook  named 
Zimmerman  also  featured  an  early  restaurant.  They  ad- 
vertised meals  at  all  hours  and  claimed  that  "if  the  best 
way  to  reach  a  man  is  through  his  stomach,  come  in, 
and  we  will  reach  you." 

Pete  Wilson  started  a  lodging  house  in  April  1906. 
Wilson  Lodging  House  had  20  rooms  but  would  allow 
customers  to  sleep  on  the  floor  if  the  beds  were  full. 

Murphy  and  Bartlett  had  a  saloon  that  opened  in 
April  1906.  They  installed  a  Chickering  piano  in  their 
buffet  with  Professor  Smith  at  the  ivories.  Another  early 
saloon  was  built  by  Dick  Humphrey. 

In  July  1906  the  Parker  Livestock  Commission  put 
a  new  brick  front  on  their  building.  O.  M.  Van  Tassel 
opened  a  general  merchandise  store  just  east  of  the 
Parker  Livestock  Building. 

In  1910,  only  four  years  after  its  incorporation,  the 
Ashton  Business  Directory  listed  the  following: 

Ashton  State  Bank,  F.  X.  Dolenty,  Cashier. 

Security  State  Bank,  W  L.  Robinson,  Cashier. 

The  Ashton  Grocery  J.  E.  Davis,  Prop. 

The  Cheap  Cash  Store,  F.  Freed,  Prop. 

The  Keller  Implement  Co.,  J.  E  Hobart,  Mgr. 

Ashton  Lumber  and  Hardware  Co.,  R.  H.  Manning, 

J.  C.  Robertson  and  co.,  J.  C.  Robertson,  Mgr. 

Studebaker  Bros.  R.  C.  Kirkbride,  Mgr. 

St.  Anthony  Building  and  Mfg.  Co.,  Abner  Widdison, 

The  Ashton  Lumber  Co.,  R.  H.  Manning,  Mgr. 

The  Ashton  Cafe  and  Commercial  Rooms,  Thos. 
George,  Prop. 

Boarding  House,  Mrs.  J.  E.  Davis  and  Mrs.  Wm.  Zim- 
merman, Props. 

The  Ashton  Rooming  House,  Mrs.  Victoria  Peterson, 



Livery  Stable,  C.  Nordvall;  Livery  Stable,  F.  Hulse. 

R.  Marquardt,  Jeweler;  J.  F.  Wendell,  Jeweler  and  Pho- 

The  Ashton  Plumbing  and  Electric  Supply  Co.,  Free- 
man Humes,  Mgr. 

E.  M.  Varin,  Plumber. 

Dr.  E.  L.  Hargis,  Physician. 

The  Ashton  Sanitarium,  Dr.  E.  L.  Hargis,  Prop. 

The  Teton  Pharmacy  Hoff  and  Brothen,  Props. 

Dr.  T.  P.  Carnes,  D.D.S. 

Mrs.  Alice  Fosgreen,  Milliner. 

The  Ashton  Enterprise,  H.  H.  Hartvigsen,  Editor  and 

Blacksmith,  Theodore  Smith,  C.  L.  Wessel,  and  J.  Jud- 

The  Independent  Telephone  Co.,  R.  Marquardt,  Mgr. 

The  Bell  Telephone  Co.,  McKinley  Mgr. 

The  Chase  Furniture  Co.,  W.  T.  Gibson,  Mf. 

Stephens  and  Stephens,  meat. 

Electric  Theater,  Swanstrum,  Humes,  and  Co., 

The  Ashton  Commercial  Club,  E.  S.  McCormick,  Sec, 
W.  L.Robinson,  Treas. 

The  Ashton  Commercial  Club  Library  and  Free  Read- 
ing Room,  E.  S.  McCormick,  Mgr. 

The  Municipal  Electric  Light  Plant;  The  Municipal 
Water  Works;  Wm.  Locke  and  J.  M.  Anderson,  Contrac- 

Frank  Jondahl,  Painter. 

Sheffield  and  Long  Harness  and  Shoe  Repair. 

Woods  Brothers,  Barbers. 

T  M.  Toohey  Barber. 

Woods  Bros,  Pool  and  Billiards. 

H.  C.  Graves,  Real  Estate. 

Moore  and  Fuller,  Real  Estate. 

Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  Rev.  Mark  White,  Pas- 

Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Latter  Day  Saints,  H.  B. 
Cunningham,  Bishop. 

E  A.  Wilkie,  Civil  Engineer. 

Ashton  Public  School,  E.  S.  McCormick,  Supt. 

Ads  in  copies  of  the  Ashton  Herald  from  1953 
showed  Fremont  Coop,  City  Drug,  Zundel  Jewelry, 
Chevrolet  Garage,  Ashton  Motor  (Jack  Swager),  Rex- 
all  Drug  (Klamt),  Variety  Store,  Ess- Jay's  (Story  and 
Meese,  mgrs.),  Davis  Motel,  Western  Auto  (O.  E.  Rich), 
City  Cleaners,  (Leo  Hammond),  Utoco  Service  (Tony 
Maupin),  Hart's  Service,  Coast  to  Coast  (Neil  Barkus), 
Chuck  Wagon,  Harris  Mercantile,  O.  P.  Skaggs,  and  the 
Ashton  Herald. 

Ashton  Herald  ads  from  1956  included  City  Drug, 
Jardine  Jewelry  (newcomer  Grant  Jardine),  City  Mar- 
ket (Tom  Murdoch),  Wynn's  Hardware  and  Furniture, 
Tom's  Chevron  Station,  Neifert  Hotel  (since  1932),  Kiser 
Funeral  Home  (Lewis  Kiser),  Keith  deStwolinski,  Gar- 
rett Freightlines,  Fall  River  Electric  (since  1938),  Robert 



Timmons  Implement  Co.,  Earl  Equipment  Co.,  Log 
Cabin  Court  (Dick  Hummel),  Rankin  Motel  and  Ham- 
burger Haven  (D.  K.  Rankin),  Texaco  Court  (Jon  Hoch), 
Lone  Pine  Motel  (Nell  Burral),  Davis  Motel  (Lorenzo 
Davis),  Hummel  Motel  (Jack  Swager),  Jack  Harker  (bulk 
Utoco),  Boise  Payette  Lumber  Co.,  Rodney  Gilford  and 
Paul  Winger  potato  brokers,  Stewart  Agency,  Ashton 
Theater,  Union  Pacific  Railroad  Co.,  Waugh's  Black- 
smith (Claud  Waugh),  Clark's  Barbershop  (Jess  and 
Dick  Clark),  Bear  Gulch  Ski  Basin,  Ashton  Farm  Bu- 
reau, Tony's  Utoco  (Tony  Maupin),  L.  B.  Lindsley  Ma- 
chine Shop  (Drummond),  Joe  Reiman  (licensed  electri- 
cal contractor),  Murray  Baum  Produce,  Lyon's  (Glade 
Lyon),  Fremont  Co-op  Supply,  Coast  to  Coast  Stores 
(Bud  Trussell),  Ashton  Variety  (Alyce  Brady),  Ott's  Place, 
Reinke  Grain  Co.,  Globe  Mills,  Hemming  Chevrolet 
Co.  (Rulon  &  Eugene  Hemming),  Harris  Supermarket, 
Yellowstone  Grain  Growers  (Drummond),  Lyd's  Cafe, 
Howe  Lumber  Co.  (Randall  C.  Howe),  Burnt  Bun  (Mr.  & 
Mrs.  W.  H.  Ghormley),  Thrift  Store  (Jack  Rice),  Ashton 
Theater  (Harrigfelds),  Imperial  Club,  O.  P.  Skaggs  Sys- 
tem Stores,  Neal's  Wescott  Service,  City  Cleaners,  Ray's 
Tire  Shop  (Ray  McBride),  Western  Auto  (Euzene  &  Ger- 
ald Rich),  Midland  Elevators,  Squirrel  Store  (Floyd  Grif- 
fel),  The  Kelley  Hotel  (Marysville),  Leo's  Barber  Shop 
(Leo  Cordon),  Harvey  Schwendiman  (fertilizer),  Ashton 
Texaco  Service  (south  highway),  Blanche's  Cafe,  Utah 
Power  &  Light  (Howard  Larson),  Ashton  Hydro  Plant 

(Fred  S.  Cowley  super.),  Story  &  Meese,  George  Baum 
(Drummond  bulk  Texaco). 

Landmark  Buildings  and  Businesses  on  Ashton's 
Main  Street 

Many  of  Ashton's  first  buildings  are  still  standing, 
and  many  of  them  played  important  roles  as  the  town 
matured.  Other  important  structures  have  been  built 
over  the  years  as  well.  Using  Fifth  Street  and  Main 
Street  as  the  hub  of  the  town,  we  can  examine  some  of 
Ashton's  buildings  and  businesses. 

South  Main  Street 

West  of  Fifth  Street,  South  side  of  Main  Street 

The  service  station  kitty- corner  across  the  street  was 
bulldozed  down  in  1977  along  with  the  drayage  build- 
ings to  the  south,  and  Valley  Bank  was  built  on  that  cor- 
ner. It  later  sold  to  Key  Bank,  managed  by  Dean  Hoss- 
ner  until  he  retired,  and  then  by  Linda  Sheldon  until 
1992  when  she  went  to  Bank  of  Idaho.  In  2001  Elgie 
Tucker  became  manager  of  Key  Bank  until  she  trans- 
ferred to  the  Driggs  branch  and  Donna  Fisher  took  over. 
Bank  of  Idaho  opened  in  Ashton  in  February  1997  on 
the  southeast  corner  of  sixth  and  Main,  on  the  previous 
location  of  the  Hemming  Garage  after  it  burned  down. 
Blair  Dance  was  manager  until  November  2002,  when 
Linda  Sheldon  became  manager. 


■— » 




Previous  page:  Ashton's  Main  Street  (looking  east)  in  1930.  Here,  the 
sign  has  been  removed  from  the  top  of  the  Cannon  Building,  which  is 
now  being  used  as  the  "New-  York  Hotel"  and  advertises  "Tourists' 
Supplies"  and  "Free  Information."  The  Royal  Cafe,  previously  on  the 
north  side  of  the  street,  has  moved  across  the  street  to  the  south.  Note 
the  new  Hotel  Ashton. 

The  Old  Townsite  Building,  west  of  what  is  now  Key 
Bank,  was  Accidentally  destroyed  in  1951  when  Jim 
Harrell,  who  later  became  mayor  of  Ashton,  attempted 
to  move  it — under  cover  of  darkness  because  he  did 
not  have  a  moving  permit.  According  to  Jim,  "It  just  fell 
apart."  Moore  and  Fuller  then  built  a  new  brick  build- 
ing on  that  same  location  and  later  sold  it  to  Herbert 
S.  Stewart,  who  in  1957  sold  to  Jim  Harrell,  who  op- 
erated his  real- estate  and  insurance  businesses  there 
with  John  McFarland,  Darren  Kerbs,  and  Glade  Lyon  as 
real-estate  salesmen.  Harrell  sold  the  insurance  busi- 
ness to  Robert  Fisher  in  1986  but  retained  an  office 
there,  operating  as  Harrell  Realty  until  2005. 

Ashton's  change  from  wooden  sidewalks  and  unpaved  streets 
came  in  1911  to  1912. 

The  next  building  west  was  the  Teton  Pharmacy,  es- 
tablished in  1906  by  McLally  and  Neely,  on  the  south 
side  of  the  400  block  on  Ashton's  Main  Street  on  a  site 
generally  known  as  the  Dr.  Krueger  Building.  Dr.  E.  L. 

Hargis  owned  the  site  for  two  days  in  1908  and  then 
sold  it  to  A.  O.  (Ole)  Brothen  and  Nills  Hoff.  Early  Ma- 
sonic meetings  were  held  on  the  second  floor  of  this 
building.  It  is  now  occupied  by  Ashton  Vet  Clinic  and 
other  businesses. 

The  Wanke  Building  housed  a  store,  operated  by  a 
Mr.  Fried,  in  the  middle  of  the  south  side  of  the  400 
Block.  It  was  later  a  cafe,  owned  by  Mr.  Humphrey 
but  run  by  Chinese  workers.  It  was  primarily  to  serve 
the  approximately  1,800  Chinese,  Japanese,  and  Greeks 
working  on  the  railroad  in  the  Ashton  area.  The  cooking 
area  partially  burned,  and  a  new  floor  was  built  over  the 
debris.  After  Randall  Howe,  proprietor  of  Howe  Lum- 
ber Co.,  repaired  the  damage,  he  also  built  lumber  stor- 
age sheds  and  later  sold  to  Henry  and  Donna  Griffel, 
owners  of  HG  Lumber  and  Hardware,  who  demolished 
the  store  building  and  rebuilt,  leaving  a  driveway  be- 
tween the  Medical  Building  and  their  new  store.  They 
found  Chinese  cups  and  other  artifacts  among  the  de- 
bris in  the  space  under  the  old  floor.  These  artifacts 
may  still  be  seen  at  HG  Lumber  and  Hardware. 

In  the  1940s,  the  Ashton  Post  Office  was  housed  in 
the  Wanke  Building  with  Felix  Burgess  as  postmaster, 
who  was  followed  by  Thomas  Hargis.  The  Ashton  Her- 
ald, Carol  Bessey,  editor,  was  also  housed  in  that  build- 
ing in  the  1970s. 

On  the  southwest  corner  of  Fourth  Street  and  Main 
Street  was  a  lumber  yard  built  and  operated  by  E. 


W.  Lupton  for  Boise  Payette  Lumber  Co.  Then  Merrill 
Evans  owned  it  during  the  1960s.  It  became  Stronks 
Lumber,  which  sold  to  Anderson  Lumber,  and  then  the 
business  was  bought  back  by  Theodore  Stronks  and 
later  by  Teddy  Stronks,  Ashton's  current  mayor. 

East  of  Fifth  Street,  South  side  of  Main  Street 

The  Cannon  Building,  one  of  the  first  buildings  in 
Ashton,  was  built  in  1906  on  the  southeast  corner  of 
Fifth  and  Main  by  Harry  L.  Cannon  and  Charlie  Berry- 
man  as  a  general  merchandise  store.  It  burned  down 
in  1909  but  was  rebuilt  to  house  the  Burrall  and  Stone 
Grocery  and  Dry  Goods.  The  Cannon  Building  was  pur- 
chased in  1946  from  C.  L.  Ashley  by  Otis  Harris,  who  re- 
modeled the  second  story  into  an  apartment  and  two 
rental  rooms  and  built  the  cinder-block  "meat  house" 
across  the  alley  to  the  south  for  processing  meat  and 
renting  out  frozen-food  storage  lockers.  The  top  floor  of 
the  building  was  the  living  quarters  of  the  Harris  family, 
and  the  other  apartments  and  rooms  were  rented  out. 
He  later  sold  the  business  and  buildings  in  1964  to  Jim- 
mie  Allison  and  Glade  Lyon,  who  continued  operating 
it  as  an  IGA  Store. 


Lyon  sold  his  interest  in  the  store  to  Allison  in  1971, 
shortly  before  Allison  was  killed  in  a  snowmobile  race. 
Clair  and  Lynn  Allison,  Jimmie's  brothers,  ran  the  store 
until  it  burned  to  the  ground  in  the  1980s.  The  meat 
house  was  purchased  by  Larry  Hamilton  for  storage  in 
the  early  1980s,  and  at  one  time  a  portion  of  it  was  used 
by  Dennis  Jodoin,  a  seasonal  forest- service  employee, 
where  he  manufactured  guitars  and  mandolins.  It  is 
now  owned  by  Bob  Comstock  Sr.  and  used  for  storage 
and  a  workshop. 

Next  page.  The  Cannon  Building  in  Ashton  Idaho  at  southest  corner 
of  Fifth  and  Main.  The  monument  at  the  top  of  the  building  reads 
"Cannon  Block"  and  "1906."  The  photo  has  to  be  within  a  year  or  two 
of  construction.  There  is  a  wood-frame  building  to  the  left  (east)  that 
has  been  torn  down  in  a  1908  photo  and  replaced  by  a  masonry 
building  by  about  1 91 0.  So  this  photo  has  to  be  before  1 908.  It  was 
most  likely  taken  just  after  construction  in  1906  or  1907.  On  the 
Windows  is  "Men  &  Boys,  Women's  &  Children's,  Furnishings, 
Clothing,"  "H.  L.  Cannon  &  Co.,  Dry  Goods  and  Groceries,"  and 
"Dentist"  (upper  window).  This  later  became  the  "Burrall  &  Schroll" 
store  and  later  the  IGA  store. 

A  human  fixture  in  the  IGA  was  Thede  Holbrook,  the  produce 
man,  who  always  had  a  smile  for  everyone. 



The  building  located  immediately  east  of  the  Can- 
non Building  on  the  500  block  and  commonly  known 
as  the  Imperial  Club  may  have  been  built  by  Harry 
Cannon  around  January  20,  1906.  It  has  had  many  oc- 
cupants, including  a  candy  store  run  by  Harold  and 
Clara  Strong,  a  clothing  store,  a  hardware  store,  an  im- 
plement shop,  the  Humphries  Cafe,  and  a  Spudnut 
(doughnuts  made  with  potato  flour)  shop. 

The  story  is  told  thot  a  local  gentleman  was  forced  to  spend 
the  night  playing  poker  at  the  Imperial  Club  because  of  a 
sudden  blizzard.  He  didn't  report  whether  he  won  or  lost. 

Elmer  "Humpy"  Duke  started  the  Imperial  Club  in 
1930.  Cliff  Moore  managed  it  until  1942,  when  he  be- 
gan working  for  Ott's  Place.  Gambling  was  declared  ille- 
gal by  the  State  of  Idaho  about  1950,  and  the  gambling 
tables  were  moved  to  the  basement,  which  was  accessi- 
ble through  a  trap  door  at  the  south  end  of  the  building. 
The  slot  machines  had  to  be  disposed  of.  In  1942  War- 
ren Cordingley  became  a  partner  to  Elmer  Duke  and 
was  manager  for  several  years.  About  1960  Walter  "Vic" 
Phillips  bought  Duke's  interest  and  managed  it  until  the 
early  1970s,  when  he  sold  to  Harry  and  Beverly  Wade 
and  Kenderson  and  Mary  Rankin.  Harry  Wade  passed 
away  and  in  1983,  and  Kenderson  sold  the  business, 

which  he  called  "the  love  of  my  life,"  to  Ken  and  Ber- 
netta  Hanson.  They  later  sold  to  Raymond  Elliott. 

For  many  years,  Wilbur  Atchley  made  an  annual  St,  Patrick's 
Day  appearance  in  the  Imperial  Club  on  his  green-painted 

The  history  of  the  buildings  east  of  the  Imperial  Club 
requires  some  speculation.  The  first  building  east  of  the 
Imperial  Club  may  have  been  the  Paul  Stone  Grocery. 
However,  it  is  also  thought  that  Murray  Baum  may  have 
used  the  lot  as  a  car  dealership.  In  1960,  Fred  Brady 
set  his  daughter  Allyce  up  in  Ashton  Variety  Store  on 
that  lot.  It  was  used  as  a  Sears  mail-order  store  in  the 
late  1970s  and  is  now  part  of  Parts  Service.  The  build- 
ing to  the  east  of  the  variety  store  may  have  once  been 
Blanche's  Cafe  and  later  a  laundromat  owned  by  Otis 
Harris  and  Don  McCloud.  It  became  The  Flower  Barn 
owned  by  Cheryl  Lenz  in  the  1980s  and,  still  later,  an  an- 
tique store  operated  by  Doyle  Phelps.  After  a  brief  stint 
as  a  day- care  center,  the  building  is  currently  empty. 

In  1925  the  business  known  as  the  Teton  Pharmacy 
was  moved  to  the  south  side  of  the  center  of  the  500 
block.  In  1944,  it  was  sold  to  Joe  Klamt,  who  operated  it 
as  the  Rexall  Pharmacy  with  Roy  Judd  as  manager  and 
partner  until  1967  when  it  was  closed.  This  building 
became  a  Gambles  Store  owned  by  Albert  Staub  in  the 



1980s,  and  it  later  housed  Husky  Pizza,  owned  by  Ron 
and  Barb  Atchley  It  became  Annie's  Bakery  and  Piz- 
zaria,  owned  by  Ann  and  Trent  Phelps,  in  the  1990s.  For 
a  short  time  it  housed  a  business  named  Box  Canyon 
Outfitters.  It  is  currently  vacant. 

Joseph  D.  "Joe"  Klamt  brought  his  family  to  Ashton  in  1 91 7  to 
join  his  Father,  who  had  come  two  years  earlier  looking  for 
work  as  a  carpenter.  He  attended  all  four  grades  of  high 
school  in  Ashton  and  graduated  as  valedictorian.  He  started 
working  at  the  store  in  1924. 

East  of  the  Teton  Pharmacy  was  a  building  owned  by 
Morris  Fried  that  was  operated  as  a  clothing  store.  Fried 
sold  the  store  in  1929  to  H.  J.  McCracken,  who  sold  it 
to  manager  Enoch  Hunt  for  Hunt's  Department  Store. 
Hunt  always  said,  "I  sell  good  goods."  Hunt  died  in  1954. 
The  store  next  became  Story  and  Jackson,  called  "Ess- 
Jays"  for  short.  Later  it  was  purchased  by  Ben  Meese 
and  became  Story  and  Meese;  it  was  later  taken  over 
by  Dick  Pettit,  Meese's  son-in-law.  In  1963  he  sold  it  to 
Clair  Chadwick,  who  started  Chadwick's  Dress  and  Dry 
Goods  store.  Mabel  Phelps  became  manager  in  1964 
after  being  North  Fremont  High  School  secretary  for 
11  years.  The  business  was  then  sold  to  Renee  Stod- 
dard, who  had  been  a  clerk  there,  and  her  husband 
Jim.  They  changed  the  name  of  the  store  to  Stoddard's. 

More  recently  it  became  the  farm  equipment  and  parts 
store  of  Jeff  Jenkins.  In  the  summer  of  2006,  the  build- 
ing became  the  Arts  Emporium  as  part  of  Ashton's  cen- 
tennial celebration,  run  by  Chan  and  Judith  Atchley.  Lo- 
cal artists  and  writers  from  around  Ashton  displayed 
and  sold  their  work  during  a  ten-day  period  in  July. 

Lawrence  Stone  built  the  City  Market  Building, 
known  earlier  as  "The  Red  and  White  Store,"  near  the 
center  of  the  south  side  of  the  500  block.  He  later  sold 
it  to  George  Stone,  who  then  leased  it  to  Tom  Murdoch, 
who  operated  it  for  many  years.  Tom  later  bought  the 
building  next  door  to  the  east,  which  had  been  the 
site  of  Freed's  Ashton  Cheap  Cash  Grocery,  and  put 
in  rental  frozen-food  lockers.  The  Freed  Building  was 
probably  the  site  of  the  "duck  pin"  bowling  alley,  pos- 
sibly owned  by  Carl  Herre,  that  operated  for  a  couple  of 
years  in  the  early  1940s. 

Every  child  could  count  on  a  free  wiener  from  Uncle  Tom 
when  they  came  into  his  store 

Murdoch  later  closed  his  operation  and  became  the 
butcher  for  the  IGA  store  on  the  southwest  corner 
of  the  block.  His  buildings  may  also  have  been  the 
Western  Auto  Store  owned  and  operated  by  Euzene 
Rich.  They  later  became  home  to  Alyce  Brady's  Ashton 
Variety  Store  in  1963  when  she  moved  just  a  few  doors 



east  of  her  earlier  location.  That  store  closed  in  1981, 
and  for  several  years  the  building  served  as  the  Near- 
New  Store,  a  community  store  that  survived  on  dona- 
tions and  raised  money  for  the  LDS  building  fund  and 
other  community  causes.  The  building  also  housed  the 
Ashton  Public  Library  during  the  1980s  and  later  be- 
came home  for  the  Ashton  Senior  Citizens'  organiza- 

In  July  1906,  Dr.  C.F.W.  Marquardt  bought  property 
to  construct  the  Marquardt  Jewelry  Store  Building  just 
west  of  Sixth  and  Main,  next  to  the  C.W.  &  M.  He  hired 
William  Lalk  to  erect  a  building.  His  son,  Rudolph  Mar- 
quardt, hung  a  large  clock-shaped  sign  in  front  of  the 
business.  At  one  time,  Marquardt  was  granted  permis- 
sion to  move  his  building  into  the  middle  of  Main  Street 
while  constructing  a  new  one. 

The  building  had  a  succession  of  owners.  Moore  and 
Fuller  acquired  the  building  in  1908,  Lee  S.  Borrows  in 
1911,  and  Charles  C.  Moore  later  in  1911.  Ellen  Mar- 
quardt purchased  it  in  1928,  Western  Loan  and  Build- 
ing in  1934,  Rudolph  Marquardt  in  April  1935,  and 
Carl  Herre  in  May  1935.  George  P.  Stone  bought  it  in 
September  1935,  Ida  B.  Stone  in  1940,  Chester  French 
and  Thomas  Murdoch  in  1944,  J.  D.  Klamt  in  1946,  and 
again  Thomas  Murdoch  later  in  1946.  Carl.  C.  Herre  and 
Frances  Herre  purchased  it  in  1957  from  Harry  Wood- 
burn.  Theodore  O.  Taylor  operated  Taylor's  Cleaners 
there  from  1953  until  1976. 

Ted  Taylor  came  to  Ashton  with  his  family  in  1909,  He  worked 
at  Ashton  Laundry  and  U  S.  Reclamation  Service  on  Grassy 
Lake  Dam.  He  was  caretaker  of  Pineview  Cemetery  for  several 
years  and  worked  for  ten  years  for  Tri-State  Lumber  Co.  After 
his  retirement,  he  worked  for  the  Senior  Citizen  Program  of  U.S. 
Forest  Service  from  1978  to  1984.  He  served  as  Ashton's  fire 
chief  for  more  than  30  years.  He  was  also  the  first  person  from 
Ashton  to  be  on  the  all-state  football  team. 

On  the  east  corner  of  the  south  side  of  the  500  block 
was  the  C.  W.  &  M  Building,  which  housed  the  Con- 
solidated Wagon  &  Machine  Store  managed  by  Wm. 
Smuin.  It  sold  farm  equipment,  hardware,  and  other 
necessities.  When  it  went  out  of  business,  the  build- 
ing was  taken  over  by  Con  Peterson  for  a  grocery  store 
called  O.  P.  Skaggs.  After  it  burned  in  1951  and  was  re- 
built, it  had  various  owners  and  managers,  including 
Jack  Rice,  J.  C.  Wangsgaard,  Jack  Coffin,  DeVar  Clark, 
Meredith  Dexter,  and  Dennis  Nichols.  The  C.  W  &  M. 
Building  was  vacant  until  it  was  opened  in  the  early 
2000s  as  a  cafe,  Musher's  Eatery,  by  Michelle  and  Larry 
Lyford.  That  business  was  closed  in  2005,  and  the  build- 
ing remains  vacant. 

The  building  on  the  southwest  comer  of  the  600 
block  was  a  garage  built  by  Humes  and  Swanstrum, 
which  they  operated  as  a  Fordson  Tractor  dealership. 
Delbert  Taylor  purchased  it  as  a  Chevrolet  dealership 



about  1935,  and  in  1937  he  sold  the  business  to  Darwin 
Taylor  and  Rulon  Hemming.  They  operated  a  Chevro- 
let dealership  there  known  as  Taylor  and  Hemming 
Chevrolet.  The  business  featured  an  office,  a  show- 
room, a  parts  room,  rental  spaces,  and  a  mechanic's 
shop  to  the  rear.  Taylor  and  Hemming  also  owned  a 
building  on  the  east  corner  of  the  block  that  was  used 
for  a  body  shop.  They  often  used  the  Opera  House  for 
storage  space  for  their  cars.  There  were  two  gasoline 
pumps  out  front  where  the  gas  was  pumped  by  hand 
into  glass  containers  calibrated  into  gallons  on  the  top 
and  then  allowed  to  gravity  flow  into  the  customer's 
car  for  25  cents  a  gallon.  There  was  a  hydraulic  lift  on 
the  east  side  of  the  building.  Rulon  Hemming  bought 
Darwin  Taylor's  share  of  the  business  in  1942  and  op- 
erated it  as  Hemming  Chevrolet  Co.  His  son,  Eugene 
Hemming,  graduated  from  college  about  1950  after  re- 
turning from  World  War  II  and  joined  his  father  in  the 
business.  The  building  burned  down  about  1970,  and 
in  1997  the  Bank  of  Idaho  purchased  the  lot  and  built  a 
bank  there. 

Someone,  perhaps  Rotary  Club  members,  planted  a  small  fir 
tree  on  that  vacant  corner  and  placed  a  whimsical  sign  there. 

The  next  lots,  5  and  6  east,  were  purchased  in  1919 
with  the  intention  of  building  a  new  Lodge  Hall.  That 
never  materialized,  and  the  lots  were  later  sold  for  a 
new  post-office  building  occupied  recently  by  Dr.  Toen- 
jes,  a  dentist,  and  currently  by  a  new  chiropractic  cen- 
ter. An  auto  body  repair  shop  owned  by  Darwin  Hansen 
and  later  his  son  Darren  follows  next  to  the  east. 

Thelma  Wilson  opened  Thelma's  Cafe  on  Main 
Street  between  the  city  fire  station  and  the  Ashton  Farm 
Equipment  Co.  in  July  1954. 

It  is  believed  that  John  H.  Hutchinson  built  a  small 
cafe  on  the  corner  of  Seventh  and  Main  which  was 
taken  over  before  1947  by  Walter  and  Leora  England, 



teachers  from  Burley  who  lived  in  a  trailer  behind  the 
cafe.  The  newly  opened  Teacher's  Inn  was  a  small 
building  with  no  tables  and  only  six  stools  at  the 
counter.  Katie  Lyon  and  Joyce  Clark  were  waitresses 
there  in  1948. 

Charlie  Hartwig  and  his  wife  Leona  purchased  the 
business  and  named  it  "Charlie's  Cafe,"  hiring  Wanda 
Bates  Hutchinson  and  Eva  Calonge  to  work  for  them. 
Eva  remembers  dancing  on  the  bar.  Charlie  was  a  large 
man  and  about  1960  helped  push  a  car  stuck  in  the 
snow;  he  had  a  heart  attack  and  died.  The  property  was 
sold  to  Fall  River  R.E.A.,  which  added  a  warehouse  and 
shop.  Fall  River  moved  to  a  new  location  south  of  town 
on  Highway  20,  and  the  property  was  acquired  by  the 
City  of  Ashton  in  about  1998  for  the  city  offices  and  the 
Ashton  Archives  operated  by  Jane  Daniels. 

Ashton  Health  Services,  Inc.,  built  the  Ashton  Medi- 
cal Clinic,  designed  by  Dr.  "Chris"  Christensen,  which 
had  been  constructed  across  the  street  to  entice  new 
doctors  to  come  to  the  community.  Ashton  Health  Ser- 
vices, Inc.,  was  established  in  1976  and  dissolved  in 
1980.  In  1979,  12  of  the  acute-care  beds  in  the  hospi- 
tal were  designated  nursing-home  beds.  At  the  same 
time,  the  North  Fremont  Hospital  Taxing  District  was 
formed  to  help  both  the  hospital  and  the  nursing  home 
financially.  There  were  many  young  doctors  who  came 
to  Ashton  to  repay  their  debt  to  the  federal  govern- 
ment, incurred  by  their  schooling,  but  none  was  willing 

to  stay.  There  was  a  great  deal  of  friction  between  the 
Ashton  Hospital  Board  of  Directors  and  the  Health  Ser- 
vices Board  of  Directors  concerning  the  duties  and  obli- 
gations of  the  new  doctors.  The  problems  of  spiraling 
costs  for  health  care,  the  lack  of  consistent  physician 
coverage,  and  the  difficulty  of  getting  proper  Medicare 
reimbursement  finally  led  to  the  closing  of  the  Hospital 
in  1988  and  the  change  to  a  nursing  home.  It  was  so  suc- 
cessful that  a  new  nursing  home  was  built  at  700  North 
Second  Street,  and  the  old  hospital  building  was  used 
as  a  public  storage  facility. 

The  Ashton  Medical  Clinic  is  now  in  use  as  Ashton's 
primary  medical  care  unit  with  Roxanna  Holmes,  PA., 
as  the  main  health  provider. 

North  Main  Street 

West  from  Fifth  Street,  North  side  of  Main  Street 

The  Neifert  Hotel  Building  on  the  northwest  cor- 
ner of  Main  and  Fifth  streets  started  out  as  a  lumber 
company.  The  Main  Street  lot  and  the  lot  behind  it  to 
the  north  were  first  purchased  in  June  1906  by  Snake 
River  Lumber  Co.,  J.  F.  Tricks,  manager.  They  built  a 
storeroom,  office,  and  lumber  sheds  on  the  Main  Street 
lot  with  J.  F.  Trick  as  manager,  and  probably  used  the 
rear  lot  for  lumber  storage.  The  business  was  sold  to 
Train  Lumber  and  Coal  Co.  in  May  1912.  They  sold  in 



December  1915  to  Boise  Payette  Lumber  Co.,  and  then 
it  was  transferred  to  Boise  Payette,  Inc.  in  August  1936. 

The  Ashton  State  Bank  moved  to  the  original  build- 
ing on  the  Main  Street  corner  in  January  1912,  and 
then  the  First  National  Bank  with  G.  E.  Bowerman  as 
president  in  April  1913.  The  U.S.  Post  Office  Depart- 
ment acquired  the  property  in  November  1917  and  es- 
tablished the  post  office  there.  Then  in  1928,  Mrs.  H. 
D.  "Sally"  Neifert"  acquired  the  property,  and  in  1932 
opened  Neifert's  Hotel,  which  was  a  landmark  in  Ash- 
ton for  40  years.  Sally  was  brash  and  feisty  but  had  a 
heart  of  gold.  She  often  allowed  transients  to  stay  in 
the  basement  for  free.  "Banjo"  Andy,  so  named  because 
his  right  arm  would  not  stay  still,  but  said  to  be  a  violin 
virtuoso,  was  a  regular  who  took  care  of  the  furnace  in 
return  for  lodging. 

Louis  Smith  and  Hugh  Hammond  bought  the 
Neifert  Building  in  1971  but  did  not  move  their  plumb- 
ing business  there  until  1975.  Later  Louis  moved,  and 
the  business  became  Hammond  Plumbing.  Dan  Whit- 
more  bought  the  building  and  the  business  in  January 
1994  and  renamed  it  Dan's  Plumbing  and  Heating. 

Dewey  Hayes  was  once  an  Ashton  plumber  along  with  Hugh 
Hammond  and  Louis  Smith,  which  meant  that,  at  one  time, 
our  local  plumbers  were  Hughie,  Dewey,  and  Louie. 
Remember  the  Walt  Disney  ducks? 

Once  when  plumbers  Hammond  and  Smith  were  trying  to 
locate  a  water  line  east  of  the  Opera  House,  they  laughed 
and  laughed  when  Glade  Lyon  asked  them  to  use  their 
witching  wands.  They  had  no  idea  what  those  funny-looking 
things  hanging  on  their  wall  were.  But  they  quit  laughing  when 
they  located  the  water  line  by  using  them  (See  sidebar  to 
Lyon's  Store). 

H.  L.  Woodburn  bought  the  rear  lot  in  September 
1938  but  sold  it  in  March  1945  to  Robert  J.  Timmons 
for  his  farm  equipment  store,  Timmons  Implement. 
Fremont  Co-op  Supply  with  Ron  Richards  as  manager 
purchased  it  in  November  1975.  The  business  was  later 
sold  to  Theone  Maupin,  who  operated  Maupin  Auto 
Parts  there  until  his  death,  when  it  was  taken  over  by 
his  son,  Dan. 

Martin  Elward  bought  the  two  lots  just  west  of  the 
Neifert  Hotel  in  1906.  The  Ott's  Place  building  was  con- 
structed in  1906  on  the  north  side  of  the  400  block  by 
Snake  River  Lumber  Co.  for  Morris  Fried's  store.  In  the 
spring  of  1926,  William  Frederich  Harris  and  his  son 
William  Otis  Harris  purchased  it  as  the  H.  and  H.  Bil- 
liard Parlor.  When  William  Frederich  Harris  died  in 
1935,  Otis  bought  Harris's  share  of  the  business  and 
named  it  Ott's  Place.  There  were  several  pool  tables, 
a  couple  of  pinochle  tables,  and  even  slot  machines 
when  they  were  legal.  Ott  ran  the  business  until  1942, 



when  he  sold  it  to  Elmer  "Humpy"  Duke,  who  sold  to 
Vic  Phillips.  In  1986  it  was  purchased  by  Dan  Kent,  who 
sold  to  Boyd  Mauer,  who  later  let  it  revert  to  Vic  Phillips. 

A  story  is  told  thot  once  Sally  Neifert  opened  the  door  of  Ott's 
Place  and  hollered,  "Harry,  if  you  don't  come  home  right  now, 
I'm  renting  out  your  side  of  the  bed." 

A  building  next  to  Ott's  Place  was  a  cafe,  Elward's 
Buffet  Resort,  operated  and  heavily  advertised  by  Mar- 
tin Elward.  It  was  sold  to  Kraft,  Sweeney,  and  Lamm  in 
1907,  then  to  Carolina  Kraft.  Mary  Ellen  Sweeney  and 
Celia  Lamm  purchased  it  on  September  18,  1909;  then 
William  Sweeney  on  June  1, 1910;  J.  W.  Johnson  on  June 
3,  1911;  William  Sweeney  again  on  July  12,  1911;  and  B. 
S.  Christoffersen  on  May  17,  1913.  B.  M.  Wood  &  Over- 
ton Bray  bought  it  in  1919,  but  there  is  no  indication 
whether  or  not  any  of  the  owners  continued  with  a  cafe 
there.  It  was  later  taken  over  by  Laurel  and  Jackie  Hunts- 
man before  they  moved  to  the  lot  west  of  the  Odd  Fel- 
lows Building. 

A  tonsorial  parlor  (barber  shop)  was  erected  adjoin- 
ing Martin  Elward's  Buffet  on  April  12, 1906.  This  build- 
ing was  at  one  time  used  by  Glen  Huntsman  as  a  cafe, 
by  Jess  Clark  as  his  barber  shop,  and  later  by  Sam  Moon 
for  an  office,  where  he  tried  to  gather  financial  support 
for  his  aluminum  mine. 

There  is  some  confusion  about  the  lots  west  of  Ott's 
Place  that  are  now  occupied  by  a  Cardtrol  gasoline  sales 
facility.  It  is  believed  that  the  two  vacant  lots  are  where 
Sally  Neifert  built  her  "Annex,"  with  ceilings  so  low  that 
nearly  everyone  had  to  duck. 

The  buildings  on  the  next  three  lots  west  had  a  long 
list  of  owners,  including  W  D.  Porch,  Peter  Wilson,  Vic- 
toria Peterson,  Victoria  Whitaker,  P.  H.  Whitaker,  P.  H. 
and  Mrs.  E.  A.  Whitaker,  Victoria  Whitaker  Burnett,  and 
First  National  Bank  of  St.  Anthony.  H.  G.  Fuller  pur- 
chased it  in  December  1930  and  sold  it  to  the  Burley 
Implement  Co.  the  same  month.  Charles  E  McDonald 
purchased  it  in  September  1938.  These  buildings  were 
known  as  Fremont  Coop  Supply  until  1944,  when  they 
were  sold  to  Lloyd  Compton  for  his  garage.  They  were 
sold  to  Jack  Swager  in  1949;  Frances  Swager  acquired 
title  to  them  in  1956.  He  sold  them  to  Robert  Timmons 
in  1974,  who  then  sold  to  Marvin  Thomas  in  1987  for 
Buck's  Auto  Repair.  He  later  sold  to  Todd  Howell  and 
Bill  Turner. 

The  town  continued  to  grow  west  of  the  railroad 
tracks.  Block  33,  just  west  of  the  tracks,  was  owned  al- 
ternatively by  Moore  and  Fuller,  Fremont  County,  Mur- 
ray Baum,  and  Elma  M.  Davis,  until  lots  15  and  16  were 
purchased  by  Glynn  Richard  "Dick"  Davis  in  1946.  He 
built  Dick's  Drive  Inn,  which  was  the  place  to  go  back 
then.  Don  Ghormley  worked  with  him  after  Don  got 
home  from  the  service.  In  1949  Dick  sold  to  Elma  M. 



Davis,  who  sold  to  Lorenzo  Davis  in  1961,  so  he  owned 
the  whole  block.  Lorenzo  Davis  first  built  a  home  on 
the  west  lots  of  block  33  and  had  cabins  to  rent.  Omaha 
National  Bank  took  over  from  Lorenzo  Davis  and  sold 
to  Ernest  Harrigfeld  in  1964  for  a  cafe  and  gift  shop, 
which  he  named  Trails  Inn.  He  sold  to  Lowell  Bishop 
in  1968,  and  his  wife,  Ruth,  ran  an  "old  Folk's  Home." 
In  1977  they  sold  the  south  half  of  the  block  to  John 
Cooper,  who  sold  to  Larry  Daniel  in  1979.  Chris  and 
Gail  Womack  bought  it  from  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Larry  Daniel 
in  1980,  opening  the  snack  bar  and  game  room  again 
and  using  the  front  part  of  the  building  for  a  child-care 
center.  They  sold  to  Kenneth  Allen  and  Richard  Beesley 
in  1983.  Don  and  Mary  Chriswell  bought  lots  7  through 
10  of  Block  33  in  1984  and  immediately  began  an  ex- 
tensive remodeling  program,  adding  to  Daniels'  ham- 
burger stand  to  make  Trails  Inn  Cafe,  to  which  they 
added  a  dining  room  on  the  north  in  2001.  Their  south- 
ern dining  room  has  been  continually  used  and  has 
helped  them  meet  community  needs  for  21  years. 

Tammy  Kent  and  then  Wade  Lehmann  bought  lots  4, 
5,  and  6  in  1996  behind  the  Trails  Inn  Cafe  and  built  the 
Ashton  Laundromat  and  a  beauty  shop. 

Continuing  west,  C.  C.  Moore  and  H.  G.  Fuller 
bought  Blocks  31,  32,  and  33  in  1920  from  the  Ashton 
Townsite  Co.  In  1933  Blocks  31  and  32  were  deeded  to 
the  Ashton  Golf  Club,  which  had  a  golf  course  there  un- 
til 1939.  H.  G.  Fuller,  and  then  the  City  of  Ashton,  held 

ownership  in  those  blocks  until  1951,  when  the  city  do- 
nated the  land  to  Fremont  School  District  215  to  build 
North  Fremont  High  School  there. 

In  1955,  the  State  of  Idaho  purchased  lots  6  and  7  of 
Block  32  for  their  National  Guard  facility.  This  building 
currently  houses  the  Fremont  School  District  215  Bus 

East  from  Fifth  Street,  North  side  of  Main  Street 

From  the  corner  east  of  Fifth  Street  and  Main,  the 
Ashton  Hotel  (whose  official  name  was  Hotel  Ash- 
ton) was  started  by  the  Ashton  Townsite  Committee. 
The  committee  planned  Main  Street  and  donated  for 
schools,  churches,  and  the  I.O.O.F.  Hall.  In  March  1906 
the  members  voted  to  build  a  hotel  to  cost  not  less 
than  $10,000.  The  Oregon  Short  Line  Railroad  crews 
hauled  thirty-eight  wagon  loads  of  rock  from  a  quarry 
north  of  Rankin's  in  May  1906  for  the  foundation,  and 
the  remainder  of  the  building  was  red  brick  from  John- 
son's Brickyard  just  north  of  Ashton  or  from  Bonneru's 
Brickyard  near  Black  Springs  one  mile  south  of  Ashton. 
Hugh  Rankin  was  the  builder. 

The  bar  in  the  hotel  basement  was  the  place  to  go  for  "dime 
a  dance"  and  "wide  open  gambling,"  especially  during  the 
Dog  Derby. 



It  is  believed  that  the  Ashton  Townsite  Committee 
planned  to  sell  raffle  tickets  for  the  hotel  at  $150  each, 
and  the  lucky  winner  would  get  the  hotel  on  its  com- 
pletion. But  the  Idaho  Legislature  passed  a  law  mak- 
ing lotteries  illegal,  so  the  comittee  had  to  return  the 
money  and  look  for  other  methods  of  financing  the 
hotel.  An  entry  in  the  Ashton  Townsite  Committee's 
books  in  May  1907  shows  that  the  hotel  cost  $14,499.44. 
The  building  was  set  back  from  the  street,  with  several 
steps  leading  into  the  lobby.  There  was  a  veranda  on 
the  ground  floor  and  a  mezzanine  on  the  second  floor 
where  dinners  were  served.  There  were  also  rooms  that 
could  be  rented  by  the  day  as  well  as  two-  and  three- 
room  apartments  with  a  shared  bath. 

The  writer,  Glade  Lyon,  and  his  wife,  Katie,  rented  one  of  the 
two-room  apartments  on  the  third  floor  of  the  Ashton  Hotel  in 
the  1940s,  sharing  a  bathroom  with  Ivan  and  Mary  Crouch. 

The  hotel  has  had  many  managers,  including  Mort 
Anderson,  W.  J.  Haack,  Felix  Burgeson,  Kirkbride,  Earl 
Barker,  Charles  Garside,  and  J.  R.  Atchley  until  it 
was  closed  in  1980.  Included  in  the  many  businesses 
housed  in  the  hotel  were  Ashton  Barber  Shop,  Ball 
Barber  Shop,  Lajetta  Glover  Beauty  Parlor,  Melba 
Schaat  Beauty  Parlor,  Security  State  Bank,  Yellow- 
stone Banking  Co.,  Idaho  Bank  of  Commerce,  Valley 

Bank,  Yellowstone  Cafe,  Lyd's  Cafe,  Laurel's  Cafe, 
Lane  Marotz's  Karate  Studio,  the  Derby  Club  (owned 
by  Royce  V.  Hilmer  and  William  E.  Hiattt  Jr.),  and,  of 
course,  the  card-playing  group  on  the  mezzanine. 

The  Ashton  Hotel  was  purchased  by  Hugh  Rankin 
in  1918.  He  later  sold  to  Utah  Home  Mortgage  Co.  El- 
lis Pearce  purchased  it  in  1933.  Idaho  Bank  of  Com- 
merce was  a  tenant  from  1939.  Mrs.  Charles  Garside 
purchased  the  building  from  Utah  Mortgage  in  1937, 
the  same  year  that  Mrs.  C.  T  Williams  moved  her  dress 
shop  Williams'  Smart  Shop  into  the  hotel  lobby. 

The  hotel  was  leased  to  Harry  Gigley  and  the  Conti- 
nental Hotel  Association  from  1942  to  1952  and  then 
was  leased  only  to  the  Continental  Hotel  Association 
from  1952  to  1959.  In  1972,  Mrs.  Garside  sold  the  entire 
building,  including  the  75-room  hotel,  Derby  Club  bar, 
and  the  buildings  housing  the  Bank  of  Commerce  and 
the  Ashton  Cafe  to  Earl  Barker. 

Next  page.  The  original  Ashton  Hotel,  built  about  1906  and  destroyed 
by  fire  about  1920.  According  to  Chan  Atchley,  in  his  book  Soul  of  the 
Land:  (left  to  right)  standing  in  street,  two  unidentified  women  and 
Mrs.  Jim  Davis;  standing  on  porch,  "Dad"  Clay,  John  Christofferson, 
Mrs.  Felix  Burgess,  unknown  man,  Bruce  Catlett,  Mrs.  Alvin  Seeley 
Harvy  Zhepp,  Frank  Carpenter,  Dr.  E.  L.  Hargis,  and  Ole  Brothen; 
standing  on  stairs,  EX.  Dohlenty  and  H.  G.  "Fess"  Fuller,  who  was 
Ashton's  first  mayor. 



The  Ashton  Cafe  Building,  just  east  of  the  hotel,  also 
changed  management  many  times.  Pete  Riley  ran  it 
in  about  1920  as  Yellowstone  Cafe  but  changed  the 
name  to  Lyd's  Cafe  when  he  married  the  world-famous 
dog  sled  racer  "Whistlin"  Lyd  Hutchison.  Even  after 
her  death  he  continued  to  run  it  with  his  second  wife, 
"Chic."  Later  owners  were  Willard  and  Irv  Elliott,  Glen 
Huntsman,  Laurel  Huntsman,  Butch  Huntsman,  and  J. 
R.  Atchley  The  building  burned  down,  possibly  in  the 

There  was  a  "pass  through"  opening  between  the  cafe  and 
the  City  Drug  so  the  cafe  could  order  a  milkshake  or  the  drug 
store  could  order  a  hamburger. 

About  1940  the  Yellowstone  Banking  Co.,  a  sub- 
sidiary of  the  Bank  of  Teton  Valley  located  in  Driggs, 
Idaho,  with  S.  M.  Meikle  as  president,  was  started  in 
Ashton.  It  became  Idaho  Bank  of  Commerce,  located 
in  the  southwest  corner  of  the  Ashton  Hotel  with  J. 
H.  VanDeusen  as  manager,  with  Dean  Hossner  becom- 
ing assistant  manager  about  1950.  Royce  Hilmer  was 
assistant  manager  for  several  years  until  he  was  con- 
victed of  embezzlement  and  served  time  in  the  state 
penitentiary.  Gerald  Rich  was  assistant  manager  from 
about  1956  to  1958.  Dean  Hossner  advanced  to  man- 
ager in  1958  with  Jim  Holcomb  as  assistant  manager 

about  1960  until  1977.  Arlen  Mortensen  was  manager 
for  about  two  years  in  the  early  seventies. 

It  was  said  that  as  a  teller  at  Idaho  Bank  of  Commerce,  Roy 
Baker,  gave  out  what  the  customer  said  was  the  wrong 
change.  Roy  answered,  "We  don't  make  mistakes."  The 
customer  then  gave  him  a  dime  for  coffee  and  said,  "Have  a 
good  day,"  and  Roy  was  $100  short  that  night. 

Paul  Rushton,  wearing  a  white  Stetson  and  new  bib  overalls, 
walked  into  the  First  Security  Bank  with  his  partner,  Gilbert 
Loveland,  just  before  noon  on  April  17,  1930.  He  pointed  a 
pistol  at  the  teller  and  left  with  $375.  The  robbers  ordered  the 
two  employees,  Lloyd  Hodge,  assistant  cashier,  and  Mickey 
Christofferson,  clerk,  into  the  vault.  Even  though  the  thieves 
neglected  to  lock  them  in,  the  bank  employees  were  still 
unable  to  locate  Rushton  and  Loveland. 

The  building  east  of  the  Ashton  Cafe,  most  com- 
monly known  as  the  City  Drug  Building,  was  actually 
Ashton's  first  bank.  Security  State  Bank  opened  early 
in  1906  with  F.  X.  Dolenty  as  manager  and  cashier,  and 
was  first  housed  in  the  Moore  and  Fuller  office  building. 
Then  Security  State  Bank  rented  a  10-by-30-foot  space 
in  the  Enterprise  Building  while  the  City  Drug  Building 
was  being  built.  The  original  vault  is  still  visible  and  in 
use  in  the  City  Drug  today.  E.  E.  Petersen  was  president 



and  William  Robinson  cashier.  Fred  Swanstrum,  a  well- 
known  Ashton  resident,  came  to  Ashton  in  1910  and 
worked  at  Security  State  Bank  as  cashier  until  1915  un- 
der president  R.  I.  Rankin. 




Phone  55 


POSTMASTER:  This  parcel  moy  be-opeiied  for  postal  inipeiUonj.f jeccsscr 

Old  shipping  label  from  the  City  Drug. 

H.  J.  Hollingsworth  owned  the  City  Drug  in  the  1940s. 
The  soda  counter  of  that  era  is  still  in  use.  The  busi- 
ness was  a  hub  of  many  activities.  Besides  serving  milk- 
shakes through  an  opening  in  the  wall  to  the  Ashton 
Cafe  to  the  west,  it  served  as  the  concession  stand  for 
the  Star  Theater  next  door  to  the  east.  There  were  big 
double  doors  into  the  theater  from  the  City  Drug.  Katie 

Lyon,  who  worked  at  City  Drug  as  a  teenager,  remem- 
bers that  the  store  was  also  where  people  came  to  pay 
their  water  bills.  The  soda  jerks  took  the  money  for  the 
bills  in  exchange  for  a  free  movie  ticket.  Steve  Durst  ran, 
owned,  and  operated  City  Drug  for  many  years.  Bob 
Comstock  purchased  the  business  in  the  1990s  and  has 
operated  it  with  his  wife  Suzann  ever  since. 

The  Star  Theater  was  built  by  William  Swanstrum 
and  George  Swartz.  It  was  operated  for  42  years,  be- 
ginning in  1915,  by  Fred  Swanstrum.  Mrs.  Enoch  Hunt, 
whose  husband  owned  Hunt's  Department  Store  across 
the  street,  played  the  piano  for  the  vaudeville  shows 
that  performed  there.  Once  a  week,  the  theater  would 
have  a  big  give-away  night  where  patrons  packed  the 
theater  in  hopes  of  winning  dishes,  money  or  other 

Fred  Swanstrum  was  a  rather  eccentric  fellow.  He  once 
dressed  up  in  a  fur  coat  and  sat  near  a  fire  in  the  middle  of 
Ashton's  Main  Street  in  mid-July  to  give  the  tourists  something 
to  talk  about. 

Dennis  Gifford  purchased  the  Star  Theater  from 
Willard  Bonneru  in  1959  with  plans  to  make  two  apart- 
ments on  the  second  floor  and  make  a  beauty  shop  out 
of  the  present  ticket  office.  The  building  was  sold  to 
Jess  Clark  and  his  son  Dick  for  Clark's  Barbershop  in 



the  1960s.  Jess  and  his  wife  Ortella  lived  in  an  apart- 
ment above  the  shop.  The  business  was  sold  in  2005 
to  Billy  Stronks.  Ashton  Beauty  Shop  also  occupied  the 
east  corner  of  the  building,  currently  under  the  propri- 
etorship of  Connie  Burrell. 

Ortella  Clark,  at  100  years  old,  is  one  of  Ashton's  oldest  citizens. 
She  resides  at  the  Ashton  Nursing  Home. 

The  Knudsen  Building  east  of  the  old  Star  Theater, 
more  commonly  known  as  Lyon's  Store,  was  originally 
built  by  L.  M.  "Pat"  Hartvigsen  and  later  became  Knud- 
sen's  grocery  and  general  merchandise  store,  owned 
and  operated  by  Niels  Knudsen.  After  farming  for 
three  years,  Hartvigsen  formed  a  partnership  with  Neils 
Knudsen  in  the  Ashton  Cash  Grocery.  Knudsen  joined 
the  army  in  1917,  and  the  store  was  continued  with  L. 
M.  "Pat"  Hartvigsen  and  James  A.  Fryer.  In  1927,  just 
ten  years  after  selling  his  interest  in  the  store,  Knudsen 
bought  the  business  back  again. 

In  1942,  Otis  Harris  bought  Knudsen's,  discontinued 
the  line  of  groceries,  and  changed  the  name  to  Ashton 
Mercantile,  and  then  sold  it  in  June  1945  to  John  "Jack" 
T  Lyon,  Ashton's  depot  agent  for  several  years.  He  died 
in  1947,  but  his  wife,  Gloy,  and  his  son,  Glade,  contin- 
ued to  operate  it  as  Ashton  Mercantile  for  a  few  years 
until  the  name  was  changed  to  "Lyon's."  Lois  Whitte- 

more  and  Sarah  Allison  were  long-time  clerks  in  the 
store.  After  Lyon's  Store  closed  in  1988,  the  building  was 
rented  for  a  while  as  a  dance  studio  and  then  leased  for 
a  short  time  to  Lyle  and  Ann  Oldham,  who  hoped  to 
turn  it  into  a  bakery.  The  building  was  sold  to  Bill  Bates 
in  1998,  and  he  rented  it  to  Chuck  Stanley.  It  was  even- 
tually leased  to  Margie  Carlson  in  1998,  and  she  rented 
the  back  portion  to  Sheryl  Umbach  for  her  Flower  Barn 
until  1999,  when  Margie  bought  the  building  and  the 
flower  business  and  continued  operation  as  Mountain 

One  day  a  little  girl  about  six  years  old  came  into  Ashton 
Mercantile  in  tears  and  cried  that  her  mother  had  told  her  to 
go  to  Lyon's  store  and  get  a  spool  of  thread,  but  she  couldn't 
find  Lyon's.  The  name  of  the  store  was  immediately  changed 
to  "Lyon's." 

The  traditional  basement  "TOYLAND"  at  Christmas  in  Lyon's 
was  always  highly  anticipated  and  enjoyed  by  the  children  of 

Dottie  Wurtz,  a  colorful  Ashton  resident  who  could  often  be 
seen  riding  her  bicycle  around  town,  once  got  mad  at  Glade 
Lyon  and  threatened  never  to  come  into  Lyon's  Store  again. 
And  she  didn't.  She  would  stand  at  the  door  and  holler  for  the 
clerks  to  bring  merchandise  to  her. 



At  one  time,  Glade  Lyon  attempted  to  locate  the  sewer  line 
behind  Lyon's  store  by  blindly  digging,  and  hiring  "Banjo" 
Andy  to  help  dig,  but  to  no  avail.  Keith  deStwolinski,  the  local 
plumber,  happened  by,  and  when  Glade  appealed  to  him  for 
help,  he  got  his  witching  wands.  Glade  laughed  and  laughed, 
but  by  using  them,  Keith  located  the  line  (see  sidebar  to 
Hammond  Plumbing). 

The  Enterprise  Newspaper  Building  sat  to  the  east 
of  Lyon's  store  in  the  middle  of  the  north  side  of  the 
500  block  of  Main  Street  in  Ashton's  early  days.  In  1927 
that  building  was  sold  to  William  Card,  who  moved  it 
to  his  property  north  of  the  tracks  and  used  it  for  his 
blacksmith  shop.  A  new  30-by-80-foot  brick  building, 
for  years  known  as  the  Kiser  Mortuary,  was  built  that 
same  year  next  to  Knudsen's  to  replace  the  Enterprise 
Newspaper  building  that  had  been  moved  from  that 
site.  The  new  building  housed  the  post  office  for  12 
years  in  its  west  half,  while  the  front  of  the  east  half 
was  used  by  Mrs.  Katherine  Kiser  as  a  dress  and  spe- 
cialty shop,  and  the  rear  half  by  her  husband  Lewis 
Kiser  as  Kiser  Mortuary.  The  building  was  bought  in 
1944  by  A.  C.  Snyder  for  a  Coast-to-Coast  Store  and 
later  sold  to  Neil  Barkus,  and  later  to  Homer  E.  "Bud" 
Trussell  in  1954.  He  sold  to  Bill  Dick,  who  acquired  a  Ra- 
dio Shack  franchise  and  also  sold  floor  coverings.  Bill 
purchased  the  Lyon's  store  building  to  the  west  in  1989, 

cutting  a  large  doorway  between  the  two  buildings,  but 
he  returned  ownership  of  the  building  to  Glade  Lyon  in 
1998.  The  east  building  was  sold  by  Bill  Dick  to  Dave 
LaLonde,  who  then  sold  to  his  son-in-law  Kent  Dum- 
mer,  who  later  sold  to  Harold  "Hersh"  Lenz  as  the  cur- 
rent Lenz  Electronics. 

Bud  Trussell,  who  purchased  the  store  in  1954,  said,  "we 
moved  here  in  1954,  and  soon  after  we  arrived,  we  ordered 
more  stock,  and  here  came  Peter  Kiewit  with  dozers,  and  they 
tore  up  the  street.  There  was  a  three-foot  drop  from  the 
sidewalk  to  the  dirt  exposed  by  the  dozers." 

A  large  building  on  the  northwest  corner  of  Sixth  and 
Main,  commonly  known  as  the  Ashton  Theater,  was 
built  by  George  Harrigfeld,  probably  in  the  late  1940s.  It 
was  a  high- class  theater,  and  George  hired  high  school 
girls  dressed  in  usher  uniforms  to  help  people  find  their 
seats.  Apartments  were  located  above  it.  In  the  late 
1960s,  the  business,  after  being  closed  for  a  time,  was 
purchased  by  a  coalition  of  Ashton  men,  and  the  build- 
ing reopened  under  the  management  of  Clair  Allison. 
It  closed  again  in  the  1970s.  During  the  late  1960s  and 
early  1970s,  the  building  also  housed  a  number  of  other 
Ashton  businesses,  including  Jardine  Jewelry  Store  on 
its  west  side  and  the  popular  teen  hangout  The  Husky 
In  'n'  Out  on  its  east  side.  It  featured  pinball  machines 



and  had  a  drive-up  window  where  customers  could  get 
hamburgers  and  soft  ice  cream.  The  building  was  pur- 
chased several  times,  not  only  for  a  theater  but  also  for 
other  enterprises. 

The  cornerstone  of  the  Odd  Fellows  Building  on  the 
northeast  corner  of  Sixth  and  Main  was  laid  June  20, 
1907,  on  lots  that  had  been  donated  to  the  fraternity  by 
the  Ashton  Townsite  Co.  with  the  proviso  that  it  house 
the  Ashton  State  Bank.  The  building  was  constructed  in 
1906  by  Smoky  Johnson,  with  William  Baker  doing  the 
brickwork.  There  was  a  lumber  and  hardware  store  on 
the  east  side  of  the  ground  floor.  The  meeting  room  on 
the  top  floor,  known  as  the  Social  Hall,  was  the  scene 
of  regular  Friday  night  dances  and  other  events  dur- 
ing the  1930s.  They  had  their  own  band  that  played 
up  and  down  the  valley.  The  building  was  cut  in  half 
and  dragged  away  by  teams  of  Josh  Brower  to  become  a 
store  and  printing  office,  with  the  latter  half  becoming 
Bill  Card's  blacksmith  shop. 

Around  1913,  a  building  was  added  to  the  east  side  of 
the  lodge  hall  and  over  the  years  had  many  occupants, 
including  Tony's  Tire  Shop,  the  Utah  Power  and  Light 
Co.  offices,  and  the  office  of  Dr.  Ed  Hargis.  This  building 
deteriorated  and  was  destroyed  about  1960. 

Over  the  years,  the  first  floor  of  the  main  building 
has  housed  many  businesses,  including  a  hardware 
store,  the  Ashton  Herald  newspaper,  the  U.S.  Post  Of- 
fice, a  harness  and  shoe  repair  shop,  Fitch  Photo  Shop, 

Dr.  Stronks's  dentist  office,  Keith's  Plumbing,  followed 
by  H.  &  S.  (Hammond  and  Smith)  Plumbing,  Utah 
Power  and  Light  Co.,  Anna  Moore's  beauty  shop,  Hair 
Fair  owned  by  Linda  Janssen,  the  Flea  Market  operated 
by  the  Odd  Fellows  and  Rebekahs,  Stanley's  Furniture 
Mfg.,  and  most  recently  Arrowhead  Realty,  owned  by 
Todd  and  Laurie  Hossner. 

In  the  early  1950s,  Ross  Wynn  bought  a  lot  on  the 
south  side  of  the  700  block  and  then  in  1954  traded  it  to 
Fall  River  R.E.C.  for  two  lots  on  the  north  side  of  the  600 
block,  where  they  built  Wynn's  Furniture,  a  furniture 
and  floor-covering  store.  It  is  in  operation  today  run  by 
Ross's  son  Sam. 

Jackson's  sits  at  the  northeast  corner  of  Seventh 
Street  and  Main  Street.  The  business  was  originally 
known  as  Circle  K  and  was  built  in  the  early  1970s. 

Early  development  on  the  east  end  of  Main  street  in- 
cluded the  Log  Cabin  Court  Motel  built  at  the  north 
corner  of  10th  and  Main  Streets  in  about  1920.  It  was 
built  by  Hugh  Rankin  and  David  Kenderson  Rankin. 

Next  page.  This  photo  of  the  Odd  Fellows  Building  was  probably 
taken  in  1908  or  before  since  it  is  a  Teton  Pharmacy  postcard  and  is 
similar  to  others  that  are  dated  1908.  This  building  has  housed 
several  businesses,  including  a  bank  and  a  newspaper  (the  Ashton 
HeraldJ  and  appears  in  many  photos  of  Ashton.  The  building  is  still 
owned  by  the  Odd  Fellows  and  is  still  standing  as  of  2006. 



Side  Streets 

One-half  block  south  on  Fifth  Street,  just  south  of 
what  is  now  Key  Bank,  on  the  north  side  of  the  alley,  was 
a  drayage  business  started  in  1906  by  Harry  Woodburn, 
who  was  later  a  major  bulk  gas  and  oil  distributor.  It 
was  purchased  by  Norman  Kent  in  1940,  and  he  and  his 
wife,  Leona,  lived  there  with  their  children.  Norm  de- 
livered coal  and  hauled  whatever  else  the  community 
needed  moved. 

In  April  1906,  Joseph  Baker  and  Parley  Whittaker 
built  a  mammoth  60-by- 100-foot  livery  stable  with  a 
shed  roof  addition  for  carriages  at  the  southeast  corner 
of  Fifth  and  Fremont.  It  was  one  of  the  largest  buildings 
in  Ashton  at  the  time.  Joe's  son  Horace  bought  out  Whit- 
taker a  year  later. 

In  1906,  Baker's  Livery  started  a  stage  line  from  Ash- 
ton to  Marysville.  C.  Nordvall  and  H.  E  Hulse  purchased 
that  livery  stable  in  19 10. 

On  the  southwest  corner  of  Fifth  and  Fremont  was 
a  small  building  that  housed  a  shoe  and  harness  repair 
shop.  That  building  and  the  livery  stable  were  replaced, 
probably  in  the  1950s,  by  Leo  A.  "Sam"  Earle  and  his 
brother  Dave,  who  had  an  Allis  Chalmers  farm  ma- 
chinery dealership  and  a  Case  dealership  called  Earle 
Equipment.  They  later  acquired  a  Ford  dealership.  Af- 
ter they  closed,  the  building  sat  empty  for  some  years 
until  it  was  purchased  by  Robert  Gaston  for  his  Yamaha 
Snow  Mobile  business.  After  he  retired,  he  sold  the 

building  to  Robert  Comstock  Jr.,  who  used  it  for  storage 
and  later  for  the  home  of  Fall  River  Design,  an  embroi- 
dery business  operated  by  Steve  Anderson.  The  embroi- 
dery business  was  later  moved  to  the  City  Drug  Store, 
and  the  building  is  now  used  for  storage. 

At  one  time  there  was  a  blacksmith  shop  where  the 
current  U.S.  Post  Office  is  on  Fifth  Street,  one  and  a 
half  blocks  south  of  Main  Street.  It  was  owned  by  a 
man  named  Wessel.  A  livery  stable  was  south  of  what  is 
now  Key  Bank,  across  the  alley  north  from  the  current 
Methodist  church. 

Ghormley  Mechanical  Industries,  one  block  north 
of  Main  street  on  Seventh  Street,  has  been  owned  and 
operated  continuously  by  the  same  family  since  1912. 
That  was  when  Edward  Stewart  Waugh  moved  here 
with  his  family  and  lived  in  a  tent  while  they  got  the 
shop  running.  They  did  metal  repairs,  welding,  plow 
sharpening,  horseshoeing,  and  anything  else  to  keep 
the  business  going.  Son  Claude  took  over  the  business 
and  eventually  sold  out  to  his  nephew  Donald  Ghorm- 
ley in  1962.  Don  had  been  working  in  the  business 
since  he  was  12  years  old.  Mitchell  and  Maurice,  Don's 
son,  now  operate  the  shop.  The  shop  sits  on  the  same 
corner  as  the  site  of  Ashton's  early  water  tank. 

The  Ashton  Cheese  Factory  was  located  half  a  block 
east  of  the  Opera  House,  on  the  southwest  corner  of 
Sixth  and  Fremont.  The  first  owner  of  the  lot  was  J.  A. 
Fulleton  in  1907,  and  then  it  transferred  to  G.  G.  Wright 



in  1909.  The  lot  was  next  sold  to  Conrad  Peterson  in 
1944,  and  in  1945  to  Nelson  Ricks  Creamery,  which 
probably  built  the  factory.  Ownership  was  vested  for 
some  time  in  Elizabeth  M.  Peterson  and  Jean  Alice  Pe- 
terson, who  returned  it  to  Nelson  Ricks  Creamery  in 
1963.  It  was  managed  by  Bill  Ware,  and  later  by  Basil 
Manwaring  in  May  1955.  They  bought  milk  from  all  the 
local  dairies.  It  was  a  favorite  place  for  kids,  because 
they  could  buy  a  bag  of  cheese  curds  for  a  dime.  It  had 
a  distinctive,  warm  smell  that  hovered  all  along  that 
block  of  Sixth  Street.  The  building  was  later  demolished 
by  Glade  Richards,  who  built  a  garage  and  shop  for  the 

What  are  now  vacant  lots  on  Fremont  Street  between 
the  Ashton  Cheese  Factory  and  the  Opera  House  at  one 
time  had  a  tennis  court.  When  the  American  Legion 
owned  the  Opera  House  in  the  1950s,  they  installed 
swings,  teeter-totters,  and  a  sand  pile  for  a  children's 
playground  on  the  vacant  lots. 

When  it  was  decided  to  install  a  drinking  fountain  on  the 
playground,  the  plumber's  witching  wands  were  used  to 
locate  the  buried  water  line.  They  worked  for  Hugh  Hammond 
and  Glade  Lyon,  and  the  line  was  located,  but  plumber  Louis 
Smith  couldn't  make  them  work. 

Other  Businesses 

The  history  of  Ghormley's  Burnt  Bun  is  uncertain. 
It  had  several  locations.  The  original  hamburger  stand, 
owned  by  Bill  and  Edna  Ghormley  was  near  the  Rankin 
Motel  on  Highway  20  before  it  was  moved  to  the  corner 
of  Sixth  and  Main  Streets,  where  late-night  moviego- 
ers could  get  a  hamburger.  This  location  also  had  two 
gas  pumps  and  was  later  owned  and  operated  by  Lau- 
rel and  Jackie  Huntsman.  The  most  memorable  Burnt 
Bun  was  a  kids'  hangout  in  the  early  1960s  on  school 
property  just  west  of  Hummell  Motel.  It  bordered  Main 
Street,  just  across  the  street  from  North  Fremont  High 
School,  and  students  had  easy  access  to  it  for  lunch. 

In  1977,  David  Krueger  moved  his  manufacturing 
and  sales  business  named  Pioneer  Gifts  from  Salt  Lake 
City  to  a  location  south  of  the  east  side  of  Marysville, 
where  he  built  a  home  and  two  warehouses.  He  later 
moved  the  operation  to  northern  Idaho  and  finally 
back  to  Salt  Lake  City. 

An  old  photo  shows  that  the  Cottage  Hotel  was  lo- 
cated, facing  south,  on  Fremont  Street  between  Fifth 
and  Sixth  Streets  with  the  Hulse  Livery  Stable  to  the 




In  the  novel  Desperate  Scenery,  Elliott  Paul  tells 
of  Madame  Lake's  Emporium  or  hotel,  which  was  a 
house  of  ill  repute  located  just  north  of  the  baseball 
diamond.  It  was  fenced,  but  the  girls  were  still  able  to 
watch  the  ball  games  from  the  area  of  deep  center  field. 
He  tells  the  story  of  the  night  it  burned  down  and  of  the 
hapless  gentleman  whose  pants  were  destroyed  in  the 
fire.  He  was  afraid  to  go  home  to  his  wife  without  them 
so  had  to  find  a  tailor  in  the  middle  of  the  night  to  make 
him  a  new  pair  as  near  to  the  old  ones  as  possible  so  she 
would  not  know.  True  story? 

Standard  Oil  Company  changed  their  name  to  Amoco 
Oil  Company,  and  the  company  added  a  truck  bay. 

Darrell  Murdoch  tells  of  working  at  Tony's  Amoco  when  an 
overbearing  California  tourist  towing  a  big  boat  came  in 
demanding  more  service  than  Darrell  thought  he  deserved, 
and,  as  he  was  leaving,  demanded  to  know  where  he  could 
put  in  his  boat.  Darrell  suggested  Fullmer's  Beach,  which  was 
a  swimming  pool  in  the  sand  dunes  northwest  of  St,  Anthony, 
According  to  residents  of  St.  Anthony,  the  tourist  actually  went 
to  Fullmer's  Beach  and  demanded  to  know  where  he  could 
launch  his  boat, 

Service  Stations 

The  automobile  brought  many  changes  in  the  busi- 
ness community.  One  of  the  first  automobile  service 
stations  was  on  the  west  corner  of  the  south  side  of  the 
400  block  owned  by  Neal  Christiansen,  and  then  by  Ted 
Heller,  who  ran  it  for  19  years  and  sold  to  R.  J.  Davis.  It 
was  then  bought  by  Theone  "Tony"  Maupin,  who  used 
it  as  a  tire  shop. 

Theone  "Tony"  Maupin  was  one  of  the  main  gas- 
station  operators  in  Ashton.  He  started  his  first  service 
station  August  1,  1951.  He  bought  the  property  from 
Cliff  Long  with  proceeds  from  the  sale  of  his  wife  Made- 
line's Jersey  cow  and  a  $3,000  bank  loan.  He  leased  from 
Vica  Pep  86.  He  worked  alone  the  first  two  years  from 
8:00  a.m.  until  12:00  p.m.  seven  days  a  week.  In  1953, 

In  about  1968,  Tony  built  a  new  station  at  300  North 
Highway  20  but  soon  sold  it  to  Jack  Rice,  who  operated 
it  for  a  short  time  and  then  removed  the  gas  pumps  and 
put  in  a  full-service  grocery  store  called  Jack's.  They 
sold  fishing  licenses  and  equipment,  and  it  was  a  pop- 
ular stop  for  tourists  and  locals  alike.  He  and  his  son, 
Mike,  operated  it  successfully  for  several  years  until 
Mike's  wife  Teresa  was  tragically  killed  in  a  hold-up,  and 
they  then  sold  the  business  in  1993  to  Larry  Huhn,  who 
closed  it  in  1998. 

In  1960,  "Tony"  was  able  to  acquire  a  bulk  oil  distrib- 
utorship, and  in  1984  he  purchased  the  Fremont  Co- 
op building  as  a  self-service  station.  The  Cardtrol  self- 
service  business  was  started  there  in  1978. 


Russel  Scow,  about  1940. 



In  1992,  Tony's  son  Dan  Maupin  took  over,  becom- 
ing a  Carquest  dealer  and  adding  new  products  and  au- 
tomotive parts.  In  1997,  Dan  opened  the  Teton  Travel 
Plaza  service  station  north  of  Ashton  on  Highway  20.  In 
1998,  they  took  out  the  pumps  from  the  original  Tony's 
Amoco  on  the  corner  of  Fourth  and  Main  and  put  in  a 
tire  and  lube  shop,  which  was  later  sold  to  Rod  Moul- 
ton,  who  now  operates  Rod's  Tire  Shop  there. 

Adjacent  to  the  north  of  Jack's  Grocery  Store  was  a 
service  station  owned  and  operated  by  Jay  Lords.  The 
family  lived  behind  the  station  and,  when  they  sold 
the  business,  moved  the  house  with  them  southwest 
of  town.  The  newly  remodeled  station  was  leased  by 
Bill  Kerssen,  but  it  was  soon  closed  by  the  EPA  for  a 
petroleum  leak.  It  is  now  a  convenience  store. 

Another  service  station  on  Highway  20  was  origi- 
nally The  Red  Lunch,  run  by  Jim  and  Ada  Whittemore 
about  1920  across  the  street  east  of  Rankin  Court.  It 
was  so  called  because  the  stools  had  red  seats.  Bill 
Bessey  turned  the  "Red  Lunch"  into  a  Texaco  Service 
Station  about  that  same  time.  Recently  this  building 
has  housed  a  fly-fishing  store. 

At  one  time  there  may  have  been  ten  service  stations 
in  town.  The  most  westward  one  was  owned  and  oper- 
ated by  Keith  Nave  along  with  a  hamburger  joint.  When 
Keith  got  home  from  the  service  in  1946,  he  came  to 
Ashton  to  see  the  dog  races  and  went  to  work  cooking. 
He  noticed  the  Laureleaf  Service  Station  just  west  of 

the  railroad  tracks  on  the  south  side  of  Main  Street  and 
rented  it.  He  says  he  had  $56.  He  bought  a  gas  camp 
stove  and  had  Claud  Waugh  make  him  a  griddle  from 
the  lid  of  a  washing  machine.  There  was  a  plank  on 
two  stumps  to  work  on.  There  were  two  gas  pumps, 
but  he  didn't  have  enough  money  to  have  the  tanks 
filled.  He  named  it  Keith's  Lunch  and  operated  it  for 
about  two  years  before  he  sold  it  to  Don  Caverhill.  The 
LDS  church  eventually  acquired  this  property  and  built 
the  Ashton  LDS  Seminary  building  on  it.  The  building 
is  currently  a  dentist  office  for  Drs.  Kunz,  Brizee,  and 

On  the  west  corner  of  the  600  block  was  Hemming's 
Chevrolet  garage,  which  had  two  pumps.  Across  Main 
Street  to  the  north  and  a  block  east  was  Tom's  Chevron 
Service  Station  owned  by  Tom  Chamberlain.  He  also 
had  a  repair  shop  for  lawn  mowers  and  sold  chainsaws 
from  1955  to  1965.  This  business  was  later  owned  by 
Bob  Bean,  Circle  K,  and  is  now  Jackson's  Convenience 

Ernie  B.  "E.  B."  Hart  had  a  Conoco  station  on  corner 
of  Sixth  and  Main  where  the  old  Ashton  Theater  is. 

Jon  and  Lorene  Hoch  came  to  town  in  1940.  He 
worked  for  Howe  Lumber  before  he  bought  the  Tex- 
aco Court,  a  gas  station  at  the  corner  of  seventh  and 
Main,  with  cabins  for  rent,  in  1942  until  1965.  It  was 
closed  and  vacant  for  some  time  and  then  was  pur- 
chased by  the  Ashton  Memorial  Nursing  Home.  They 



sold  the  cabins  to  Jessen's  Bed  and  Breakfast  on  South 
Highway  20.  The  site  is  now  the  home  of  Baxter  Funeral 

Bud  Trussell  reported  that  Jon  Hoch  ran  the  gas  station  and 
was  cranky  all  the  time.  A  tourist  came  into  his  station,  and 
Jon  asked  him,  "Do  you  want  some  gas?"  The  tourist  said,  "No, 
I  just  want  to  use  your  restroom.  I  don't  need  anything  else." 
When  he  came  out,  Jon  threw  a  bucket  of  water  on  him. 

A  station  owned  by  Cliff  Boger  stood  in  the  middle 
of  the  600  block  on  the  north  side  of  Main  Street.  It 
also  had  the  American  Oil  Distributorship,  and  he  later 
turned  the  station  into  a  bar  and  lounge.  It  is  now  the 
location  of  the  Baptist  Church. 

Bill  and  Edna  Ghormley  had  a  service  station  with 
two  gas  pumps  on  the  corner  of  Sixth  and  Main,  and  a 
hamburger  stand  called  the  Burnt  Bun. 

On  the  east  corner  of  Fifth  and  Main  Street  was 
Harry  Owens'  Wescott  station,  and  in  its  life  was  owned 
by  Jim  Whittemore,  George  Amen  and  Dick  Miller,  and 
J.  R.  (Junior)  Atchley  This  site  is  now  the  home  of  Key 

The  Ford  Garage  owned  by  Sam  Earle  a  half  block  off 
Main  Street  on  South  Fifth  Street  also  sold  gas  at  one 

The  lot  at  the  corner  of  Park  Avenue  and  Main  was 

first  purchased  by  E.  M.  Varin  on  January  10, 1910,  and 
then  by  Benjamin  A.  Wood  ten  days  later,  then  by  H. 
G.  Fuller  in  1919.  H.  Thomas  bought  it  in  1936,  and  H. 
G.  Fuller  two  months  later.  Then  Gem  State  Oil,  Dewey 
Davis,  and  in  December  1936,  Utah  Oil  Refining,  which 
probably  built  the  station  there  that  was  managed  first 
by  Chet  Moyer,  then  by  Jack  Harker  until  he  sold  in  1947 
to  Cliff  Long,  who  sold  to  Tony  Maupin  in  1951. 

Ernie  Hart's  Conoco  was  on  the  corner  of  Sixth  and 

Log  Cabin  service  station  was  on  west  Main  Street 
but  became  Ashton  OK  Rubber  Welders  in  1951. 


The  Enterprise  was  started  in  a  tent  first  used  as 
a  home  by  Roy  Driscoll  in  Ashton,  in  1906,  on  the  lot 
at  the  northeast  corner  of  Sixth  Street  and  Main  Street 
before  the  Odd  Fellows  Hall  was  built  there.  Heber  H. 
Hartvigsen  who,  at  age  19,  was  Ashton's  first  newspaper 
publisher,  ran  the  first  printing  shop  and  later  used  that 
tent.  The  newspaper  was  called  The  Enterprise.  Its  first 
issue  was  printed  on  August  10, 1906,  with  F.  X.  Dolenty 
as  editor.  After  a  few  months,  the  business  moved  to  the 
upper  story  of  Dick  Humphries'  saloon  until  summer 

Boylen's  of  St.  Anthony  had  built  a  small  building 
in  1906  on  the  north  side  of  the  500  block  of  Main 
Street  for  a  man's  clothing  store  operated  by  Charlie 



Anderson.  When  they  closed,  Hartvigsen  bought  the 
building  for  his  newspaper.  In  1908,  the  Ashton  Hotel 
and  the  Ashton  Enterprise  were  the  only  businesses  on 
the  north  side  of  the  500  block.  The  Enterprise  was  sold 
to  C.  M.  Mercer  in  1910,  and  then  in  1917  to  Fred  Mar- 
tin, Glen  Kost,  and  others  who  continued  to  operate  the 
newspaper  as  the  Non-Partisan  League,  a  socialistic  co- 
operative of  farmers.  Their  self-proclaimed  aim  was  to 
"enlist  the  aid  of  farmers  who  could  contribute  funds  to 
operate  a  large  cooperative  general  store."  There  was 
much  dissension,  mostly  political,  between  the  various 
factions,  and  in  about  1920  three  fires  destroyed  the 
printing  equipment  that  was  stored  in  a  building  near 
the  Ashton  Opera  House. 

The  Ashton  Herald,  owned  by  W.  A.  "Bill"  Lansberry, 
and  then  later  by  his  son  Milford  Lansberry,  had  already 
started  publication  by  then  near  the  corner  of  Fourth 
and  Main,  partly  to  oppose  the  Non-Partisan  League's 
political  views.  Their  first  edition  was  dated  April  24, 
1919,  but  was  not  actually  released  until  April  26.  Ralph 
and  Jean  Hunter  were  listed  as  the  publishers  of  the 
Ashton  Herald  in  1955,  and  they  were  named  first-place 
winners  among  papers  of  that  size  by  the  Idaho  Press 
Association.  Harry  Beall  purchased  the  Ashton  Her- 
ald in  1957  and  appointed  Gwen  Albrethsen  as  editor- 
manager.  Later  the  newspaper  was  purchased  by  St.  An- 
thony's newspaper,  the  Chronicle  News.  Carol  Bessey 
was  its  longtime  editor. 


The  first  train  to  stop  at  the  Ashton  depot  site  was  on 
February  14,  1906.  There  was  a  huge  celebration  that 
included  the  opening  of  the  Millers  Bros.  Elevator  lo- 
cated on  the  corner  of  Park  Avenue  and  Main.  Special 
trains  brought  in  hundreds  of  people  who  helped  cele- 
brate with  a  non-stop  dance  and  free  refreshments  fur- 
nished by  the  local  bars.  Thomas  Bros  later  acquired 
Miller  Bros.  Elevator. 

Other  elevators  listed  in  a  1910  business  directory 
were  Miller  Bros.  Elevator,  Jonas  Mosser,  Mgr.;  Ashton 
Milling  and  Grain  Co.,  S.  D.  Farnsworth  Mgr.;  R.  D.  Mer- 
rill Grain  Co.;  J.  Harshberger,  Pres.;  Ashton  Elevator  Co., 
S.  D.  Farnsworth,  Mgr.;  Hershberger  and  Co.,  J.  Hersh- 
berger,  Pres.;  J.  C.  Robertson  and  Co.,  J.  C.  Robertson, 

Grain  elevators  built  along  the  railroad  tracks  on 
Park  Avenue  included  Reinke  Grain  and  Pillsbury 
Grain,  which  was  the  favorite  place  to  play  cards  with 
Doyle  Daniels.  Richard  Reinke  bought  his  first  elevator, 
located  on  Railroad  Avenue  and  Main,  C.  M.  &  E.  Col- 
orado Milling  and  Elevator,  which  had  been  managed 
by  Mott  Fuller  and  later  by  Cliff  Paskett,  purchased  in 
1948  from  Herb  Stewart,  who  had  bought  from  Jack 


Elevator,  looking  to  the  southwest  from  Park  Avenue  near  Pine  Street,  about  1908. 



In  1937,  R.  O.  Reinke  announced  the  purchase  of  the 
Mark  Means  Building,  which  would  give  him  storage 
for  an  additional  70,000  bushels  of  wheat.  On  March 
16,  1955,  one  elevator  burned  to  the  ground,  destroy- 
ing 35,000  bushels  of  grain  and  causing  an  estimated 
$100,000  damage,  but  Reinke  rebuilt  it. 

Reinke  Grain  Co.  built  a  geodesic  dome  office  build- 
ing at  the  same  location  just  west  of  the  railroad  tracks. 
In  1980,  the  company  bought  the  Pillsbury  Co.  Eleva- 
tors in  Ashton,  and  France  Siding  on  Highway  32  south- 
east of  Ashton.  Reinke  Grain  leased  the  E1/2N1/2  and 
E  1/2  S  1/2  of  block  33  to  Selco  Service  Corp.  in  2000. 

Thomas  Bros.  Elevator  was  sold  to  Hal  Harrigfeld. 

Years  later,  Lynn  Loosli  built  several  grain  bins  on 
Park  Avenue  just  south  of  Main  Street. 

Businesses  along  Highway  20 

Highway  20  from  Ashton  to  West  Yellowstone  was 
opened  in  1957,  and  many  businesses  were  then 
started  along  it  or  were  moved  to  it  from  Highway  47, 
which  was  Ashton's  Main  Street.  Some  businesses  were 
already  established  on  it  before  the  change  was  made. 

Hugh  Rankin  and  David  Kenderson  Rankin  built  the 
Rankin  Court  about  1920  on  the  west  side  of  Highway 
20,  just  south  of  Ashton.  The  Log  Cabin  Court  was  later 
sold  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  Hummefl,  who  opened  it 
in  1960,  operated  it  for  about  14  years,  and  then  sold  it 
to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eugene  P.  Morrison. 

Hummell  Motel  was  opened  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard 
Hummell  in  1950  and  was  sold  in  1957  by  Mrs.  Jack  Swa- 
ger  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Steven  Davis. 

In  1958,  the  Hamburger  Haven  was  built  near  the 
south  end  of  town  on  the  east  side  of  Highway  20  by 
Claude  Lee.  It  was  later  known  as  D  &  L  Cafe;  then 
Doyle  Walker  operated  it  as  the  Teton  Cafe.  He  leased 
it  to  Linda  and  Dan  Kent  and  Glenda  Heskett.  In  more 
recent  years,  it  was  Big  Jud's,  home  of  the  one-pound 
hamburger.  The  building  is  currently  being  remodeled 
as  a  real- estate  office. 

Fall  River  Cafe,  about  five  miles  south  of  Ashton 
on  State  Highway  20,  was  built  in  the  1960s  by  Harry 
Housely  Purchased  and  operated  by  Jill  Lehmkuhl,  it 
was  known  locally  as  Jill's  Cafe.  She  sold  it  in  2004. 

In  the  1960s,  Joe  Rankin  built  Rankin's  Bowling  Al- 
ley on  the  west  side  of  Highway  20  on  the  south  side  of 
Ashton's  Main  Street.  He  operated  it  for  many  years  as 
a  league  bowling  alley,  part  of  the  elementary  school's 
physical-education  program,  and  a  small  cafe.  Dennis 
Nichols,  with  financial  backing  from  Slusser  Wholesale 
of  Idaho  Falls,  bought  the  bowling  alley  in  the  early 
1970s  and  turned  it  into  an  IGA  grocery  store.  In  1983, 
he  sold  it  to  Dave  Thatcher,  who  sold  to  his  son-in-law 
Dave  "Jake"  Jacobsen  in  1997.  Now  known  as  Dave's  Ju- 
bilee Market,  it  is  a  popular  stop  for  gas  and  groceries 
for  those  heading  up  to  Island  Park. 


The  Rankin  Motel,  about  1930. 



The  Frosttop  Drive-in  opened  in  the  1960s  on 
the  farthest  west  corner  of  Ashton's  Main  Street;  it 
was  owned  and  operated  by  the  Garner  family.  It  is 
still  in  operation  today  after  a  succession  of  own- 
ers. Mike  and  Carol  Rasmussen  opened  Performance 
Sports  north  of  it,  selling  snowmobiles,  jet  boats,  and 
four-wheelers,  and  servicing  small  engines.  Idaho  Irre- 
sistibles  opened  in  a  home  on  the  west  side  of  Highway 
20  in  the  1980s,  selling  a  complete  line  of  fishing  equip- 
ment and  supplies.  Swiss  Precision  opened  their  green- 
house business  on  Highway  20  in  the  1980s  just  north 
of  the  city  limits,  selling  all  sorts  of  nursery  plants  and 
contracting  landscaping. 

Jack's  Grocery  Store  started  life  as  a  gas  station 
owned  by  Tony  Maupin.  The  business  was  run  by  Jack 
Rice  and  his  son,  Mike,  for  many  years.  In  2004,  after 
being  vacant  for  several  years,  the  building  was  pur- 
chased by  Rodolfo  and  Robin  Rivas,  Cody  and  Cau- 
reen  Miller,  and  Steve  and  Kathy  Anderson,  dba  Lyon- 
hearted  LLC,  who  remodeled  it  and  leased  the  space. 
Robin  Rivas  leased  part  of  it  for  a  Mexican  restaurant 
named  Mi  Ranchito,  and  by  Swiss  Precision  Enter- 
prises, who  sublet  part  of  it  to  Outback  Realty. 

Jay  Sutton  opened  Sutton's  Saw  Shop  in  the  late 
1960s  a  half  block  east  of  Highway  20  repairing  small 
motors,  but  sold  to  David  Birch,  who  still  operates  it. 

The  Ashton  Visitor's  Center  was  built  just  north  of 
town  on  Highway  20.  It  is  owned  by  the  city  of  Ashton 

and  manned  by  volunteers.  It  has  a  picnic  area,  rest- 
rooms,  and  a  dumping  station  for  RVs. 

In  the  early  1990s,  Corwin  Coughlin  purchased  45 
acres  just  north  of  the  Ashton  Visitor's  Center  and  built 
a  Super  8  Motel,  a  convenience  store,  and  a  cafe  that  he 
named  Glade's  Cafe  after  Glade  Lyon,  who  was  the  real- 
estate  agent  who  helped  him  find  property.  It  was  later 
closed,  reopened  as  a  Burger  King  for  a  short  time,  and 
is  currently  occupied  by  Big  Jud's.  Later,  Valley  Wide  ac- 
quired the  convenience  store  and  cafe.  The  motel  was 
recently  purchased  by  Dave  Purcell  and  has  been  re- 
named Ashton  Inn. 

Ashton  Memorial  Nursing  Home  purchased  six 
acres  east  of  the  motel,  where  they  built  their  new  fa- 
cility after  completely  closing  the  old  hospital. 

The  property  immediately  to  the  north  was  pur- 
chased in  2004  by  the  Klinglers,  who  built  a  store  featur- 
ing fishing  equipment  and  drift  boats,  and  the  property 
to  the  east  of  that  was  purchased  by  J&P  LLC  in  2005. 

Seed  Potato  Industry 

The  Ashton  area  is  world-renowned  for  its  seed  pota- 
toes. The  peculiar  characteristics  of  the  silt  loam  soil, 
elevation,  climate,  and  water  of  the  area  contribute 
to  the  industry.  There  is  a  lower  incidence  of  dis- 
ease organisms  that  affect  potatoes  than  in  other  soils. 
A  short  summer  season  also  benefits  seed  potatoes, 



contributing  to  the  vigor  of  the  plants  and  shortening 
the  time  diseases  have  to  gain  a  foothold  in  the  crop. 

The  first  potatoes  were  grown  in  family  gardens  and 
stored  in  root  cellars.  In  1920  Orvil  Stansill  was  the 
first  in  the  Ashton  area  to  plant  potatoes  for  seed.  In 
1921,  Mr.  Stansill  and  George  Harrigfeld,  E.  Heseman, 
A.  H.  Strong,  and  Mark  White,  all  farmers  in  Ashton 
and  Marysville,  built  a  potato  cellar  north  of  Ashton. 
Local  growers  adopted  the  idea  of  a  seed-potato  crop 
and  won  ribbons  in  1924  at  the  Idaho  State  Seed  Show 
for  their  potatoes,  including  Netted  Gems  (Russet  Bur- 
banks),  Irish  Cobblers,  and  Idaho  Rurals. 

Early  growers  used  horse-drawn,  single-row  plant- 
ers and  diggers  to  harvest  potatoes.  In  the  fall,  after 
frost  killed  the  vines,  the  digger  lifted  potatoes  out  of 
the  dirt  and  left  them  on  the  ground.  Large  crews  gath- 
ered the  spuds  by  hand  into  baskets,  and  those  into 
sacks,  which  were  loaded  by  hand  onto  wagons  and 
hauled  to  small,  dirt-topped  cellars  for  storage  until 
spring  planting.  The  work  was  slow  and  backbreaking 
but  put  food  on  the  table. 

During  the  1920s  and  '30s,  the  seed  industry  in  Ash- 
ton helped  meet  the  needs  of  potato  growers  in  the  rest 
of  the  state.  J.  R.  Simplot,  one  of  Idaho's  most  influen- 
tial farmers,  and  other  pioneers  of  the  potato  indus- 
try were  building  up  their  operations  from  small  farms 
to  large  organizations.  The  Ashton  seed  potato  farm- 
ers joined  together  as  the  Ashton  Seed  Growers,  which 

addressed  issues  of  importance  to  the  industry  and  pro- 
moted Ashton  seed-potato  industry 

Joseph  Marshall,  an  Ashton  seed  grower  instrumen- 
tal in  the  formation  of  the  Idaho  Potato  Commission, 
recognized  that  the  common  practice  of  planting  the 
cull  potatoes  from  each  crop  was  damaging  the  yield 
and  quality  of  the  resulting  crop.  In  1940,  the  Idaho 
Crop  Improvement  Association  was  created  to  develop 
and  enforce  regulations  regarding  the  quality  and  char- 
acteristics of  seed  potatoes  to  define  certified  seed.  The 
regulations  specified  that  certified  seed  potatoes  would 
undergo  inspections  during  the  growing  season,  be 
tested  for  diseases,  and  be  tagged  as  "Certified"  before 
delivery  to  customers. 

Even  more  interest  in  Idaho  potatoes  was  created  in 
1940  when  Union  Pacific,  the  University  of  Idaho,  Ore- 
gon State,  and  the  Idaho  and  Federal  Departments  of 
Agriculture  brought  the  "Spud  Special,"  a  train  billed 
as  an  "eight-car  exposition"  about  potatoes.  It  visited 
several  states  and  numerous  cities.  More  than  35,000 
visitors  viewed  the  traveling  exposition. 

During  World  War  II,  dehydrated  potatoes  were  part 
of  the  rations  for  troops  fighting  in  Europe  and  the  Pa- 
cific. The  Simplot  Company  was  a  major  supplier  of 
potato  products  to  the  military.  After  the  war,  Simplot 
perfected  the  process  of  freezing  French-fried  potatoes, 
ushering  in  an  era  of  major  growth  in  the  industry.  A 
huge  demand  for  frozen  French  fries  grew  from  the 



development  of  fast-food  chains.  This  led  to  a  need 
for  many  more  acres  of  potatoes  to  be  planted,  har- 
vested, and  stored,  which  required  a  greater  number  of 
seed  potatoes,  which  affected  Ashton.  In  1954  the  en- 
tire state  of  Idaho  had  10,941  acres  of  seed  potatoes, 
and  seed  was  grown  in  at  least  21  counties.  In  1962  Fre- 
mont County  alone  had  6,180  acres  of  seed  potatoes. 

During  the  fifties  and  sixties,  the  major  change  in 
the  potato  industry  was  mechanization.  Single-row 
planters  requiring  workers  to  hand-place  a  seed  piece 
were  replaced  by  two-  and  four-row  planters  that 
picked  up  and  placed  the  seed  potato  in  the  ground 
and  buried  it  all  in  one  operation.  Potato  diggers,  or 
"combines,"  could  dig  the  rows  of  spuds,  separate  the 
dirt  and  vines  from  the  potatoes,  and  carry  the  crop 
over  conveyors  directly  to  a  truck  bed.  They  could  then 
be  unloaded  in  the  cellars  onto  pilers,  which  moved 
the  potatoes  without  handling  them.  In  the  fifties,  "the 
hog,"  a  movable  piler  that  operated  at  floor  level,  was 
developed,  enabling  the  cellars  to  be  emptied  mechan- 

Marilyn  Monroe  promoting  Idaho  potatoes. 



In  1965,  Walter  Sparks,  a  researcher  at  the  Aberdeen 
Research  and  Experiment  Station,  convinced  Preston 
Atchley  of  Ashton  to  install  a  forced-air  ventilation  sys- 
tem in  his  new  cellar.  That  year  an  early  frost  hit  the 
area,  and  many  potatoes  were  frozen  in  the  fields.  After 
the  spuds  were  stored  in  the  cellars,  those  damaged  by 
frost  began  to  rot  and  spread  disease  into  the  rest.  The 
only  farmer  able  to  save  his  potatoes  was  Atchley.  That 
one  demonstration  convinced  the  local  potato  industry 
of  the  value  of  ventilation  systems  for  potato  storage, 
and  most  cellars  in  the  Ashton  area  now  have  them. 

Research  in  potato  production,  disease,  and  new 
varieties  goes  on  constantly.  The  development  of  tis- 
sue culture,  that  is,  growing  a  plant  from  a  few  cells 
of  another  plant,  has  made  new  varieties  available 
and  helped  seed  growers  reduce  disease  by  replacing 
seed  stocks  regularly.  Greenhouses  use  tissue-cultured 
plants  to  produce  disease-free  tubers  for  seed-potato 
growers.  Each  year  the  seed-potato  crop  increases  ge- 
ometrically. By  the  third  or  fourth  year  of  production, 
the  seed  grower  sells  to  the  producer  who  grows  pota- 
toes for  consumers.  The  largest  potato  greenhouse  in 
the  Pacific  Northwest,  owned  and  operated  by  Clen  and 
Emma  Atchley,  is  just  five  miles  east  of  Ashton. 

The  Ashton  area  is  designated  a  Crop  Management 
Area  by  the  Idaho  Department  of  Agriculture,  and  the 
only  potatoes  that  may  be  grown  in  the  area  are  certi- 
fied seed  potatoes.  It  has  been  the  world's  largest  seed- 

potato  producing  area  for  many  years.  Over  the  past 
few  decades,  the  number  of  seed-potato  farmers  has 
dropped  dramatically.  In  1962,  160  were  listed  in  Fre- 
mont County  by  Idaho  Crop  Improvement.  Today  there 
are  only  fifteen,  including  the  Atchleys,  Kurt  Kandler, 
and  Tom  Howell.  In  the  1990s  the  Ashton  area  had  over 
13,000  acres  of  seed  potatoes,  but  in  2004  the  number 
dropped  to  around  10,000.  Seed  potatoes  remain  a  ba- 
sic source  of  income  for  area  farmers,  and  agriculture 
remains  the  basis  for  the  economy  of  Fremont  County 
and  Ashton. 

Mexican  Laborers 

The  influx  of  Mexican  laborers  started  around  1945. 
At  first  the  numbers  were  small,  but  they  continued 
to  grow  over  time.  By  around  1975,  there  were  a  good 
number  of  laborers  who  worked  in  the  potato-farming 
industry  and  labored  in  general  for  farmers  or  loggers 
in  the  summer  months,  returning  to  Mexico  in  the  win- 
ter. However,  over  time  many  of  these  hard-working 
people  brought  their  families  to  Ashton  to  stay.  They 
became  property  owners,  taxpayers,  and  an  accepted 
and  important  part  of  the  community.  As  their  chil- 
dren grew  up  attending  Ashton  schools,  many  went  on 
to  continue  their  educations.  Most  recently,  Ashton's 
youth  of  Mexican  descent  who  have  either  graduated 
from  college  or  are  currently  studying  include  a  doctor, 



a  lawyer,  an  architect,  a  schoolteacher,  and  a  service- 
man in  the  U.S  Navy,  just  to  name  a  few. 


Ashton's  first  full-time  weatherman  was  George 
Sadoris,  who  started  keeping  track  of  local  temperature 
and  precipitation  about  1969,  and  supplying  the  infor- 
mation to  the  TV  station  so  Lloyd  Lindsey  Young  and 
other  newscasters  could  tell  us  what  had  been  happen- 
ing and  what  might  be  "in  the  wind."  When  George 

retired  in  1982,  John  Blackburn  took  over,  recording  the 
maximum  and  minimum  daily  temperature,  precipita- 
tion, and  snow  depth.  This  information  was  sent  to  the 
National  Weather  Service  and  the  U.S.  Department  of 
Commerce  National  Oceanic  and  Atmosphere  Admin- 
istration for  almost  ten  years  until  he  and  his  wife  went 
on  a  mission  for  the  LDS  church.  Wendell  Rich  then 
began  reporting  the  weather  until  he  moved  in  August 
2003  and  the  Targhee  National  Forest  personnel  took 


Chapter  3 


Law  Enforcement 

Through  the  years  many  individuals  have  served  in 
the  capacity  of  law  enforcement.  Ashton's  first  marshal, 
Joseph  S.  Johnson,  was  appointed  August  8,  1906.  His 
salary  was  $60  per  month,  which  was  a  high  wage  for 
those  days.  The  village  clerk  received  $2  and  the  trea- 
surer $1  per  month.  James  Kirkland  soon  replaced  him 
at  $50  per  month,  with  L.  E.  Judkins  as  night  watchman 
at  $10  per  month.  A  year  or  so  later,  the  new  marshal, 
George  Carlow,  was  asked  to  resign,  but  a  petition  with 
22  signatures  saved  his  job. 

Ashton's  first  police  car  was  a  pickup  used  by  both 
the  police  and  the  maintenance  crew.  With  no  radios, 
communication  was  difficult,  so  yellow  lights  were  in- 
stalled on  the  City  Building  and  the  Ashton  Hotel,  and 

the  telephone  operator  would  turn  them  on  if  the  po- 
lice were  needed. 

Other  law  enforcement  officers  include  Frank  Gar- 
man,  Charles  Heath,  O.  P.  Sparkman,  Ed  Schofield, 
Scott  Christiansen,  Donald  Simpkin,  Warren  Bratt, 
Bryan  Awwin,  Bob  Worrell,  Charles  Heskett,  Glen 
Munger,  John  Atchley,  Earl  Smith,  George  Ivie,  George 
C.  Amen,  James  Allison,  Eldon  Pence,  Ray  McBride,  Earl 
Barker,  Wayne  Thompson,  Tom  Stegelmeier,  Robert 
L.  G.  Gunter,  Thomas  Ray  Murdoch,  George  Sadoris, 
Kerry  Watts,  Ted  Heller,  Dale  Smithies,  Bob  McDonald, 
Ed  Sebeck,  Bob  Perez,  Stephen  Brood,  Dave  Marine, 
Don  Sibbit,  Don  Fox,  Lynnnette  Welker,  Brett  Goebel, 
Greg  Griffel,  Herbert  Strong,  E.  J.  McKinley,  Tom  Rush, 
Stephen  Cramer,  Birch,  and  Tom  Mattingley  These  are 



not  necessarily  in  order,  and  most  of  the  information 
from  the  years  1917  through  1949  is  lost. 

In  1917,  the  marshal  was  instructed  to  install  100  feet  of 
hitching  rack  along  Sixth  Street. 

Oliver  "Bronc"  Sparkman  was  Fremont  County  sheriff  from  1921 
until  1926  and  then  was  probably  appointed  Ashton's  marshal. 

Ted  Taylor  was  chief  of  the  Ashton  Volunteer  Fire  Department 
for  thirty  years.  Henry  Bolland  was  Ashton's  justice  of  the 
peace  from  1972  to  1975. 

City  Water  System 

Ashton's  municipal  water  tank  was  erected  in  1907, 
and  the  city  water  system  was  finished  in  1908.  The 
first  well  was  drilled  near  the  junction  of  Seventh  and 
Pine  Streets,  and  a  water  tower  was  erected  there.  In 
May  1910,  the  city  paid  McMullen  Plumbing  and  Heat- 
ing $1,549.53  for  the  Water  Works.  A  bond  to  finance  a 
new  tank  and  tower  was  rejected  in  1920.  Then,  in  Jan- 
uary 1923,  ice  built  up  on  the  tank.  When  John  Davis 
attempted  to  dislodge  it,  a  large  piece  of  ice  fell  and 

hit  one  of  the  supports,  which  caused  the  tower  to 
twist  and  fall,  and  Davis  was  injured.  Several  citizens 
responded  to  his  calls  for  help,  including  Dr.  Hargis,  Dr. 
Doty,  William  Lansberry,  F.  A.  Humes,  Dan  Thomas  Jr., 
Laurence  Manning,  R.  G.  Baker,  Paul  Haack,  and  Mrs. 
Randall  Howe,  a  trained  nurse. 

A  new  well  was  drilled  about  1924,  and  a  water  tower 
was  brought  in  from  Jackson  Hole,  Wyoming.  Two  more 
wells  were  drilled  near  the  intersection  of  Tenth  and 
Main.  A  new  ground-level  water  storage  tank  was  built 
about  1985  and  currently  furnishes  water  for  the  city. 

A  familiar  wide-scape  photograph  was  taken  from  atop  the 
tower  in  1917.  It  hung  in  Ashton  Public  Library  for  many  years 
until  it  was  damaged,  Recently  it  was  restored,  and  copies  of 
it  were  sold  to  raise  money  for  the  Ashton  Archives.  (Part  of  this 
photo  was  used  on  the  first  page  of  this  book.) 

As  they  neared  Ashton  after  a  car  ride,  kids  would  chant,  "I 
can  see  the  water  tower,  I  can  see  the  water  tower," 

George  Kent  drove  the  sprinkler  wagon  for  the  village  for 
many  years. 




The  first  city  streets  in  Ashton  were  graded  dirt.  They 
were  said  to  be  so  bad  that  even  a  team  and  wagon 
could  sometimes  not  make  it.  It  wasn't  long  before  they 
were  graveled,  and  then  a  layer  of  pumice  was  added  to 
fill  the  bog  holes.  About  1956,  Mayor  Timmons  added 
two  to  three  inches  of  gravel  and  over-sprayed  in  the 
1960s  with  asphalt.  In  about  1978,  a  Teton  Dam  Recov- 
ery grant  of  $600,000  along  with  matching  funds  from 
a  city  bond  allowed  the  streets  to  be  built  up  and  sur- 
veyed for  proper  drainage.  Two  more  inches  of  gravel 
and  a  seal  coat  later  made  the  streets  very  good. 

It  was  so  exciting  when  the  first  automobile  came  to  town. 
One  night  some  friends  were  gathered  near  Farnum, 
southeast  of  Fall  River,  Suddenly  they  saw  strange  lights  across 
the  river  coming  down  the  dugway.  Everyone  got  excited, 
especially  Dooley  Oberhansley.  He  was  sure  that  the  world 
was  coming  to  an  end.  The  rest  of  the  group  had  a  hard  time 
convincing  him  that  it  was  only  an  automobile  with  headlights, 
moving  on  toward  the  Fall  River  Bridge. 



Notice  the  signs  on  Ashton's  Main  Street.  They  actually  say 
"Maine"  Street.  When  the  wrong  street  signs  arrived,  city 
employees  just  painted  over  the  "e." 

Deep  snow  sometimes  made  travel  difficult. 




The  original  sewer  system  was  put  in  Fremont  and 
Idaho  Streets  in  about  1917.  It  was  connected  to  what 
was  called  a  "cess  pool"  on  the  north  end  of  Third  Street. 
That  was  used  until  about  1960,  when  the  city  pur- 
chased ground  west  of  Highway  20  from  C.  L.  Ashley 
that  had  three  ponds  on  it.  Pumps  and  aerators  were 
added  in  the  1970s  with  help  from  a  federal  grant. 

Mail  Service 

The  first  mail  service  in  the  Upper  Snake  River  Val- 
ley began  in  1866.  It  went  by  stagecoach  to  Eagle  Rock 
(now  known  as  Idaho  Falls),  then  as  far  north  as  St.  An- 
thony. In  1896,  service  was  extended  to  Lodi  on  a  Star 
Route  by  team  and  wagon  three  times  a  week,  with  Mrs. 
Mary  Dorcheus  as  Postmistress.  Morris  Sprague  used 
a  dog  sled  to  deliver  the  mail  that  first  winter.  Then 
George  White  Sr.  carried  the  mail  from  Chester  up  the 
old  Fall  River  road  to  Farnum,  Lillian,  and  Squirrel  be- 
fore the  Oregon  Short  Line  reached  Drummond.  Other 
delivery  points  in  1906  were  Vernon,  Ora,  Marysville, 
Drummond,  Greentimber,  and  Warm  River. 

In  February  1906,  Harry  Cannon  was  appointed 
postmaster  for  the  Ashton  Post  Office,  which  was  lo- 
cated in  his  general  merchandise  store  building  at  the 
west  corner  of  the  500  block  of  Main  Street.  Team 
and  wagon  delivered  the  mail  until  the  "Railway  Mail 

Service"  train  arrived  a  few  days  before  Christmas  in 
1906.  Harry  served  until  December  1909;  Felix  Burgess 
served  until  March  1915.  At  about  this  time,  the  Post  Of- 
fice was  moved  to  the  Moore  and  Fuller  Building,  and 
then  moved  again  to  the  rear  of  the  First  National  Bank 
Building,  which  later  became  the  Neifert  Hotel.  Earl 
J.  Kidd  succeeded  Felix  Burgess  in  1915,  and  Richard 
Baker  followed  him  until  November  1933. 

In  1927,  the  location  of  the  Post  Office  was  changed 
again,  to  the  west  half  of  the  Hartvigsen  Building. 
Thomas  Hargis  followed  Baker,  serving  until  1949, 
when  he  was  succeeded  by  his  wife,  Jalma  "Chic"  Ri- 
ley Hargis.  In  1938,  the  location  was  changed  to  the 
Howe  Lumber  Co.  building  and  then,  in  1960,  to  a 
new  building  at  608  Main  Street.  In  1954,  Richard  P. 
"Bud"  Swanstrum  was  appointed  as  postmaster.  He  was 
called  to  serve  with  the  National  Guard  from  October 
1961  until  August  1962,  and  while  he  was  gone,  Virginia 
W  Hargis  served  as  officer  in  charge.  Bud  continued  to 
serve  until  his  retirement  in  May  1979,  after  the  longest 
term  of  service  of  any  postmaster  in  Ashton.  Wendell  L. 
Brinkerhoff,  as  officer  in  charge,  succeeded  him  tem- 
porarily until  August  1979,  when  Rex  Wilson  was  ap- 
pointed postmaster.  During  this  time  Val  Arnold  served 
for  several  months  as  officer  in  charge.  Kerry  Cottrell 
succeeded  him  in  1986  until  his  retirement  in  1999. 

In  1989,  a  new  post-office  building  was  constructed 
at  500  Fremont  Street.  Corey  Knapp  and  Cindy  Lee 



Grover  were,  in  turn,  the  officers  in  charge  until  Febru- 
ary 2000,  when  Royce  C.  Jackson  was  appointed  post- 

It  is  believed  that  the  original  contract  for  the  construction  of 
the  building  at  500  Fremont  Street,  which  seems  to  sit  up 
higher  than  necessary,  called  for  a  fill  of  0.4  feet,  which  was 
misread  by  the  contractor,  who  brought  in  4,0  feet  of  fill  dirt, 
Needless  to  say,  it  has  good  drainage. 


When  the  railroad  came  in,  the  stage  lines  to  Yellow- 
stone National  Park  immediately  began  using  Ashton 
as  the  starting  point  for  trips  to  the  western  entrance  to 
the  park.  The  settlement  of  Ingling,  about  a  mile  north 
of  Marysville,  had  a  beet  dump,  an  icehouse,  a  rail- 
road wye,  and  the  Davis  boarding  house.  Before  the  line 
to  West  Yellowstone  was  completed,  people  bound  for 
West  Yellowstone  could  take  the  train  to  Ingling,  stay  in 
the  boarding  house  overnight,  and  then  take  a  stage  for 
the  rest  of  their  journey. 

The  Oregon  Short  Line  Railroad  completed  the  West 
Yellowstone  Branch  in  November  1907,  and  the  first 
passenger  train  arrived  there  then. 

By  1918,  stages  were  available  from  Ashton  to  Ora, 
Squirrel,  and  other  outlying  areas.  However,  most  of  the 
facilities  were  removed  in  1950  as  diesel  locomotives 
replaced  steam  locomotives,  and  the  passenger  trains 
were  removed  from  the  schedule.  For  some  years  the 
combined  passenger  and  freight  train  between  Ashton 
and  Victor  was  called  the  "Gallopin'  Goose." 

The  railroad  line  to  West  Yellowstone  was  abandoned  in  1979. 
The  line  from  Tetonia  to  Victor  was  abandoned  in  1981 ,  and 
from  Tetonia  to  Ashton  in  1990.  That  right-of-way  was  then 
taken  over  by  the  Idaho  Department  of  Recreation  for  a  "Rails 
to  Trails"  hiking  and  bicycling  path. 

Louis  Hammond  started  work  at  the  round  house  about  1922 
and  became  foreman. 

The  stage  from  Ingling  to  West  Yellowstone  crossed  the 
Marysville  Bridge  and  continued  north  to  Hatchery  Ford, 
where  it  crossed  the  Henry's  Fork  of  the  Snake  River  and  then 
continued  on  to  West  Yellowstone. 


Ashton  train  depot,  about  1925. 




The  residents  of  Green  Hill,  a  settlement  next  to  the 
Teton  River,  built  the  first  telephone  system  in  the  area. 
The  Fremont  Independent  Telephone  Co.  was  desig- 
nated as  the  phone  company  for  Ashton.  It  was  known 
as  "the  Farmer's  Line"  and  was  extended  into  Lillian 
about  1912.  It  was  connected  to  the  line  from  Ashton 
in  1915.  The  Lee  girls,  Ada  Whittemore,  Lou  Dorcheus, 
and  Hazel  Harris,  were  the  first  operators. 

E.  J.  McKinley  established  Ashton's  first  telephone 
exchange  in  the  Cannon  Building.  The  first  operator 
"hello  girl"  was  Ida  Pulley.  Other  operators  were  Rose 
Marie  "Burlap"  Whittemore,  Veda  Cunningham,  and 
Cecil  Ezell.  The  first  troubleshooter  for  the  lines  was 
Earl  Kirkstetter.  He  installed  the  first  line  from  Ashton 
to  Jackson  Lake  and  from  Ashton  to  West  Yellowstone. 

The  lines  were  "party  lines"  and  required  a  differ- 
ent signal  (i.e.,  one  long  ring  and  two  short  ones)  for 
each  different  party,  and  were  handled  by  the  opera- 
tor. In  1912,  Mountain  States  Telephone  and  Telegraph 
Co.  bought  the  old  Fremont  County  Telephone  Co.,  and 
a  new  switchboard  was  installed  in  the  Odd  Fellows 
Building.  In  1924  it  was  moved  to  a  location  one  block 
south  to  the  Virian  Flats,  and  was  later  moved  to  the 
northwest  corner  of  the  Ashton  Hotel.  At  one  time  it 
was  managed  by  C.  A.  Snyder,  and  later  by  Cecil  Ezell. 
Alma  Christofferson,  Mary  Garz,  and  Helen  Heinz  were 
some  of  the  operators  at  the  time. 

Typical  telephone  operator  in  the  1920s. 

Telephones  used  the  "number,  please"  system;  calls 
went  through  the  operator,  who  often  knew  how  to 
locate  the  person  being  called.  In  1936  the  exchange 
was  converted  from  magneto  to  battery.  Fremont 
Telephone  bought  out  Mountain  States  Telephone  in 
1936.  In  1955  rotary  dialing  began;  Ashton's  prefix  was 
Olympic  2  (OL2),  followed  by  four  digits — all  that  were 
needed  for  many  years.  In  1961  the  system  converted 
to  "all-number  calling."  Ashton's  prefix  was  652,  and 
connecting  to  locations  outside  Ashton's  calling  area 
required  all  seven.  In  1971  push-button  tone  dialing 
began,  requiring  at  least  seven.  Long-distance  charges 



applied  outside  Fremont  County  until  1988,  when  the 
calling  area  was  expanded  from  Island  Park  to  Malad, 
the  largest  "local"  area  in  the  United  States. 

The  telephone  girl  sits  in  her  chair 

And  listens  to  voices  from  everywhere. 

She  hears  all  the  gossip,  she  knows  all  the  news, 

She  knows  who  is  happy  and  who  has  the  Plues. 

She  knows  all  our  sorrows,  she  knows  all  our  joys, 

She  knows  every  girl  who  is  chasing  the  boys. 

She  knows  of  our  troubles,  she  knows  of  our  strife. 

She  knows  every  man  who  talks  mean  to  his  wife. 

She  knows  every  time  we  are  out  with  the  boys. 

She  hears  the  excuses  each  fellow  employs, 

She  knows  every  woman  who  has  a  dark  past, 

She  knows  every  man  who's  inclined  to  be  fast, 

In  fact,  there's  a  secret  'neath  each  saucy  curl 

Of  that  quiet,  demure-looking  telephone  girl. 

If  the  telephone  girl  told  all  that  she  knows 

It  would  turn  half  our  friends  into  bitterest  foes. 

She  could  sow  a  small  wind  that  would  be  a  big  gale, 

Engulf  us  in  trouble  and  land  us  in  jail. 

She  could  let  go  a  story,  which,  gaining  in  force, 

Would  cause  half  of  our  wives  to  sue  for  divorce, 

Get  all  of  our  churches  mixed  up  in  a  fight, 

And  turn  all  our  days  into  sorrowing  nights, 

In  fact,  she  could  keep  all  the  town  in  a  stew 

If  she'd  tell  the  tenth  part  of  the  things  that  she  knew. 

Oh,  really  now,  doesn't  it  make  your  head  whirl 

When  you  think  what  you  owe  to  that  telephone  girl? 

Electric  Power 

In  January  1913,  three  advisors  of  the  Ashton  &  St. 
Anthony  Power  Company,  led  by  N.  N.  Holm,  visited 
Ashton  and  optioned  both  sides  of  the  Snake  River  for 
a  dam  site.  Until  that  time,  Ashton  had  no  source  of 
electricity  except  a  gasoline  generator.  They  requested 
a  franchise  to  supply  power  to  the  town,  and  the  city 
council  accepted  that  proposal.  Later,  Mr.  Holm  re- 
turned from  a  trip  to  California  to  find  that  the  Utah 
Power  and  Light  Co.  were  meeting  that  night  with  the 
Ashton  board  to  ask  for  the  franchise.  He  immedi- 
ately went  to  Ashton.  A  heated  discussion  revealed  that 
Holm's  attorney  had  not  filed  the  necessary  papers,  but 
the  franchise  was  nevertheless  granted  to  Holm  accord- 
ing to  their  agreement. 

Although  they  were  harassed  and  threatened  by  the 
Utah  Power  &  Light  Co.,  the  newly  organized  Ashton 
&  St.  Anthony  Power  Co.  built  the  Ashton  dam,  a  rock- 
filled  structure  60  feet  high  and  500  feet  long,  starting 
in  1913  and  finishing  in  1915.  McVicker  and  Woodburn 
hauled  the  rock  for  the  construction  of  the  dam  and 
also  hauled  new  generating  units  in  1923. 

Warm  River  Power  Co.  took  over  the  dam  in  1923 
and  then  sold  to  Utah  Power  and  Light  Co.  in  1925. 
Fred  Cowley  was  the  superintendent  in  1956.  In  1957, 
Howard  Larsen,  Ben  Bainbridge,  and  James  Whitte- 
more  were  honored  for  working  for  ten  years  without 
a  serious  accident. 



Fall  River  R.  E.  C. 

In  1938  Fall  River  Rural  Electric  Cooperative,  Inc., 
was  organized  at  a  meeting  at  the  Howe  Lumber  Co. 
with  George  Amen  as  president.  The  first  annual  meet- 
ing was  on  November  15,  1939,  when  forty  consumers 
signed  up  for  membership.  On  April  27,  1939,  a  loan 
of  $80,000  was  acquired  to  install  62  miles  of  power 
lines.  The  "A"  section,  Drummond,  Squirrel,  Green- 
timber,  and  the  immediate  area  surrounding  Ashton 
were  energized  in  the  spring  of  1941.  That  fall  the  "B" 
section — the  Rexburg,  Ririe,  and  St.  Anthony  areas — 
were  energized.  The  "C"  Section — the  outlying  areas  of 
Felt,  Driggs,  and  Victor — were  energized  the  following 
spring.  Lines  were  built  to  Island  Park  and  West  Yellow- 
stone in  1947  to  replace  the  diesel  generator  there. 

Charlie  Causey  was  business  manager  and  Wal- 
ter Bratt  was  the  first  project  superintendent.  Lee  A. 
Steck  was  general  manager  from  1941  until  1954.  Bert 
Roberts  was  office  manager  from  1941  to  1954  and  was 
then  general  manager  until  1977.  From  then  until  early 

1988,  Calvin  Wickham  was  general  manager,  followed 
by  George  Mangan  and  then  by  Dee  Reynolds  in  1990. 

The  Co-op's  first  business  office  was  located  in  a 
rented  building  next  door  to  Howe  Lumber.  About  1954, 
the  office  was  moved  to  the  old  Wynn's  Appliance  store 
on  the  south  side  of  Main  Street.  Later  the  office  moved 
to  the  location  of  Charlie's  Cafe,  where  a  new  ware- 
house was  added.  In  1998,  the  Co-op  moved  into  its 
new  building  on  Highway  20,  a  mile  south  of  Ashton. 

There  have  been  many  changes  since  the  business 
began,  including  changes  in  power  suppliers  such  as 
the  Utah  Power  &  Light  Co.,  the  Bonneville  Power  Ad- 
ministration, the  acquisition  of  the  Teton  Valley  Power 
and  Milling  Co.  and  the  Felt  Hydro  Plant  in  1960,  the 
devastation  from  the  loss  of  the  Teton  Dam  in  1976,  and 
the  building  of  the  Island  Park  Reservoir  Power  Plant. 
The  Co-op  now  serves  almost  13,000  meters.  It  contin- 
ues to  be  a  tremendous  asset  for  the  community.  What 
would  we  do  without  electricity? 


Chapter  4 

Churches  and  Organizations 

Berean  Baptist  Church 

Pastor  John  Lovegrove  of  Gethsemane  Baptist 
Church  of  Idaho  Falls  held  midweek  Bible  studies  in 
homes  in  Ashton  for  some  months  before  the  arrival  of 
a  full-time  pastor. 

Pastor  Kenneth  E.  Ream,  a  graduate  of  Bob  Jones 
University,  arrived  in  Ashton  in  July  1972  for  his  first 
calling  as  a  full-time  pastor.  The  first  Sunday  service 
was  held  on  August  6,  1972,  in  the  American  Legion 
Hall  at  the  corner  of  Seventh  and  Idaho  Street.  Sun- 
day School  was  at  10:00  a.m.,  Church  at  11:00  a.m., 
and  Evening  Church  at  7:30  p.m.  In  January  1974  the 
now  "First  Baptist  Church"  obtained  a  loan  of  $14,500 
and  purchased  the  Lone  Pine  Motel  on  Ashton's  Main 

Pastor  Ken  Dewey  became  pastor  in  1978  and  served 
through  1979. 

In  1980,  Pastor  Phil  Tubbs  arrived  and  served  as  in- 
terim pastor  until  1981,  assisted  by  lay  pastor  Jack  Mor- 
ris. Pastor  Al  Price  then  took  over  as  interim  pastor  until 
October  1981,  when  Pastor  Ed  Bonne  was  called  as  full 
time  pastor. 

Pastor  Bonne  and  his  family  lived  in  a  mobile  home 
behind  the  church  during  his  tenure.  Under  Pastor 
Price's  leadership,  the  motel  cabins  were  torn  down, 
and  with  the  help  of  men  from  Mt.  View  Baptist  Church 
of  Jackson,  Wyoming,  and  Gethsemane  Baptist  Church 
of  Idaho  Falls,  a  new  roof  was  installed  on  the  church 
building.  Pastor  Bonne  departed  in  April  1989  because 
of  ill  health. 


Churches  and  Organizations 

No  services  were  held  until  January  1991,  when  Pas- 
tor Wayne  Tucker  arrived  to  restart  the  church.  He  re- 
signed in  May  1997  to  work  for  Northwest  Baptist  Mis- 
sions, planting  new  churches  in  the  Pacific  Northwest. 
During  his  tenure,  in  September  1994,  the  name  of  the 
church  was  changed  to  "Berean  Baptist  Church." 

Pastor  Brian  Tousley  became  pastor  in  June  1997, 
leaving  in  March  2002.  In  1998  a  fellowship  hall,  class- 
rooms, and  kitchen  were  added.  Pastor  Dean  Mc- 
Quillan of  Grace  Baptist  Church  in  Dillon,  Montana, 
brought  a  crew  that  in  three  days  framed,  enclosed,  and 
roofed  the  addition.  With  the  help  of  Bob  Gaston,  other 
improvements  were  made  on  the  church  and  grounds. 

Pastor  Myron  Glatz  was  interim  pastor  from  March 
2002  until  September  2004,  driving  each  weekend  from 
Twin  Falls,  often  staying  an  entire  week. 

On  September  26,  2004,  Pastor  Chris  Leavel  became 
pastor  of  Berean  Baptist  Church  in  Ashton. 

LDS  Church 

The  Marysville  LDS  branch  was  organized  in  Novem- 
ber 1891,  and  the  first  church  building  was  finished 
in  1892,  with  James  Henry  Wilson  as  presiding  elder. 
In  March  1902,  Hyrum  Larson  became  presiding  elder. 
The  branch  was  changed  to  the  Marysville  Ward  on 
June  28,  1903,  with  Parley  Cutler  as  bishop. 

LDS  red-brick  chapel,  1907. 


Churches  and  Organizations 

The  Vernon  and  Lodi  wards  were  combined  with 
the  Ashton  ward  in  1907,  with  Marion  Joseph  Kerr  as 
bishop.  Bishop  Kerr  was  born  in  1861  with  nothing 
more  than  a  carpeted  wagon  box  for  a  home.  In  1893  he 
homesteaded  at  Ora  and  was  presiding  elder  of  the  new 
Arcadia  branch  in  1895.  Bishop  Kerr  was  instrumental 
in  building  the  first  LDS  church  within  the  city  limits  of 
Ashton.  The  Ashton  Townsite  Co.  donated  the  land  for 
the  church,  and  the  little  red  brick  church  on  the  west 
corner  of  town  was  the  result.  Bricks  for  the  building 
were  purchased  from  a  Mr.  Johnson,  who  owned  a  brick 
factory  just  north  of  town.  It  was  dedicated  in  1907,  and 
Kerr  was  called  to  be  the  bishop  in  the  Ashton  Ward, 
where  he  served  for  about  one  year  before  being  called 
into  the  Yellowstone  Stake  presidency.  In  January  1909, 
Hyrum  Rawlins  Cunningham  was  chosen  as  bishop.  He 
served  until  1921,  when  Horace  Arnold  Hess  was  called 
as  bishop.  In  June  of  1920,  the  Ora  Ward  was  incorpo- 
rated with  the  Ashton  Ward. 

The  furnishings  from  the  Ora  Ward  included  the  tall-backed 
bishop's  chair,  which  was  later  used  as  the  throne  for  green 
and  gold  balls. 

In  January  1936,  Floyd  Blanchard  was  set  apart  as 
bishop,  with  Thomas  Hammon  Murdoch  and  Eugene 
Hess  as  counselors.  In  February  1936,  Bishop  H.  A.  Hess 

was  named  Yellowstone  Stake  president;  he  served  un- 
til 1945.  It  was  during  Bishop  Blanchard 's  term  of  office 
that  it  was  decided  to  build  a  new  chapel,  known  as  the 
White  Church.  It  was  started  in  1940  on  the  corner  of 
Fifth  Street  and  Fremont  Street.  Before  the  building  was 
completed,  Bishop  Blanchard  was  released,  in  Novem- 
ber 1945,  and  Thomas  H.  Murdoch  was  appointed 
bishop  of  Ashton  Ward.  A  highlight  of  the  chapel  ded- 
ication was  the  presentation  of  an  oil  painting  of  the 
Lord's  Last  Supper  by  Melva  Richey  This  painting  now 
hangs  in  the  chapel  of  the  Ashton  Stake  Center. 

The  last  meeting  held  in  the  little  red  brick  building 
was  on  August  17,  1941.  The  building  was  then  sold  to 
the  school  district  and  used  as  a  manual  arts  building. 
On  October  12,  1941,  the  first  meeting  was  held  in  the 
recreation  hall  of  the  new  white  church.  The  chapel  was 
first  used  for  ward  meetings  on  February  1,  1942,  but  it 
was  not  dedicated  until  June  2,  1946.  It  was  not  long 
until  the  ward  was  divided.  The  west  half  of  the  ward 
remained  the  Ashton  Ward,  with  Steven  L.  Osborne  as 
bishop,  and  the  east  half  became  the  Marysville  Ward, 
with  James  Stringham  as  bishop. 

In  May  1947,  the  LDS  Church  purchased  312  acres 
north  of  Ashton  for  $45,000  to  be  used  as  a  stake  farm. 
Working  this  farm  has  now  been  discontinued. 


,, I, ill  ill 


Ashton  Ward  meetinghouse. 


Churches  and  Organizations 

The  Farnum  Ward,  located  east  and  south  of  Ash- 
ton,  was  incorporated  into  the  Marysville  Ward  in  Jan- 
uary 1948.  It  was  soon  realized  that  a  new  building 
was  needed.  In  December  1949,  the  Marysville  and  Ash- 
ton  Ward  bishoprics  met  to  consider  a  building  site. 
They  initiated  a  logging  project  for  the  building.  Eighty- 
eight  men  from  the  area  spent  six  days  cutting  tim- 
ber. They  used  27  trucks,  seven  crawler  tractors,  three 
power  saws,  several  jeeps,  and  numerous  hand  tools 
and  procured  85  truckloads  of  timber  for  the  proposed 
building.  On  August  11, 1950,  a  group  assembled  at  the 
east  end  of  Ashton's  Main  Street,  and  Bishop  Stringham 
and  Bishop  Murdoch  accomplished  the  groundbreak- 
ing. New  ward  boundaries  were  established  on  January 
6,  1952,  and  all  Marysville  Ward  meetings  from  that 
date  were  held  in  the  new  building,  which  was  dedi- 
cated June  1, 1952. 

In  November  of  1949,  two  Rexburg  Stakes  and  the 
Yellowstone  Stake  purchased  a  portion  of  the  J-Y  Ranch, 
east  of  Ashton,  from  Jack  Young  for  $18,000  to  be  used 
as  a  girl's  camp. 

On  May  30,  1954,  the  Ashton  Seminary  building 
was  dedicated  for  the  students  of  North  Fremont  High 
School.  When  the  new  North  Fremont  High  School  was 
built  in  2004  east  of  town,  a  new  seminary  building  was 
built  nearby. 

Ashton  Ward  finished  the  remodeling  in  1969  after  a 
fund-raising  program.  Sarah  Allison  suggested  a  "Near 

New  Store,"  which  was  begun  rent  free  in  an  empty 
building  near  the  east  end  of  the  500  block,  with  do- 
nated merchandise  and  donated  labor  from  the  mem- 
bers. It  was  very  successful  and  led  to  the  establish- 
ment of  the  Odd  Fellows  "Flea  Market." 

The  remodeled  building  under  the  direction  of 
Bishop  Richard  J.  Clark  was  dedicated  on  September  2 1 , 
1969.  Bishop  Clark  served  until  June  30,  1974,  at  which 
time  Ashton  Ward  was  divided  and  Leland  Edgar  Clark 
was  called  as  bishop  of  Ashton  First  Ward  and  Dean 
Green  as  bishop  of  Ashton  Second  Ward. 

On  February  24, 1974,  the  name  of  Yellowstone  Stake 
was  changed  to  St.  Anthony  Idaho  Stake,  and  then,  on 
May  18,  1975,  the  St.  Anthony  Idaho  Stake  was  divided 
and  the  Ashton  Idaho  Stake  was  created.  Bishop  H.  Eu- 
gene Hess  was  called  to  serve  as  stake  president.  The 
first  stake  conference  of  the  Ashton  Idaho  Stake  was 
held  August  17,  1975. 

On  October  31,  1977,  a  groundbreaking  ceremony 
was  held  on  a  six-acre  site  on  the  northwest  corner  of 
the  city  of  Ashton  for  the  construction  of  the  new  Ash- 
ton Idaho  Stake  Center,  which  was  dedicated  by  Elder 
L.  Tom  Perry  on  July  22, 1979. 

A  groundbreaking  ceremony  was  held  on  May  29, 
1987,  just  north  of  Ashton's  Pineview  Cemetery,  to  build 
a  new  three-ward  building,  and  on  April  10,  1988,  the 
first  church  services  were  held  there.  The  building  was 
dedicated  on  October  23,  1988. 


Churches  and  Organizations 

A  concrete  slab  inscribed 



was  above  the  front  door  of  the  Farnum  Ward  building.  After 
the  building  was  demolished,  Dick  Egbert  moved  the  slab  to 
Lyon's  Point  near  the  confluence  of  Conant  Creek  and  Fall 
River.  It  now  holds  a  place  of  honor  there  in  remembrance  of 
Brigham  Murdoch  (father  of  Katie  Murdoch  Lyon),  who  served 
for  many  years  as  bishop  of  the  Farnum  Ward. 

After  eleven  years,  it  was  decided  that  the  building 
was  too  small,  so  a  remodeling  project  was  announced. 
On  May  23,  1999,  the  three  wards  housed  in  that  build- 
ing began  holding  meetings  at  the  Ashton  Stake  Cen- 
ter along  with  Ashton  Second  Ward  and  Chester  Ward. 
The  dedication  of  the  remodeled  building  was  held 
in  August  2000  by  President  Dee  M.  Reynolds  and  is 
now  home  to  the  First,  Third,  and  Fourth  Wards.  Those 
wards  that  now  comprise  the  Ashton  Idaho  Stake  in- 
clude the  First,  Second,  Third,  Fourth,  Chester,  Island 
Park,  and  West  Yellowstone  Montana,  with  summer- 
time Branches  in  Yellowstone  Park. 

Methodist  Church 

The  first  Methodist  Church  in  the  area  was  located 
at  Vernon.  The  first  church  services  were  held  in  the 
schoolhouse,  with  Harley  J.  Adams  as  minister.  Con- 
struction on  a  new  church  building  began  in  1898  with 
planed  lumber  hauled  by  team  and  wagon  from  the 
Arangee  Mill  in  Island  Park.  It  was  finished  in  1905. 
They  sometimes  had  their  own  minister  but  also  shared 
a  minister  with  the  Ashton  church.  The  ministers  some- 
times came  on  horseback  from  St.  Anthony.  One  inex- 
perienced minister  attempted  to  cross  the  river  in  the 
wrong  place  and  was  drowned. 

In  1908,  under  the  leadership  of  the  Rev.  A  M.  Lam- 
bert, the  Methodist  Church  was  organized  in  Ashton. 
A  building  made  of  bricks  from  "Brickyard  Hill,"  about 
a  quarter  mile  west  of  town,  was  erected  at  the  corner 
of  Fifth  and  Idaho.  A  Sunday  School,  under  the  leader- 
ship of  W  L.  Robinson,  and  the  Ladies  Aid,  with  Mrs. 
Al  Fullerton  as  president,  were  important  parts  of  the 
church.  A  year  later,  Rev.  L.  E  Vernon  became  the  pastor, 
followed  by  Rev.  Mark  White,  Rev.  R.  G.  Williams,  Rev.  J. 
V  Maxey,  and  Rev.  G.  E.  Nagnum,  each  serving  for  three 
years  or  less.  In  1910,  a  parsonage  was  built  next  to  the 
church  on  Idaho  Street.  The  Epworth  League  was  orga- 
nized in  1915,  which  helped  bring  about  an  increase  of 
the  church.  In  1921,  under  the  leadership  of  Rev.  B.  E 
Meredith,  two  rooms  were  added  to  the  church,  a  full 
basement  was  put  in,  a  furnace  was  installed,  and  new 


Churches  and  Organizations 

pews  were  purchased.  The  Utility  Club  sponsored  a  din- 
ner in  1929  and  paid  off  the  debt  to  the  Mission  Board. 
Rev.  J.  J.  Fleming  assisted  in  these  projects.  In  1931,  Rev. 
C.  C.  Callahan  served,  followed  by  Rev.  P.  C.  Bent.  The 
Young  People's  Sunday  School  and  Social  Union  groups 
were  very  active.  In  1933,  the  Study  Club,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Coulter,  purchased  the  amber 
Cathedral  Windows. 

Under  the  leadership  of  Miss  Eva  W.  Brown  during 
the  early  1940s  a  substantial  gain  was  made  in  member- 
ship. In  1945,  Rev.  Luscher  assisted  in  the  remodeling  of 
the  parsonage.  Also  in  1945,  the  younger  women  of  the 
church  organized  the  20-40  Circle,  and  the  "Advance" 
program  was  begun.  Their  projects  under  Rev.  Wm. 
Frank,  who  came  in  1946,  included  new  furnishings  for 
the  church  kitchen  and  an  oil  furnace.  Under  Rev.  V  I. 
Taylor,  who  became  pastor  in  1948,  the  20-40  Circle 
sponsored  a  Vacation  Bible  School.  The  Senior  Circle 
added  many  appliances  in  the  parsonage.  A  Hammond 
electric  organ  was  purchased,  which  added  a  great  deal 
to  the  services.  The  Florence  Wesleyan  Guild  was  or- 
ganized in  1948  to  carry  on  the  Missionary  program. 
The  Rev.  George  Allen  came  in  1950,  and  many  new 
members  were  added  to  the  rolls.  During  this  time  the 
"Methodist  Men"  organization  was  formed. 

Rev.  H.  C.  Newman  came  in  1952,  and  the  building 
fund  for  the  much-  needed  new  church  was  started. 
A  choir  was  formed  under  the  direction  of  Mrs.  New- 

man. During  the  summer  of  1954,  there  was  no  min- 
ister except  guest  and  lay  ministers,  including  Rev.  Ed- 
ward Harms.  Rev.  George  Weber  came  in  1955  and  con- 
tinued with  plans  for  the  new  church  building.  The  old 
church  burned  down  in  1955.  Rev.  Mervyn  Shay  came 
in  June  1956,  and  the  parsonage  was  moved  to  a  new 
location;  the  remains  of  the  old  burned  church  were 
carried  away.  The  new  church  was  dedicated  in  1962. 
Rev.  Tom  Hill  was  pastor  from  1958  to  1964,  followed 
by  Rev.  Woodrow  Harris  until  1969,  Rev.  Allen  Lambert 
until  1972,  Rev.  Harold  Black  until  1976,  when  Dr.  Em- 
mett  Shortreed  came,  followed  by  Mark  Rolfsema,  Rev. 
Grace  Drake,  Robin  Yim,  Kent  Stangland,  Judy  Johnson, 
Denny  Deizel,  Martha  Oldham,  and  now  Jan  Barber. 

The  Utility  Club  was  organized  in  January  1915,  with 
Mrs.  Paul  Stone  as  president.  They  raised  funds  to 
fence  and  beautify  the  Pine  View  Cemetery,  sent  knit- 
ted items  to  the  Red  Cross  at  the  time  of  World  War  I, 
donated  food  to  the  Children's  Home  in  Boise,  donated 
a  motion-picture  machine  to  the  school,  and  donated 
to  the  Methodist  Church,  the  Ashton  Memorial  Hospi- 
tal, and  many  other  charitable  organizations. 


Zion  Lutheran  Church,  about  1940. 


Churches  and  Organizations 

Zion  Lutheran  Church 

The  Zion  Lutheran  Church  was  formed  in  Squirrel  in 
1901.  The  first  pastor  was  Rev.  F.A.C.  Meyer,  a  student 
on  vicarage.  He  was  followed  by  Rev.  Linse  on  vicarage 
for  one  year  in  1903.  He  lived  at  the  Reimann  ranch  and 
held  school  for  the  Lutheran  children.  Pastor  Hudloff 
of  Butte,  Montana,  confirmed  the  first  catechumens' 
class,  which  included  Fred  Lenz,  Juluis  Garz,  Otto 
Sturm,  Seraphina  Ploerer,  Carl  Reimann,  and  Henry 
Reimann,  there  in  May  1904.  The  first  resident  pastor 
was  Rev.  F.A.C.  Meyers,  who  organized  Zion  Evangelical 
Lutheran  Church  on  May  19,  1907.  He  donated  land  in 
Squirrel  for  the  site  of  the  first  church,  which  was  com- 
pleted that  year. 

Subsequent  pastors  were  Rev.  J.  G.  Toenjes,  Paul 
Schaus,  F.  C.  Braun,  Rev.  J.  M.  Kempf,  Rev.  H.  West- 
endorf,  and  H.  A.  Kriefall,  who  served  as  vacancy  pas- 
tor. Next  was  R.  C.  Muhly,  who  brought  growth  and  es- 
tablished a  new  congregation  under  the  name  of  Re- 
deemer Lutheran.  Under  his  leadership,  new  churches 
were  built  in  1936,  both  for  Zion  Lutheran  in  Squirrel 
and  for  Redeemer  Lutheran  in  Ashton.  Rev.  Paul  Kop- 
pelman,  Rev.  H.  C.  Streufert,  and  Rev.  R.  Reith  served 
Redeemer  Lutheran.  In  1938,  Pastor  N.  E.  Day  was  in- 
stalled as  pastor  of  the  combined  Zion  and  Redeemer 
parishes.  In  1943,  a  parsonage  was  provided  in  Ashton. 
In  1947,  Rev.  Paul  E.  Riedel  was  installed. 

In  November  1950,  the  Zion  and  Redeemer  parishes 
were  merged  into  one  congregation,  retaining  the 
name  Zion  Lutheran.  Work  began  on  a  new  church 
building  in  1951,  with  the  cornerstone  being  laid  and 
the  site  dedicated  in  1953.  A  parsonage  site  just  south 
of  the  church  was  also  acquired.  Rev.  Riedel  left  in 

1952,  and  Rev.  W.  Rist  served  as  vacancy  pastor  until 

1953.  Other  vacancy  pastors  were  Rev.  Toehlke,  Lester 
Muhly,  George  Ploetz,  and  Hugo  Hein.  Pastors  serving 
since  that  time  include  Rev.  Ralph  Theimer,  Rev.  Martin 
Heinicke,  Richard  Laux,  Kent  Stenzel,  John  Fieirabend, 
Ken  Schauer,  and  Bruce  Kolasch. 

Christian  Fellowship  Church 

In  1967,  Richard  Laux  came  to  Ashton  to  be  the  pas- 
tor of  the  Zion  Lutheran  church.  He  later  established 
the  Ashton  Christian  Fellowship  in  1977.  At  first,  the 
small  flock  rented  the  American  Legion  Hall,  which  had 
been  a  Lutheran  church  many  years  before.  In  1979, 
they  were  able  to  obtain  the  historic  railroad  depot 
building  at  no  charge.  They  moved  it  to  four  and  a  half 
acres  of  donated  land  on  the  north  side  of  Ashton,  used 
chain  saws  to  cut  the  depot  in  half,  and  then  moved 
each  half  to  its  new  location.  Pastor  Laux  said  it  took 
about  four  cases  of  Elmer's  Glue  to  put  it  back  together 
again.  The  original  building  was  117  by  24  feet,  but  in 
1991  a  40-by-40-foot  worship  area  was  added,  and  they 
have  plans  for  further  expansion. 

The  church  started  with  a  membership  of  about 


Churches  and  Organizations 

eight  families  but  has  grown  to  about  forty- five  families. 
With  only  a  small  flock,  Pastor  Laux  had  to  take  a  job 
as  a  drug  and  alcohol  counselor  with  various  agencies, 
including  the  Idaho  Department  of  Health  and  Welfare, 
until  the  early  1990s  to  provide  a  living  for  his  family. 

The  Fellowship  has  women's,  men's,  and  children's 
ministries,  and  a  church  school  on  Sunday.  Pastor 
Laux's  wife,  Ellen,  teaches  the  "Girls  for  Christ"  group. 
She  also  teaches  a  Bible  study  group  each  Wednesday 
morning.  "God's  Great  Guys,"  one  of  the  youth  groups, 
is  taught  by  Pastor  Laux,  who  also  teaches  a  Bible  study 
group  on  Tuesday  mornings.  Rev.  Laux  said,  "We're 
happy  to  be  part  of  the  community." 

Study  Club 

The  Study  Club  was  organized  in  1910  by  Mrs.  R.  D. 
Merrill,  Mrs.  J.  Harshbarger,  and  Mrs.  Florence  Owen,  It 
was  federated  in  1912,  and  the  women  of  the  commu- 
nity were  invited  to  join.  They  met  in  members'  homes 
and  had  a  program  and  luncheon  at  each  meeting.  The 
club  gave  them  an  opportunity  to  socialize  and  work 
for  their  community. 

A  business  meeting  was  held  each  time,  strictly  fol- 
lowing Roberts'  Rules  of  Order.  The  members  of  the 
Study  Club  were  involved  in  civic  affairs.  The  club  took 
responsibility  for  organizing  and  maintaining  the  Ash- 
ton  Public  Library  in  1914.  During  World  War  I  they 
took  part  in  Red  Cross  work.  A  card  party  in  1917 

earned  forty  dollars  for  the  Red  Cross  and  also  made 
"comfort  kits"  for  the  Ashton  boys  serving  overseas. 

In  1919,  when  the  Village  of  Ashton  bought  a  half 
interest  in  the  cemetery  from  Marysville,  the  Study 
Club  raised  money  for  the  fence  and  chose  the  name 
of  "Pineview  Cemetery."  They  helped  with  the  an- 
nual Armistice  Day  program  held  at  the  Opera  House. 
They  held  programs,  dances,  and  fundraisers  to  enter- 
tain the  townspeople  and  raise  money  for  community 
projects.  They  bought  trees  for  the  Ashton  Elementary 
School  grounds,  organized  the  Elementary  School  Li- 
brary, and  donated  to  the  Ashton  Memorial  Hospital. 
In  1933,  the  Study  Club  purchased  the  amber  Cathedral 
Windows  for  the  Methodist  Church. 

The  Study  Club  no  longer  serves  Ashton,  but  it  is  un- 
clear when  they  disbanded.  Newspaper  articles  dated 
December  16,  1965,  show  that  they  were  still  function- 
ing at  that  time. 

American  Legion 

The  Ashton  American  Legion,  Post  89,  received  its 
official  charter  in  February  1919.  The  first  post  com- 
mander was  William  Waugh.  Other  post  commanders 
include  Turner  Sparkman,  Ott  Harris,  Bill  Garz,  John  T 
"Jack"  Lyon,  Niels  Knudsen,  D.  E  Taylor,  Dewey  Hayes, 
Randall  Howe,  Ben  Bainbridge,  Max  Warsany,  Hal  Har- 
rigfeld,  Charlie  Harris,  Lorenz  Schaefer,  John  Black- 
burn, Kay  Reimann,  Earl  Barker,  Fred  Stephens,  Steve 


Churches  and  Organizations 

Card,  Warren  Moon,  John  Tanner,  Perry  Grube,  Mar- 
vin Tighe,  Richard  Huntsman,  Bob  Kiefer,  Jim  Harrell, 
Don  Ghormley,  Bob  Gaston,  Melvin  Atwood,  Claude 
Daniels,  and  Glade  Lyon,  who  served  as  Seventh  Dis- 
trict commander,  department  vice  commander  for 
Area  C,  and  five  years  on  the  National  Internal  Affairs 

The  organization  has  been  active  in  community  af- 
fairs. They  assist  the  wives,  widows,  and  children  of  vet- 
erans in  need,  hold  graveside  services  for  deceased  vet- 
erans, maintain  a  brick  memorial  in  Pineview  Ceme- 
tery to  honor  all  deceased  veterans,  co-sponsored  the 
flagpole  at  the  new  high  school,  hold  memorial  services 
at  six  area  cemeteries  on  Memorial  Day,  give  scholar- 
ships to  high  school  seniors,  sponsor  high  school  junior 
boys  to  Gem  Boys  State,  conduct  an  annual  oratorical 
contest,  work  with  the  fifth- grade  teachers  to  teach  flag 
etiquette  to  their  students,  and  produce  the  commu- 
nity birthday  calendar. 

American  Legion  Auxiliary 

The  Ashton  American  Legion  Auxiliary  Unit  89  was 
organized  January  21,1 922,  with  Mrs.  D.  S.  Whittemore 
as  president.  The  permanent  charter  was  granted  Jan- 
uary 5,  1923.  These  female  partners  of  American  Le- 
gion members  work  closely  with  the  American  Legion. 
Each  year  they  sponsor  high  school  girls  to  Syringa 
Girls  State  (which  was  originated  by  Luella  Baum,  an 

Ashton  member),  sell  poppies  to  raise  money  for  the 
Veterans  Hospital,  and  are  involved  in  many  other  com- 
munity events. 

Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars 

In  1990,  the  FW  was  granted  a  charter,  with  John 
Tanner  as  commander,  Harvey  Sorenson  as  first  vice 
commander,  Leon  Palmer  as  junior  vice,  and  Brian 
Wilkening  as  quartermaster.  Their  two  main  sources 
of  revenue  are  county  warrants  and  a  share  of  the 
"Cowboy  Poets"  presentation  in  St.  Anthony.  Owning 
no  post  home,  they  have  met  in  several  places,  in- 
cluding Linda's  Restaurant,  Richard  Huntsman's  home, 
and  Trail's  Inn  Restaurant.  Commanders  have  been 
John  Tanner,  Richard  Huntsman,  Brian  Wilkening,  and 
Melvin  Atwood.  The  post  sponsors  or  participates  in 
the  community  Easter  Egg  Hunt  and  the  Cowboy  Poets 
presentation.  It  also  awards  four  $200  scholarships  an- 
nually to  local  students;  donates  to  the  National  Home 
and  the  National  Children's  Home;  participates  in  the 
poppy  drive;  has  a  presence  at  Memorial  Day,  July  4th, 
and  Veterans  Day  ceremonies;  co- sponsored  the  flag- 
pole at  the  new  high  school;  and  has  donated  to  many 
other  worthy  causes. 


Churches  and  Organizations 

Lions  Club 

The  Ashton  Lions  Club  was  chartered  February  5, 
1941.  Some  of  the  members  were  Lloyd  Compton,  Dar- 
win F.  Taylor,  Rulon  Hemming,  E.  W.  Lupton,  A.  R. 
Clouse,  A.  A.  Krueger,  W.  A.  Lansberry  Jos.  D.  Klamt, 
T  J.  Timmons,  E.  A.  Hunt,  Hale  Hubbard,  J.  L.  Whitte- 
more,  W.  O.  Harrris,  Arvid  Glover,  and  Murray  Baum. 
Projects  included  sending  the  Ashton  Herald  to  all  area 
servicemen  in  the  Pacific  during  World  War  II,  buying 
uniforms  for  North  Fremont's  football  team,  helping 
buy  band  uniforms,  a  lighting  project  for  the  soft-ball 
diamond,  and  so  on. 

Lady  Lions 

After  returning  from  a  Lion's  Club  convention  in  Sun 
Valley,  Una  Stringham,  Irene  Harker,  Donna  Zundel, 
Gertrude  Hill,  Marie  Martindale,  Mildred  Jones,  and 
Gwen  Gygli  organized  the  Ashton  Lady  Lions  Club  on 
December  2,  1952,  electing  Gertrude  Hill  as  president. 
They  sponsored  many  community  projects,  including  a 
Christmas  decorating  contest;  donations  to  cancer,  po- 
lio, and  other  worthy  causes;  helping  send  girls  to  Girls 
State;  clean-up  week  at  the  school  library;  and  many 
others.  One  of  the  most  successful  was  the  story  hour 
for  pre-school  youngsters. 

Rotary  Club 

The  Ashton  Rotary  Club  was  chartered  on  June  26, 
1956,  with  23  members.  Ralph  W  Hunter  was  the 
first  president,  and  H.  S.  Stewart  was  vice  president. 
Other  officers  were  Grant  Jardine,  secretary,  J.  H.  Van- 
Deusen,  treasurer,  and  Mark  Anderson,  sergeant- at  - 
arms.  The  Rotary  Club  has  made  many  contributions 
to  the  community,  improving  the  city  park,  helping 
with  the  swimming  pool,  painting  the  medical  clinic 
building,  and  furnishing  a  community  Christmas  tree 
each  year.  Other  projects  have  been  building  an  amphi- 
theater at  Warm  River  Campground,  erecting  a  shelter 
in  the  city  park,  helping  fund  football  and  basketball 
scoreboards,  and  giving  scholarships  to  deserving  stu- 
dents. Their  foreign-exchange-student  programs  and 
Junior  Miss  programs  have  been  very  successful.  The 
Rotary  Anns,  the  women's  part  of  the  organization,  has 
added  greatly  to  their  success. 

Masonic  Lodge 

The  first  authorized  meeting  of  Ashton  Lodge  #73, 
Ancient  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  was  held  in  Ashton 
on  February  26, 1914.  The  elected  officers  who  presided 
at  the  meeting  were  Fred  A.  Wilkie,  worshipful  master; 
William  A.  Upham,  senior  warden;  Ole  A.  Brothen,  ju- 
nior warden;  John  A.  McDonald,  treasurer;  and  Fred  M. 
Schnedler,  secretary. 


Churches  and  Organizations 

Eastern  Star  began  in  August  1917.  Gem  chapter's 
first  worthy  matron  was  Emma  Foote  Fuller,  worthy 
patron  was  Clarence  M.  Mercer,  and  assistant  matron 
was  Erne  Mercer.  The  charter  was  dated  June  1918.  The 
members  made  cookies  and  knitted  clothing  for  the 
World  War  II  effort.  Masons  and  Eastern  Star  moved 
into  their  present  location  in  1940. 

Meetings  were  held  in  the  hall  commonly  known  as 
the  Krueger  Building  until  1940,  when  the  lodge  pur- 
chased the  present  building  from  the  estate  of  Fred 
Landre.  The  lodge  then  bought  Lot  8  of  Block  46  lo- 
cated west  of  HG  Lumber  and  still  owns  it.  The  build- 
ing housed  a  cafe  on  the  main  floor  and  had  several 
rooms  that  were  rentals  on  the  second  floor.  The  Lodge 
remodeled  the  second  floor  and  held  their  meetings 
there  while  continuing  to  rent  out  the  main  floor  as 
a  restaurant.  On  July  1,  1948,  the  Masonic  Lodge  gave 
a  six- year  lease  to  Glen  and  Evelyn  Pond  on  the  main 
floor  and  basement  for  a  cafe.  After  the  lodge  quit  rent- 
ing the  main  floor  as  a  cafe,  it  was  remodeled  into  a 
banquet  room  and  kitchen. 

In  2002,  the  members  of  Ashton  Lodge  #73  AF  & 
AM  merged  with  St.  Johns  Lodge  #52  AF  &  AM  located 
at  Shelley,  where  the  Ashton  Masonic  Lodge  members 
now  attend.  Membership  in  Ashton  Lodge  #73  AM  & 
FM  at  the  time  of  the  merger  was  57  members. 

Odd  Fellows 

Lodge  #88  of  the  Independent  Order  of  Odd  Fel- 
lows was  organized  in  March  1906,  and  the  charter 
was  signed  October  17,  1906,  by  Hugh  H.  Rankin,  Ft. 
G.  Fuller,  N.  L.  Darling,  William  Zimmerman,  G.  X.  Do- 
herty,  George  Harrigfeld,  and  A.  C.  Langley  Mr.  Fuller 
was  the  first  grand  noble,  and  R.  D.  Jennings  was 
elected  secretary.  The  cornerstone  of  their  building  was 
laid  June  20,  1907,  on  lots  which  had  been  donated 
to  them  by  the  Ashton  Townsite  Co.  with  the  proviso 
that  it  house  the  Ashton  State  Bank.  The  building  was 
built  in  1906  by  Smoky  Johnson,  with  William  Baker 
doing  the  brick  work.  There  was  a  lumber  and  hard- 
ware store  on  the  east  side  of  the  ground  floor.  The 
meeting  rooms  on  the  top  floor,  the  Social  Hall,  have 
been  available  for  many  dinners  and  dances.  They  had 
their  own  band  that  played  up  and  down  the  valley. 
Around  1913,  a  building  was  added  to  the  east  side  of 
the  lodge  hall  and  over  the  years  had  many  occupants, 
including  Tony's  Tire  Shop,  the  Utah  Power  and  Light 
Co.  offices,  and  the  office  of  Dr.  Ed  Hargis.  This  building 
deteriorated  and  was  destroyed  about  1960.  Over  the 
years,  the  first  floor  of  the  main  building  has  housed 
many  businesses,  including  a  hardware  store,  the  Ash- 
ton Herald  newspaper,  the  U.S.  Post  Office,  a  harness 
and  shoe  repair  shop,  Fitch  Photo  shop,  a  dentist's  of- 
fice, and  Keith's  Plumbing,  followed  by  H.  &  S.  (Ham- 
mond and  Smith)  Plumbing,  Utah  Power  and  Light  Co. 


office,  Anna  Moore's  beauty  shop,  Hair  Fair,  the  Flea 
Market,  Stanley's  Furniture  Manufacturing,  and  Arrow- 
head Realty.  The  meeting  room  on  the  top  floor  was  the 
scene  of  regular  Friday  night  dances  during  the  1930s. 

Drew  Whittemore  came  in  1912  and  rented  the  basement  of 
the  Odd  Fellows  Building  for  his  concrete  business.  His  name  is 
still  visible  stamped  into  many  of  Ashton's  sidewalks, 

The  ladies  auxiliary  the  Rebekahs,  with  Winifred 
Rankin  as  chair,  was  organized  in  October  1922.  The 
Ladies  Auxiliary  Ashton  No.  2,  of  Canton  Snake  River 
No.  18,  Patriarch  Militant  I.O.O.F,  Ashton  Idaho  was  the 
complete  title  of  the  ladies'  auxiliary  that  was  organized 
in  1922,  with  Winifred  Rankin  president,  Martha  Lans- 

Churches  and  Organizations 

berry  vice  president,  Rosa  Marquardt  secretary,  and 
Tillis  Simmermacher  treasurer,  but  has  been  inactive 
since  1931. 

The  meeting  room  on  the  top  floor  was  the  scene  of 
regular  Friday  night  dances  during  the  1930s.  The  Re- 
bekahs' Flea  Market,  a  store  run  with  volunteer  help 
and  donations,  has  been  a  tremendous  asset  to  the 
community  for  many  years.  They  sometimes  rent  out 
the  space  to  various  charitable  organizations  that  then 
take  over  the  operation,  including  the  donated  mer- 
chandise, and  are  able  to  add  to  their  own  finances.  Or- 
ganizations operating  the  Flea  Market  are  the  Daugh- 
ters of  Utah  Pioneers,  the  Ashton  Christian  Fellowship, 
the  Upper  Valley  Bible  Church,  the  American  Legion 
Auxiliary,  and  other  nonprofit  organizations. 



Dr.  Hargis  (left)  in  front  of  his  office,  about  1910. 


Chapter  5 


There  was  plenty  of  opportunity  for  recreation 
around  Ashton.  Besides  the  fun  that  people  made  for 
themselves  with  barn  dances,  swimming  holes,  home- 
made games  and  food,  and  invented  games  using  what- 
ever kids  could  find,  other  social  and  cultural  events 
helped  define  the  growing  town.  For  instance,  it  is 
noted  that  in  July  1906,  a  circus,  Eiler's  Big  R.  R.  Show, 
came  to  town  and  performed  "Rip  Van  Winkle." 

Opera  House 

The  Ashton  Townsite  Co.  sold  the  site  of  the  Opera 
House  to  Charles  Bartlett  in  1906,  and  Murphy  and 
Melton  were  clearing  the  land  of  sagebrush  and  be- 
ginning construction  in  1909.  W.  J.  Anderson  was  the 
carpenter.  E.  M.  Varin  was  the  manager  in  1910  and 

bought  the  lot  from  James  Melton  in  1912,  who  got  it 
from  Walter  Melton  in  1909  after  he  acquired  it  from 
Charles  P.  Bartlett,  who  bought  it  from  the  townsite  in 
1906.  In  1920,  the  building  reverted  back  to  the  Town- 
site  Co.  and  was  purchased  by  C.  C.  Moore  and  H.  G. 
Fuller,  who  owned  the  building  for  ten  years.  The  Amer- 
ican Legion  acquired  title  to  the  building  in  1940  and 
used  it  for  a  meeting  hall  for  the  next  34  years.  The 
American  Legion  made  extensive  changes  to  the  build- 
ing, including  adding  a  kitchen  on  the  north.  They  later 
traded  it  to  Murray  Baum  for  the  old  Lutheran  Church 
at  the  corner  of  Seventh  and  Idaho,  and  he  used  it  for 
a  meeting  hall  for  his  Seventh-Day  Adventist  Church. 
Baum  sold  to  Sam  Earle  a  year  later  for  storage  for  his 
Ford  dealership.  He  later  sold  it  to  Lynn  Hossner,  who 



did  extensive  remodeling  and  currently  has  it  available 
for  rent. 

Belle  Lupton,  a  local  music  teacher,  produced  many 
plays  and  musical  events  there.  Mrs.  Lupton  trained 
at  Ricks  College,  the  Chicago  Musical  College,  and 
Chicago  Art  Institute.  She  served  as  president  of  the 
State  Federation  of  Music  Clubs  and  taught  music  in 
many  schools  in  southeastern  Idaho. 

Belle  Wood  Lupton  wrote  the  following  song: 

Tall  and  stately  lodge  poles  that  reach  toward  the  sky, 

Cool  and  shady  trout  streams  gushing  swiftly  Py; 

Gushing  swiftly  Py  in  Idaho. 

Long  and  shady  highways  wending  through  the  trees, 

High  and  rugged  mountains,  snow  caps  on  them  freeze, 

Snow  caps  on  them  freeze  in  Idaho. 


Sweet  memories  of  Idaho 

Of  lovely  Idaho 

Of  friendly  Idaho 

O  sing  the  praise  of  Idaho, 

The  Gem  State  of  the  West! 

The  Opera  House  has  been  used  for  weddings,  fu- 
nerals, dances,  square-dance  lessons,  boxing  matches, 
roller-skating,  school  assemblies  and  lyceums,  basket- 
ball practices,  auctions,  sportsman's  jamborees,  gun 
club  meetings,  community  events,  and  plays  put  on  by 

traveling  Chautauqua  companies  many  years  ago.  The 
Chautauqua  companies  would  send  a  woman  director- 
producer  to  town,  and  she  would  recruit  people  to  take 
part  in  the  plays.  At  least  two  marriages  to  Ashton  men 
resulted.  Madison  Klick  married  Carl  Reimann,  and  at- 
tractive Josie  married  Max  Warsany,  but  they  divorced 
after  about  six  weeks. 

Professional  Poxers  would  come  to  town  and  fight  anyone  in 
the  crowd  for  $30.  Vem  Calonge,  WilPur  Dixon,  and  Ivan 
McGavin  were  three  who  fought  in  the  ring.  Cal  Smith  also 
Poxed  against  the  professionals  and  held  the  Intermountain 
Heavyweight  Championship  of  the  Pacific  Northwest 
(although  he  was  actually  a  welterweight)  for  several  years. 


In  1933,  the  Ashton  Golf  Club  acquired  title  to  Blocks 
31  and  32,  the  two  city  blocks  north  of  Main  Street  at 
the  west  edge  of  the  city.  They  maintained  that  title  and 
had  a  golf  course  there  until  1947. 

Carl  Bates  purchased  and  logged  80  acres  of  timber 
just  south  of  the  Green  Timber  Road  next  to  the  Na- 
tional Forest  Boundary.  After  logging  the  merchantable 
timber,  he  turned  it  into  a  nine-hole  golf  course  with  a 
club  house.  He  also  has  a  bar,  rental  units,  and  lots  for 
sale.  He  named  it  Timberline  Golf  Course. 



City  Park 

Ashton  developed  its  city  park  a  block  and  a  half 
north  of  Main  Street  between  First  and  Second  Streets. 
The  city  also  maintains  a  baseball  diamond  a  couple  of 
blocks  east  of  the  park. 

The  earlier  ballpark  at  the  west  edge  of  Ashton  was 
an  early-day  center  for  community  sports.  Each  com- 
munity had  its  own  baseball  team,  and  they  played  reg- 
ular games  with  each  other.  There  was  an  oval  track 
around  the  ball  diamond  for  horse  racing.  The  ball  dia- 
mond was  on  the  south  section  of  Block  33. 

Swimming  Pool 

The  Ashton  Swimming  Pool  was  built  in  1967  in  the 
southwest  corner  of  Ashton's  city  park,  after  the  City  of 
Ashton  provided  a  99-  year  lease  on  the  property  where 
it  sits.  Merrill  Evans,  manager  of  Bestway  Building  Cen- 
ter, headed  the  North  Fremont  Swimming  Pool  Associ- 
ation that  applied  for  a  $30,000  loan  and  raised  another 
$7,500  in  donations  from  Ashton  businesses,  organiza- 
tions, and  residents  to  construct  it.  It  ranged  from  9'6" 
deep  where  a  diving  board  was  installed  to  1'6"  deep 
where  the  kiddies'  pool  was  at  the  other  end.  Clair  Alli- 
son was  the  first  manager.  Some  other  managers  have 
included  Diane  Rhodes,  Patti  Atchley,  and  Jan  Stronks. 

In  1983,  an  earthquake  near  Challis,  Idaho,  damaged 
the  pool,  causing  it  to  leak.  A  citizens'  committee  raised 

$25,000  to  have  the  pool  repaired  by  Bunker  Pool  and 
Spa  of  Pocatello. 

Tennis  Court 

In  1976,  the  American  Legion,  as  a  bicentennial 
project,  pushed  for  a  tennis  court.  With  cooperation 
from  the  Idaho  State  Parks  and  Recreation  Department, 
the  City  of  Ashton,  and  the  Fremont  School  District, 
it  was  built  on  school  property  and  was  therefore  the 
property  of  the  school  district.  George  Sadoris,  a  mem- 
ber of  the  American  Legion,  was  an  avid  player  who 
gave  lessons  to  many  of  the  local  students. 


The  first  motion  picture  shown  in  Ashton  was  by 
Freeman  Humes  in  a  tent  at  the  rear  of  the  Cannon 
store.  George  Swartz  and  William  Swanstrum  built  the 
Star  Theater  across  the  street.  The  Ashton  Theater  was 
operated  by  George  Harrigfeld,  and  later  by  a  group  of 
Ashton  businessmen. 

Dick  Heinz  tells  of  the  filming  of  Paramount's  "The 
Unconquered,"  starring  Gary  Cooper  and  Paulette  God- 
dard,  in  1946.  Many  local  people,  including  Cleon  Cor- 
don and  Bus  Gunter,  were  made  up  as  Indians,  com- 
plete with  war  paint.  Seventy-eight  doubles  and  extras 
and  Cecil  B.  DeMille,  the  director,  were  on  location.  A 
plank  roadway  was  built  for  some  distance  upstream 



from  Upper  Mesa  Falls  for  the  cameras  to  run  on.  In  the 
movie,  a  canoe  chase  of  the  white  explorers  by  the  Indi- 
ans started  on  Fall  River  but  suddenly  changed  to  the 
Snake  River  so  the  movie  characters  would  have  Mesa 
Falls  to  contend  with.  An  overhanging  branch  that  took 
them  to  a  cave  behind  the  falls  saved  the  stars'  doubles. 

The  story  is  told  thot  a  color  movie  camera  was  lost  in  Fall  River 
but  never  recovered. 

Ashton  Regatta 

The  Ashton  Regatta  held  in  August  each  year  and 
sponsored  by  the  Ashton  Chamber  of  Commerce 
brings  lots  of  participation  from  nearby  residents.  The 
rule  that  anything  that  floats  is  eligible  brings  in- 
ner tubes,  milk-  container  rafts,  canoes,  and  bicycle- 
powered  contraptions.  The  race  begins  at  the  conflu- 
ence of  Warm  River  and  the  Henry's  Fork  of  the  Snake 
and  ends  at  Jim's  Dock  north  of  Ashton. 

Jim's  Dock  was  a  private  financial  venture  (near  the 
old  Wendell  Bridge)  of  Jim  Merrick,  who  rented  water- 
skiing  and  boating  equipment  and  sold  food  and  drink. 
For  several  summers  in  the  1960s,  swimming  lessons 
were  taught  there  in  a  section  logged  off  from  the  river. 
The  dock  is  now  maintained  by  Fremont  County. 


In  the  1960s,  a  group  of  archers  built  a  "Field  Archery 
Course"  on  the  Ashton  Hill.  It  had  good  usage  for  sev- 
eral years  until  the  State  Highway  Department  closed 
the  road  leading  east  from  Highway  20  to  it.  Dan  Whit- 
more  put  an  archery  range  on  the  second  floor  of  his 
building  but  was  never  able  to  get  the  participation  he 
hoped  for. 


Lynn  Allison  remembers  a  "duck  pin"  bowling  al- 
ley, using  smaller  balls  and  smaller  pins  than  regular 
bowling  alleys,  that  was  installed  near  the  center  of 
the  south  side  of  the  500  block  in  the  late  1930s  and 
was  very  popular  for  a  few  years.  The  duck-pin  alleys 
used  smaller  balls  without  holes  and  smaller  pins  than 
regular  bowling  alleys.  Automatic  pinsetters  had  not 
yet  been  invented,  so  local  teenagers  set  the  pins.  Its 
demise  was  probably  due  to  the  loss  of  bowlers  to  the 
war  effort. 

Bowling  became  a  popular  sport,  with  many  four- 
man  teams  going  to  St.  Anthony  to  bowl,  so  Joe  Rankin 
built  an  eight-lane  bowling  alley  half  a  block  south  of 
Main  Street  on  State  Highway  20.  It  was  a  hit  with  the 
local  people  until  personal  problems  required  him  to 
shut  it  down.  It  was  then  turned  into  a  grocery  store 
by  Dennis  Nichols,  who  moved  from  his  location  at 



the  corner  of  Sixth  and  Main  and  later  sold  to  Dave 
Thatcher,  who  later  sold  to  his  son-in-law  Dave  "Jake" 
Jacobsen,  a  most  civic-minded  citizen. 


Hunting  has  always  been  good  and  is  a  favorite  sport 
in  the  area.  The  abundance  of  mule  deer,  elk,  moose, 
and-since  their  introduction  into  the  area  about  1975 — 
white-tailed  deer,  has  provided  sport  and  much-  ap- 
preciated meat  to  the  residents.  The  harsh  winters  and 
heavy  snows  drive  the  elk  out  of  their  summer  home  in 
Yellowstone  Park  to  the  sagebrush  deserts  to  the  west. 
There  are  brown  and  grizzly  bear,  cougar,  an  occasional 
bison,  and  rarely  a  bighorn  sheep.  There  are  a  few  ante- 
lope in  the  western  area. 

An  account  of  early  Greentimber  says  that  until  1 903  prairie 
chickens,  sage  hens,  and  curlews  were  so  plentiful  they 
clouded  the  sky 

Sage  grouse  and  sharptail  grouse  are  plentiful  in 
the  sagebrush  desert,  and  ruffed  grouse  and  blue 
grouse,  both  locally  called  "pine  hens,"  are  found  in  the 
Targhee  Forest,  and  hungarian  partridge  in  farming  ar- 
eas. Hunting  for  ducks  and  geese  is  good.  Some  hunt- 
ing for  sandhill  cranes  and  wild  turkeys  is  allowed. 

Targhee  National  Forest 

The  Targhee  National  Forest  was  created  on  July  1, 
1908,  when  President  Theodore  Roosevelt  combined 
the  previously  established  Henry's  Lake  Forest  Reserve 
and  part  of  the  Yellowstone  Forest  Reserve  for  a  total 
of  almost  one  and  a  half  million  acres.  In  1910,  nearly 
650,000  acres  of  the  south  portion  were  eliminated, 
and  60,000  acres  were  restored  to  the  public  domain 
and  taken  up  as  homesteads.  The  remainder  became 
the  Palisades  National  Forest,  which  in  1917  was  once 
again  combined  with  the  Targhee,  which  was  named 
in  honor  of  a  Bannock  Indian  chief.  The  Shoshone- 
Bannock  Tribe  has  ancestral  treaty  rights  to  use  the  for- 

The  headquarters  of  the  Targhee  National  Forest  Dis- 
trict, originally  called  Hallie  Park  Ranger  District,  has  al- 
ways been  in  Ashton.  The  winter  headquarters  for  the 
Porcupine  District  has  also  been  in  Ashton,  moving  15 
miles  to  the  east  in  the  summer. 

The  first  timber  sale  on  the  Targhee  was  to  Sam  Stod- 
dard in  1905.  Logs  were  skidded  out  to  wagons  and 
hauled  to  the  mill  or  railroad  by  work  oxen  and  horses. 
The  timber  was  made  into  lumber  or  used  for  power 
poles,  potato  cellars,  corral  poles,  fence  posts,  house 
logs,  paper  pulp,  or  firewood. 

The  Targhee  Forest  has  been  a  major  factor  in  the 
development  of  the  Ashton  area  because  of  the  mul- 
tiple uses  it  affords:  hunting,  fishing,  hiking,  floating, 



camping,  snowmobiling,  sight- seeing,  logging,  and 
grazing.  Thousands  of  cattle  and  sheep  use  the  forest 
for  grazing  during  the  summer. 

The  annual  cattle  drive  in  the  fall,  moving  cattle  from  their 
summer  range  in  the  Targhee  Forest  through  the  Main  Street  of 
Ashton  to  the  winter  range  to  the  west,  is  a  spectacle  enjoyed 
by  residents  and  tourists  alike, 

Mesa  Falls 

About  16  miles  north  of  Ashton  are  Upper  Mesa  Falls, 
which  falls  about  114  feet,  and  Lower  Mesa  Falls,  with  a 
fall  of  about  65  feet.  These  have  always  been  an  attrac- 
tion, particularly  since  the  improvement  of  Highway  47 
in  recent  years  and  its  designation  as  the  Mesa  Falls 
Scenic  Byway. 

The  Big  Falls  Lodge  was  built  in  about  1912  as  an 
office  for  the  Mesa  Power  Co.  but  saw  much  use  as 
a  lodging  house  for  tourists  on  their  way  to  Yellow- 
stone. There  were  plans  to  build  a  dam  and  power  gen- 
erator there,  but  that  was  never  accomplished.  Mon- 
tana Power  purchased  the  area  in  1936,  but  again  the 
planned  dam  was  never  built.  Over  the  years,  the  lodge 
was  used  for  a  restaurant,  dance  hall,  and  Scout  camp. 

The  Forest  Service  acquired  the  area  in  1986  through 
a  land  exchange.  Within  the  next  three  years,  the  Forest 

Service  and  the  Idaho  Department  of  Parks  and  Recre- 
ation restored  the  lodge,  built  pathways  to  the  river's 
edge,  and  listed  the  lodge  on  the  National  Register  of 
Historic  Places.  Lower  Mesa  Falls  is  one  mile  downriver 
to  the  south,  and  the  Grandview  Overlook  there,  built 
by  the  Civilian  Conservation  Corps,  in  the  1930s,  af- 
fords an  impressive  view  of  the  falls.  The  Grandview 
Forest  Service  Campground  is  located  there. 

The  Warm  River  Forest  Service  Campground,  nine 
miles  east  of  Ashton,  is  a  popular  camping  spot  on 
Warm  River,  as  is  the  Cave  Falls  Campground,  20  miles 
east  of  Ashton. 

Gloy  Lyon  told  of  staying  at  the  Big  Falls  Lodge  on  the  first 
night  of  her  honeymoon  in  1921  and  being  terrified  of  the 
grizzled  old  desk  clerk. 

The  river  can  be  deadly.  Some  years  ago,  two  sailors  stationed 
at  the  Atomic  Energy  site  near  Idaho  Falls  decided  to  float  the 
river.  They  were  cautioned  to  put  in  below  the  falls,  so  they  did. 
But  they  put  their  boat  in  below  Upper  Mesa  Falls,  and  when 
they  came  to  the  brink  of  Lower  Mesa  Falls,  one  of  them 
swam  to  the  bank,  but  the  other  one  rode  the  boat  over  and 
lost  his  life. 

One  time  a  father,  and  a  mother  with  a  small  child  in  her  arms, 
stood  at  the  brink  of  Lower  Mesa  Falls.  The  father  turned  and 



stepped  Pack  to  take  their  picture,  Put  when  he  turned  Pack 
around,  they  were  no  longer  there. 


The  Henry's  Fork  of  the  Snake  River  is  world 
renowned  for  its  fishing.  Local  residents  have  always 
known  that  Fall  River  is  a  better  fishing  stream,  but  they 
don't  tell.  When  a  tourist  wants  to  know  where  to  fish, 
the  locals  point  to  Henry's  Fork.  MarvTighe,  one  of  the 
world's  great  trout  fishermen,  stood  on  the  bank  of  Fall 
River  and  declared,  "This  is  the  best  fishing  spot  in  Fre- 
mont County,  and  Fremont  County  is  the  best  fishing 
in  Idaho,  and  Idaho  is  the  best  fishing  in  the  United 

On  the  opening  day  of  fishing  season  1 998,  Melanie  Rivas 
caught  a  19-inch,  two-and-a-half-pound  trout  on  Fall  River  in 
water  her  grandfather  said  was  too  high  and  too  muddy  to  Pe 

The  Idaho  Department  of  Fish  and  Game,  since 
1920,  has  added  tremendously  to  the  quality  of  fishing 
by  raising  fish  in  the  Ashton  Hatchery,  a  mile  south  and 
a  mile  west  of  Ashton.  The  hatchery  produces  about 

50,000  pounds  of  fish  a  year,  including  rainbow  trout, 
rainbow/ cutthroat  hybrid  trout,  brook  trout,  brown 
trout,  and  grayling,  most  of  which  are  planted  in  the 
waters  of  Eastern  Idaho.  Grayling  are  also  stocked  into 
mountain  lakes  all  across  Idaho.  Progress  at  the  facil- 
ity has  been  continuous,  from  the  manager's  residence, 
built  in  1936,  to  the  workshop /garage  finished  in  2005. 
In  1983,  the  beautiful  spring  pond  had  to  be  drained 
because  of  many  problems,  including  the  spread  offish 

The  Warm  River  Hatchery  was  leased  from  the  U.S. 
Forest  Service  and  operated  by  the  Department  of  Fish 
and  Game  from  1953  until  1973.  Although  Warm  River 
Springs  is  one  of  the  largest  water  suppliers  in  the  state, 
the  hatchery  was  closed  because  of  low  fish  production, 
lack  of  space  for  ponds,  and  poor  winter  access. 

The  Henry's  Lake  Hatchery  provides  1,200,000  eggs 
per  year  for  use  in  other  hatcheries. 

Hark  "Snick"  Misseldine  for  many  years  carried  fish  in  a 
Packpack  to  Packsaddle  Lake  and  other  lakes  and  streams 
deep  in  the  mountains  of  Eastern  Idaho.  He  told  of  seeing  an 
osprey  take  a  trout  from  a  mountain  lake,  and  then  he 
watched  as  a  Paid  eagle  tried  to  steal  it  in  mid-air.  They 
fought  until  it  dropped  Pack  into  the  lake  and  then  flew  to 
different  trees  and  sat  and  screamed  at  each  other, 


There  is  no  proof  that  the  photo  on  this  Teton  Pharmacy  Post  Card  was  taken  near  Ashton,  but  the  postcard  does  say  so. 



Bear  Gulch  Ski  Basin 

In  April  1938,  Targhee  National  Forest  ranger  Rufus 
Hall  and  junior  forester  Tippets  looked  at  four  potential 
resort  sites  along  Yellowstone  Highway  191,  with  the 
Bear  Gulch  site  being  the  top  selection.  The  next  year, 
Alf  Engen,  a  world-class  skier  from  Norway,  helped  lay 
out  the  first  runs  that  became  known  as  the  Bear  Cat, 
the  Dipper,  and  the  Teddy  Bear.  A  crew  from  the  Civil- 
ian Conservation  Corps  cleared  the  slopes  and  con- 
structed a  commissary  building  at  the  top  of  the  hill. 

Union  Pacific  was  interested  in  the  project  and  may 
have  paid  for  the  survey  work  because  it  was  near 
the  rail  line  to  West  Yellowstone,  Montana.  During  the 
1930s,  this  passenger  service  to  Yellowstone  Park  was 
one  of  Union  Pacific's  most-used  tourist  lines. 

Originally  Bear  Gulch  was  a  nonprofit  corporation 
between  the  Ashton  Dog  Derby  Association,  the  U.S. 
Forest  Service,  and  the  Ashton  Ski  Club.  Members 
of  the  Dog  Derby  Association  included  W.  O.  Harris, 
chairman;  Rulon  Hemming;  Robert  Timmons;  and  J.  D. 
Klamt.  Bud  Clouse  operated  it. 

The  first  ride  up  the  hill  was  on  two  5-by-16  flat- 
bottomed  sleds  linked  by  a  cable  that  went  to  the  top 
of  the  hill  and  was  powered  by  a  Caterpillar  engine 
with  cables  wrapped  around  large  drums.  One  sled  was 
pulled  to  the  top  as  the  other  sled  was  let  back  down. 
Shifting  gears  at  the  engine  reversed  the  process.  About 
14  skiers  sitting  side  by  side  on  the  sled  could  be  taken 

at  a  time.  This  lift  was  affectionately  known  as  the  "Red 
Assed  Lift."  In  the  fall  of  1940,  a  rope  tow  was  installed 
on  the  Teddy  Bear  so  skiers  could  be  pulled  to  the  top. 

In  1942,  the  hill  was  closed  because  of  World  War 
II  but  was  reopened  in  1945,  when  the  Forest  Service 
issued  a  permit  to  Bear  Gulch  Ski  Basin,  Inc.,  whose 
members  were  Harry  Lewies,  Dan  Reimann,  Art  Ander- 
son, and  Gilman  Fletcher. 

In  1948,  the  toboggan  lift  was  replaced  by  a  T-bar  lift. 
The  Grizzly  run  was  cleared,  and  a  lodge  with  a  large 
kitchen  and  huge  double  fireplace  was  built.  Down- 
stairs were  restrooms,  wood  storage,  and  an  apartment. 
The  original  rope  tow  was  installed  behind  the  lodge, 
powered  by  a  surplus  GMC  truck. 

Night  skiing  was  offered  for  several  years  on  the 
Teddy  Bear  run  as  lights  were  installed  along  the  edge 
of  the  trees  and  on  poles  out  in  the  middle.  A  shack 
near  the  lodge  housed  the  generator  that  powered  the 
lodge  and  the  night  lights.  A  double  chair-lift  manufac- 
tured by  a  firm  in  Burley  was  installed  along  the  side 
of  the  Dipper  run  when  Fall  River  Electric  extended  its 
power  lines  to  the  area  in  1965.  Grooming  in  the  early 
days  was  done  by  volunteers  lining  up  to  ski-pack  an 
individual  run;  later,  double-tracked  Ski-doos  towed  a 
wooden  frame  with  chicken  wire  suspended  and  sta- 
pled along  the  sides.  Larger  snow  machines  such  as 
Tucker,  Thiokol,  and  Bombardier  were  used  later. 

In  the  late  1960s,  Grand  Targhee  Resort  east  of 



Driggs  opened.  Bear  Gulch  was  well  known  for  its  in- 
termediate and  expert  terrain,  and  even  though  it  was 
small  and  had  only  a  600-foot  vertical  drop,  it  had  been 
the  premier  ski  area  in  eastern  Idaho.  Grand  Targhee 
with  its  high  elevation  and  2000-foot  vertical  drop 
brought  a  world-class  ski  area  to  eastern  Idaho,  taking 
many  of  the  skiers  who  had  patronized  Bear  Gulch. 

In  the  fall  of  1970,  the  resort  was  purchased  by  Bruce 
Black,  Ernie  Andrus,  and  Vern  Kelch  of  Idaho  Falls.  In 
1978,  the  resort  was  sold  to  Jack  Alpi,  who  later  sold  to 
Wendell  Butcher  of  California,  but  in  April  of  1983  Alpi 
filed  suit  against  Terra  Vista,  Inc.,  of  Utah,  alleging  that 
it  was  a  sham  company. 

Bear  Gulch  faced  foreclosure  by  FmHA  for  the  sum 
of  $33,000.  In  1983,  a  group  of  Ashton  citizens,  under 
the  chairmanship  of  Howard  Bergman,  tried  to  raise 
enough  money  to  purchase  the  facility.  FmHA  rejected 
their  bid  of  $5,500.  Tom  Harward  and  Jim  Harward  pur- 
chased the  resort  for  $12,000.  The  resort  was  closed 
during  the  1983-84  season.  U.S.  Forest  Service  terms 
were  complied  with  until,  in  October  1985,  Harwards 
were  notified  of  items  that  had  to  be  corrected  before 
they  would  be  allowed  to  operate  the  next  year.  The  re- 
quirements were  not  met,  and  the  area  did  not  open 
for  the  1985-86  season.  In  1986,  the  Harwards  were  no- 
tified that,  based  on  existing  conditions  and  past  per- 
formance, the  Forest  Service  did  not  intend  to  issue 
a  permit  for  the  1986-87  season.  The  Harwards  were 

given  until  July  1,  1988,  to  complete  removal  of  im- 
provements and  complete  site  rehabilitation. 

The  resort  sat  idle  until  an  evening  late  in  October 
of  1989.  Lou  Woltering,  ranger  of  the  Ashton  District, 
said  he  gave  the  order  to  burn  the  lodge.  This  was  a 
surprise  to  most  residents,  for  there  had  been  no  no- 
tice in  the  news  media,  nor  had  public  input  been  so- 
licited in  making  the  decision.  Woltering  explained,  "Af- 
ter making  many  calls  to  see  if  there  was  any  interest  in 
salvaging  the  building,  it  was  not  serving  any  purpose 
the  way  it  was,  and  there  had  been  numerous  break- 
ins,"  and  "Bringing  the  old  lodge  up  to  current  building 
and  safety  codes  would  be  very  costly."  Doug  Muir,  as- 
sistant district  ranger,  said  every  effort  had  been  made 
to  encourage  Tom  and  Jim  Harward  to  bring  the  oper- 
ation up  to  safety  standards,  but  it  had  not  been  done. 
The  matter  was  in  court  more  than  once,  with  the  de- 
cision finally  in  favor  of  the  Forest  Service.  A  few  days 
later,  bulldozers  knocked  down  the  stone  fireplace  and 
buried  the  rubble,  leaving  just  a  memory.  The  incident 
left  many  local  residents  bitter  toward  the  Forest  Ser- 
vice, and  a  local  mistrust  of  Forest  Service  policy  still 

It  was  often  said  if  you  could  ski  Bear  Gulch,  you  could  ski 
anywhere  in  the  world.  Sun  Valley  was  the  first  established  ski 
resort  in  Idaho,  in  1936,  and  Bear  Gulch  was  the  second. 


Ski  runs  at  Bear  Gulch. 



Ambassador's  Cup  Sports  Foundation 

Keith  Nyborg  served  a  mission  for  his  church  to 
Finland,  later  returning  there  to  bring  the  lovely  Raija 
home  to  Idaho  to  be  his  wife.  Later,  when  the  United 
States  needed  an  Ambassador  to  Finland,  the  people  of 
Ashton  brought  pressure  to  bear  on  their  elected  rep- 
resentatives, and  President  Ronald  Reagan  appointed 
Keith  Ambassador  to  Finland,  where  he  served  for  five 
years.  When  he  returned  to  Ashton  in  1986,  he  sug- 
gested to  the  Chamber  of  Commerce  that  the  commu- 
nity sponsor  a  cross-country  ski  race  similar  to  the  75 
km  Finlandia  Ski  Race  he  had  participated  in.  Keith  ac- 
cepted the  chairmanship  of  the  committee,  and  along 
with  Weldon  Reynolds,  Arnold  Young,  Bonnie  Burlage, 
James  Stoddard,  David  Krueger,  and  Joyce  Otto,  began 
plans  for  the  first  race,  which  they  set  for  February  13, 
1988.  As  time  went  on,  some  of  the  original  members  of 
the  committee  dropped  out  and  were  replaced  by  Ken 
Schauer,  Nieca  Jessen,  and  Don  Black. 

Within  hours  of  the  beginning  of  the  first  race,  a 
blizzard  hit  the  area,  and  the  race  had  to  be  canceled. 
Snowmobiles  and  sno-cats  were  sent  out  to  rescue  the 
skiers,  some  of  whom  were  safe  at  Floyd  and  Amy  Grif- 
fel's  Squirrel  Store.  Some  made  it  to  the  Kurt  Kandler 
home,  broke  a  window  for  entry,  and  made  a  phone  call 
to  let  race  officials  know  where  they  were.  A  few  made  it 
to  the  maintenance  station  north  of  Lamont  and  were 
rescued  by  the  county  road  crew.  One  skier,  John  Piatt, 

was  found  on  the  Reclamation  Road.  No  lives  were  lost, 
although  it  was  a  very  dangerous  situation. 

Under  the  auspices  of  the  Ambassador's  Cup  Foun- 
dation, a  mountain  bike  biathlon  was  held  in  the  sum- 
mer of  1989  starting  at  Hiway  20,  just  north  of  the 
bridge,  running  36  miles  east  and  back  to  Ashton.  This 
event  was  later  canceled  because  of  lack  of  participa- 
tion. In  1992,  the  race  was  held  in  conjunction  with  the 
American  Dog  Derby  and  was  very  successful.  An  off- 
shoot of  the  above  races  was  the  beginning  of  the  Mesa 
Falls  Marathon,  which  has  been  very  successful,  with 
the  assistance  of  Dave  "Jake"  Jacobson,  but  which  was 
originated  by  Ambassador  Nyborg. 

If  you  want  to  make  her  day,  just  say  "Hi  ya,  Raija"  to  Mrs. 

American  Dog  Derby 

Dog  teams  were  a  familiar  mode  of  transportation 
in  early  Ashton,  so  Jay  Ball,  Gus  Isenburg,  George  Zarn, 
and  others  had  the  idea  to  hold  the  first  Ashton  Dog 
Derby  for  the  North  American  Championship  dog  race. 
The  first  race  was  held  March  4,  1917,  from  West  Yel- 
lowstone, and  was  won  from  a  field  of  five  racers  by 
Tud  Kent  in  26  hours  through  a  blizzard,  65  miles 



to  Ashton.  The  following  year's  races  were  highly  pro- 
moted by  the  Union  Pacific  Railroad,  which  ran  special 
trains  carrying  hundreds  of  passengers  from  Salt  Lake 
City.  Whistlin'  Lyd  Hutchinson  participated  in  the  1922, 
1923,  and  1924  races;  in  her  fur-trimmed  parka  and  vel- 
vet pants,  she  was  an  attractive  national  advertisement 
for  the  races.  Whistlin'  Lyd  died  in  1930  but  was  hon- 
ored by  having  her  picture  on  the  Dog  Derby  button  for 

Tud  Kent  in  his  ten-gallon  hat  and  four-buckle  over- 
shoes also  won  in  1919,  1921,  1922,  1925,  and  1928. 
Bill  Trude  won  in  1918;  Smoky  Gaston  in  1923;  George 
Zarn's  son,  Alcott,  a  teenager,  in  1924;  Warren  Cording- 
leyin  1926;  and  Earl  Kimball  in  1927  and  1930.  The  1920 
race  was  canceled  because  of  lack  of  snow,  as  was  the 
race  in  2005.  Other  winners  were  Roy  Stover  in  1931, 
Warren  Cordingley's  son  Don  in  1932,  in  1934  (in  the 
only  race  run  on  wheels  because  of  lack  of  snow),  and 
in  1935.  Ray  Peterson  won  in  1933,  and  Lloyd  VanSickle 
in  1936  and  1937.  In  1938  and  1939,  the  winner  was  Ce- 
ley  Baum.  Everett  Heseman  won  in  1940,  1941,  1942, 
1946,  and  1947.  The  races  were  not  held  in  1944  and 
1945  because  of  World  War  II.  Lloyd  VanSickle  won  in 
1948,  and  Lowell  Fields  won  the  newly  added  freight 
race.  The  races  were  called  off  in  1949  because  of  too 
much  snow,  but  in  1950  and  1951  they  were  won  by 
Austin  Seeley  In  the  last  year  of  the  derby,  the  winner 
was  Ernest  Harrigfeld. 

Togo  Manning,  as  "the  Old  Trapper,"  was  a  fixture  of  the  Dog  Derby. 
He  crafted  many  of  the  harnesses,  rigging,  and  other  leather  goods 
used  by  the  mushers. 


Tud  Kent,  winner  of  the  1 928  American  Dog  Derby,  on  the  grandstand  receiving  prize  money  and  a  trophy. 


Lydia  Hutchenson,  the  1 924  Dog  Derby  queen,  flanked  by  admirers  and  a  brass  band.  This  photo  shows  some  of  the  polished  showmanship  that 
had  taken  over  the  American  Dog  Derby  by  this  time,  making  it  a  world-class  event. 



Over  the  years,  several  women  have  participated  in 
the  races,  including  Lottie  Anderson  and  Monte  Bauer 
in  1927;  Veneta  Calonge  in  1928;  Thula  Geelan  in  1930, 
1934,  and  1938;  and  Gene  Trude  in  1934. 

During  the  several  years  of  the  Dog  Derbies,  there 
were  dances  in  the  Opera  House  and  in  the  basement 
of  the  Ashton  Hotel,  along  with  wide-open  gambling. 
The  people  of  Ashton  will  never  forget  the  excitement 
of  "going  to  the  dogs"  at  the  American  Dog  Derby,  along 
with  other  dog- sledding  enthusiasts  from  all  over  the 

In  1948,  Lewis  Price  parachuted  with  his  dogs  into  a  field  just 
south  of  Ashton,  but  the  sled  landed  on  a  horseshoe  rabbit, 
and  all  the  dogs  took  off  after  it,  dragging  their  parachutes 
behind  them. 

The  VanSickle  brothers  had  a  pet  bear  in  their  team,  but  it  had 
no  patience  with  the  dogs  if  they  were  slow  and  would  speed 
them  up  with  a  swipe  of  its  paw. 


Chapter  6 


Ashton  Public  Library 

In  19 10,  the  Ashton  Commercial  Club  and  Free  Read- 
ing Room  was  in  an  upstairs  room  above  the  Teton 
Pharmacy  in  the  Masonic  Building.  In  1914,  the  Study 
Club  took  over  its  sponsorship.  It  was  moved  in  1916  to 
rooms  above  the  Star  Theater,  where  six  months  rent 
was  $15.  It  was  later  moved  to  the  Ashton  City  Building 
in  1943.  The  first  paid  librarian  was  Henrietta  Vansell, 
followed  by  Mrs.  C.  D.  Baker,  Mrs.  Zelma  Ball,  Mrs.  Flo- 
rence Owen,  Mrs.  Lewis  Kiser,  and  Mrs.  R.  L.  Baker.  Mrs. 
Florence  VanDeusen  and  Mrs.  Leo  Hammond  were 
also  involved.  One  item  of  expense  shown  was  curtains 
from  the  Cheap  Cash  Store  for  $4.10.  The  club  was  later 
relocated  just  west  of  the  C.  W.  &  M.  Building,  and  then 

moved  to  the  Ashton  Community  Center.  Lorene  Hoch 
became  librarian  in  1966,  taking  over  from  Nettie  Baker, 
who  retired  in  1978.  Diana  Davis  started  the  children's 
library  which  was  later  taken  over  by  Eileen  Bergman 

Ashton  Schools 

When  Idaho  became  a  state  in  1890,  Miles  R.  Ca- 
hoon  was  appointed  the  first  school  superintendent  of 
Fremont  County;  thereafter,  it  was  an  elective  position, 
and  Miss  Gusta  Fletcher  was,  in  1898,  the  first  elected 
superintendent.  In  1947,  the  state  law  was  changed, 
and  the  local  school  boards  thereafter  appointed  super- 



The  original  Ashton  Public  School,  shortly  after  its  construction  in  1906.  The  school  was  destroyed  by  fire  about  1925. 



The  first  schools  in  the  area  were  usually  held  in  the 
home  of  the  teacher  or  another  settler.  Schools  were 
built  about  six  miles  apart  so  students  would  not  have 
far  to  travel.  In  1891,  the  first  school  was  built  about 
a  mile  north  of  the  site  of  Ashton,  and  in  1895  a  log 
schoolhouse  was  built  at  Lodi.  Mr.  Slatery  taught  at 
Lodi  in  the  winter  and  Sarilda  in  the  summer. 

In  February  1906,  the  school  district  of  Harris  pe- 
titioned to  be  consolidated  with  the  Lodi  district  and 
build  the  Union  School  at  Ashton.  It  was  known  as  Ash- 
ton Common  School  District  #47,  with  John  Hill,  Ernest 
Spratling,  and  Samuel  Tatlow  as  trustees.  This  school 
was  used  until,  coinciding  with  the  beginning  of  Ash- 
ton in  February  1906,  a  two-story  brick  building  with  a 
basement  was  built  on  the  site  of  Ashton's  present  el- 
ementary school  on  First  Street.  The  first  janitor  was 
named  Victor.  He  was  a  cobbler  and  had  a  shoe  shop 
near  the  horse  barn  provided  for  the  students  who  rode 
horses  to  school.  The  first  principal  was  C.  F.  Cowles. 

In  1913,  the  district  was  reclassified  as  Independent 
School  District  #8.  In  1915,  a  three-story  high  school 
was  built  just  south  of  the  elementary  school.  At  that 
time  there  were  224  students  enrolled  in  grades  one 
through  twelve.  The  first  graduate  was  Gale  Mercer  in 
1915,  followed  by  Allie  Anderson  in  1916,  and  in  1917 
Mary  Beckstead  and  Rosebud  Rogers.  The  first  Junior 
Prom  was  held  in  1918  in  their  honor.  There  were  18 

seniors  in  the  graduating  class  of  1924  under  principal 
David  L.  McClun.  He  was  followed  in  1927  by  R.  R.  Bell. 
In  1924,  Earl  George  "Kirk"  Kerstetter  was  hired  as 
custodian.  He  served  in  that  position  for  36  years.  The 
football  field  at  the  old  North  Fremont  High  School  site 
was  named  "Kirk's  Field"  in  his  honor. 

Notable  accomplishments  from  Ashton's  schools  include 
beating  Ricks  College  in  football  in  1927  and  Bud  Swanstrum's 
district-championship-winning  football  team  in  1942  with  Phil 
Smith  as  coach.  Ted  Taylor,  Hal  Harrigfeld,  Tom  Holcomb,  and 
Darrell  Murdoch  were  all  on  the  State  All-Start  football  team, 
Wes  Christensen  coached  Jimmie  Marshall  as  North  Fremont's 
state  wrestling  champion.  Hal  Harrigfeld's  basketball  team's 
1978  won  over  Teton  to  break  their  fantastic  winning  streak. 
Other  high  points  include  Wally  Siwachok's  state 
championship  football  team  in  1989,  Bob  Christensen's 
winning  wrestling  team,  and  Betty  May's  state  debate 
championships  in  1990  and  1991. 

The  elementary  school  burned  down  in  1928.  The 
basketball  team  used  the  Opera  House  for  practices 
and  games  until  about  1932,  when  a  two-story  addi- 
tion was  built  on  the  north  side  of  the  high  school.  Fred 
G.  Brady  was  principal,  becoming  superintendent  in 
1935  and  serving  until  1943,  then  becoming  a  member 
of  the  school  board.  James  V.  Lacey  was  principal  after 
Fred  Brady,  followed  by  Frank  Dorfleur  and  Mr.  Joyce  W. 



In  1939,  Kenneth  Seeley,  Bud  Rogstead,  Winston  Taylor,  and 
friends  managed  to  herd  some  cows  into  the  school.  Lorin 
Pence  and  Doug  Hoag  had  planned  to  help  but  decided  to 
go  to  a  movie  instead.  They  tried  to  get  one  of  the  cows  to 
the  second  floor,  but  she  didn't  want  to  go.  Kirk  did  the 
cleanup  with  a  garden  hose,  which  then  required  sanding  of 
the  buckled  floor.  They  each  had  to  pay  $20  for  the  cleanup. 
Winston  says,  "That  was  a  lot  of  money  in  those  days,  and  all  I 
did  was  hold  the  door  open," 

The  first  yearbook,  The  Yellowstone  Eagle,  was  pub- 
lished in  1924  and  then  yearly  until  1930,  when  the 
name  was  changed  to  The  Derby.  There  were  several 
years  in  the  1930s  when  no  yearbook  was  published. 
When  Glade  Lyon  came  to  Ashton  in  1938,  as  a  sopho- 
more, he  was  surprised  to  find  that  there  had  not  been 
a  yearbook  for  several  years,  so  he  pushed  for  one  and 
became  editor-in-chief  of  the  1941  yearbook,  entitled 
The  Husky  Howl.  The  next  yearbook  in  1946  was  called 
The  Royal  A,  but  since  1950  the  name  The  Musher  has 
been  used. 

Early-day  transportation  for  school  and  other  school 
functions  was  difficult.  Mrs.  Marion  White  Albrethsen 
recalls  that  the  1936  football  team  traveled  to  Driggs  for 
their  game  in  the  back  of  a  truck. 

In  1947,  there  were  21  school  districts  in  Fremont 
County.  When  the  Idaho  Legislature  passed  a  law  to 
consolidate  districts,  an  election  was  held  in  February 

1948,  and  Joint  School  District  A-215  was  formed.  The 
vote  was  1,099  to  351.  That  consolidation  of  the  many 
school  districts  required  the  building  of  a  new  high 
school  and  agricultural  shop  on  land  furnished,  under 
the  leadership  of  mayor  Bob  Timmons,  by  the  City  of 
Ashton,  north  across  Main  Street  from  the  existing  high 
school.  The  trustees  accepted  the  new  school  in  August 
1951,  with  Mark  R.  Anderson  as  principal  and  Don  Hay- 
cock as  junior-high  and  elementary  principal.  Glenn 
Anderson,  class  of  1933,  remembers  scooping  the  first 
shovel  of  dirt  and  hanging  the  last  door  of  the  project. 

Some  outlying  schools  and  supplies  were  sold  at 
public  auction,  with  Preston  Atchley  buying  the  excess 
coal  at  the  Svea  Falls  (Hugginsville)  building  for  $50, 
Oliver  Baum  paying  $40  for  a  single-  hole  outhouse, 
and  the  barn  to  Forrest  Howell  for  $370.  Stanley  Loosli 
bought  the  Farnum  barn  for  $610,  and  the  Green  timber 
barn  was  purchased  by  Frank  Stegelmeier  for  $330. 

Because  of  the  need  for  additional  elementary  class- 
rooms, construction  of  eleven  classrooms,  new  rest- 
rooms,  a  multipurpose  room,  and  a  principal's  of- 
fice were  added  to  the  elementary  building  in  1965. 
The  next  building  project  was  the  addition  of  four 
classrooms,  an  auditorium,  and  a  band  room  on  the 
west  side  of  the  high  school  gymnasium  in  1974  un- 
der Chuck  Meyers,  principal.  The  seventh  and  eighth 
grades  were  moved  to  these  additions  during  the  reign 
of  Lyle  Hossner,  principal,  who  succeeded  Julian  Hib- 


Ashton  High  School,  about  1930.  The  building  appears  to  be  severalyears  old  by  the  time  this  photo  was  taken,  as  there  are  obvious  signs  of 
weathering.  An  old  hand  pump  to  the  right  of  the  photo  indicates  that  the  photo  was  taken  before  the  1940s  or  1950s.  Further,  the  addition  to 
the  right  (north)  had  not  yet  been  constructed.  This  building  became  the  elementary  school,  was  later  condemned  in  about  1968,  and  was 
finally  demolished  in  1974.  It  stood  where  the  elementary  school  is  today. 



The  older  portion  of  the  elementary  building  was  de- 
molished and  new  classrooms  added  in  March  1974.  J. 
B.  Alexander,  Walt  Svedin,  Gordon  Zollinger,  Leonard 
Hull,  Florence  Adams,  and  Garth  Miller  were  princi- 
pals during  this  time.  In  1979,  while  Delbert  McFad- 
den  was  principal,  the  new  vocational  building  was 
completed.  Other  principals  at  the  elementary  level  in- 
cluded Dr.  Thompson,  Terry  Johnson,  Gail  Blanchard, 
Jack  Boggetti,  Grant  Bishoff,  and  Gloria  Winters.  With 
John  Pymm  as  principal,  following  Alvin  "Dick"  Seeley 
a  new  bond  levy  passed,  and  construction  of  a  new 
high  school  and  junior  high  just  east  of  town  was  fin- 
ished in  2004  with  David  Risenmay  as  principal. 

Special  commendation  should  be  given  to  Bill  Baxter,  who  has 
produced  and  directed  a  high  school  musical  play  every  year, 
and  to  JoAnn  Gifford  Richards  Anderson,  who  has 
spearheaded  the  operetta  in  the  elementary  school. 

June  Misseldine,  high  school  secretary  for  21  years,  should  be 
remembered.  She  said  she  could  train  any  new  principal 
without  a  problem, 


Chapter  7 



Before  Ashton  even  began,  the  Arangee  Mill  in  Island 
Park,  now  covered  by  the  Island  Park  Reservoir,  sup- 
plied sawed  lumber  for  the  communities  around  what 
was  to  become  Ashton.  Logging  was  a  major  business, 
producing  saw  logs,  power  poles,  posts,  railroad  ties, 
mine  props,  cellar  timbers,  corral  poles,  and  pulpwood. 
John  Van  Sickle  worked  at  a  sawmill  north  of  Ashton  for 
Mr.  Jackson  in  1897. 

The  first  sawmill,  at  the  confluence  of  the  Snake 
River  and  Warm  River,  was  built  by  Milton  M.  Ham- 
mond and  Joseph  S.  Hendricks  in  1892.  A  millpond  was 
built  along  side  the  new  mill.  A  steam  boiler  powered 
the  saw  and  planer.  Little  is  known  about  the  operation 
of  the  mill  in  the  1920s  and  '30s.  By  1940,  Randall  Howe 

had  acquired  it.  About  1943,  Herk  Rightenour  was  buy- 
ing the  mill  from  Howe,  but  because  of  wartime  condi- 
tions, sometimes  the  mill  was  allowed  to  run  and  some- 
times not.  Herk  ran  into  financial  trouble,  and  Howe 

After  World  War  II,  Howe  sold  the  mill  to  Chet  Isaacs 
(just  returned  from  the  Navy)  and  his  brother  Porter. 
They  called  their  enterprise  Warm  River  Lumber  Co. 
and  ran  it  successfully  until  the  mid  1960s.  The  mill 
was  powered  with  the  old  water  turbine  system  for 
many  years.  Chet  and  his  wife,  Selma,  who  taught  pi- 
ano lessons  in  Ashton,  built  a  log  home  on  what  was 
called  The  Island.  Logs  were  trucked  in  or  skidded  into 
the  Snake  River  at  Bear  Gulch  with  oxen  and  captured 
at  the  mill  with  cables  strung  across  the  river. 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

There  were  many  small  mills  as  remembered  by  Nor- 
man Bates,  who  first  came  to  the  area  in  1953  and 
worked  for  the  railroad  ranch  and  then  for  Chet  Isaacs. 
He  remembers  Stoddard  Brothers  on  the  Shotgun  Val- 
ley Trail,  Barney  South  and  Art  Fransen  sawing  house 
logs,  and  Gene  Jones  sawing  railroad  ties  near  Island 
Park  siding.  Wadsworth  Brothers  had  a  mill  in  St.  An- 
thony, and  Bryce  Golding  had  a  small  mill  that  he 
moved  from  one  location  to  another  but  often  set  up  on 
Antelope  Flat.  In  the  early  fifties,  Gene  Anderson  and 
Ellis  Stoker  brought  a  mill  from  Squirrel  Meadows  to 
about  a  mile  north  of  Ashton — A.  &  S.  Sawmill.  In  1957, 
LeBeck  Bros,  built  a  large  mill  just  north  of  Ashton. 
Garland  Call  had  a  camp  on  Fish  Creek  where  he  cut 
and  hand-peeled  power  poles.  Other  timber  workers  re- 
membered by  Norm  are  Fred  Stephens,  Lynn  Stephens, 
Chet  Phillips,  Erwin  Spitz,  Don  Gunter,  George  Kidder, 
Clair  McCausey,  and  Dallas  McCausey 

Garry  Isaacs,  son  of  Chet  Isaacs,  tells  of  playing,  when  six 
years  old,  on  the  logs  in  the  millpond  and  falling  in  the  water 
and  calling  for  help.  He  was  rescued  by  a  fisherman  and  his 
son,  whose  identities  were  not  known  to  him  for  about  50 
years.  It  was  later  discovered  that  the  rescuers  were  Dave 
Grube  and  his  son  Rulon  Grube. 

The  Isaacs'  sawmill,  about  1955. 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

Warm  River 

The  first  settlers  in  the  Warm  River  area  were  Bim- 
lick  and  Josephine  Stone,  who  arrived  from  England  in 

The  earliest  roads  to  Island  Park  ran  through  the  dug- 
ways  in  and  out  of  the  canyon  and  were  difficult  to 
maintain.  An  old  stone  bridge  can  be  seen  on  the  east 
as  one  drops  into  the  canyon.  A  contract  was  let  in  1920 
to  reconstruct  the  road  going  down  into  Warm  River 
and  constructing  a  new  bridge  at  the  bottom.  Otto  Lob- 
nitz  was  the  contractor. 

The  Oregon  Short  Line  Railroad  was  built  in  1907. 
Later,  J.  H.  Russell  was  superintendent  of  construction 
of  the  Warm  River  Tunnel  in  1909.  The  main  purpose 
for  the  Warm  River  siding  was  a  60-foot  steel  turntable 
built  in  1908  and  used  to  turn  around  the  additional  lo- 
comotives that  had  to  be  added  to  the  trains  to  push  the 
load  to  the  top  of  Rae's  Pass  in  Island  Park.  Stock  pens 
were  built  south  of  the  turntable  in  1911,  and  there  was 
a  passing  track  on  the  east  side.  In  1930,  the  railroad 
listed  Warm  River  as  having  a  stockyard  with  a  capacity 
of  nine  head  of  livestock  on  the  loading  deck. 

A  pump  house  built  in  1907  supplied  water  from 
the  river.  The  standard  24-foot-diameter  50,000  gallon 
wooden  water  tank  was  built  on  a  concrete  foundation. 
By  1946,  the  locomotives  were  working  out  of  Ashton, 
so  this  water  tank  was  removed. 

Early  farm  families  on  the  north  side  of  the  river 
were  George  and  Willis  Hibbard,  Eli  Kirkham,  G.  S. 
Arnold,  David  Levi  Stone,  Marvin  Jones,  and  later  Lavar 
Cherry.  Farmers  on  the  south  side  of  the  canyon  were 
David  Taylor  Howell,  William  Preston  Howell,  Lorin 
Walker,  and  Charles  Oakland  Walker.  Others  on  the 
south  side  were  Max  Marotz,  Otto  Lenz,  Harry  Hudson, 
Owens,  Sheppard,  and  Joe  and  Henry  Reimann.  Ralph 
and  Nellie  Stephens  purchased  their  Fish  Creek  Ranch 
just  above  Warm  River  from  Joseph  Hollis  Egbert  in 
about  1918. 

A  post  office  in  Warm  River  is  listed  from  1909  to 
1924,  though  its  location  or  postmaster  is  unknown. 

In  1909,  an  LDS  ward  was  created  in  Warm  River 
with  Samuel  P.  Egbert  as  bishop.  In  1914,  David  Howell 
was  released  as  bishop  and  George  Hibbard  appointed 
as  presiding  elder,  as  the  ward  was  downgraded  to  a 

School  in  Warm  River  began  in  1909,  first  in  Lorin 
Walker's  log  barn  and  then  in  a  rock  building  at  the 
bottom  of  the  dugway  There  were  two  teachers  and  45 
students.  After  a  fire  in  1939,  a  cast-stone  schoolhouse 
was  built  halfway  up  the  dugway  on  the  flat  owned  by 
Charles  Walker.  It  had  a  basement  and  one  large  class- 
room on  the  ground  floor.  A  bell  hung  in  the  belfry  to 
summon  the  students. 

In  1940,  a  new  two-room  frame  schoolhouse  was 
built  at  the  top  of  the  hill  just  north  of  the  Dave  Howell 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

residence  on  land  purchased  from  Henry  Reimann. 
School  was  held  in  the  new  schoolhouse  until  1943, 
when  Fremont  County  consolidated  all  the  small 
school  districts. 

School-board  trustee  Ralph  Hossner,  a  large  man,  was  helping 
install  a  swing  set  at  the  school  when  Reimann  became  quite 
animated  about  not  having  been  paid  for  the  previous  year's 
summer  fallowing  of  the  soil  where  the  schoolhouse  sat.  An 
argument  ensued,  and  Ralph  hit  Henry  on  the  head  with  a 
shovel,  knocking  him  to  the  ground.  Henry  took  the  matter  to 
court,  and  Ralph  was  convicted  of  battery.  The  school  board 
paid  the  fine. 

Warm  River  Resort 

Any  story  of  Warm  River  must  include  Fred  Lewies. 
Not  the  typical  sod-busting  German  or  Mormon  im- 
migrant, he  and  his  brother  Jack  were  born  in  Estonia 
but  later  went  to  live  with  relatives  in  South  Africa.  As 
a  teenager,  he  fought  in  the  Boer  War  but  was  taken 
prisoner  and  sent  to  England.  Being  skilled,  he  joined 
a  traveling  show  troupe  as  a  fancy  rope  performer  and 
trick-shot  artist,  performing  before  the  crowned  heads 
of  Europe.  He  also  became  an  accomplished  photog- 
rapher, which  took  him  to  Australia,  Asia,  and  South 
America.  In  1910  the  troupe  landed  in  North  America. 

Fred  traveled  west,  first  to  Driggs,  but  soon  to  Rexburg, 
where  he  ran  a  photo  studio  and  a  small  farm. 

While  living  in  Rexburg  in  1920,  he  met  and  married 
Berta  Keck,  who  had  immigrated  from  Switzerland.  Af- 
ter their  marriage,  Fred  and  Berta  found  that  the  Warm 
River  canyon  reminded  them  of  their  homeland,  so 
Fred  filed  a  homestead  and  developed  the  Warm  River 
Inn  and  Rendezvous  Dance  Hall.  Their  first  concession 
stand  on  the  edge  of  Warm  River  offered  cold  drinks 
and  food.  Popcorn  was  sold,  and  what  was  not  sold  was 
thrown  in  the  river,  beginning  the  tradition  of  feeding 
the  fish.  The  resort  consisted  of  a  cafe,  store,  bar,  and 
rental  cabins. 

Fred  incorporated  Warm  River  as  a  village  in  June 
1947.  Berta  served  as  the  first  mayor.  The  Rendezvous 
Dance  Hall  just  downstream  featured  dances  every  Sat- 
urday night  during  the  summer.  The  Ross  Dunn  Or- 
chestra was  the  favorite  band  to  play  at  Warm  River. 
Dances  were  held  until  1950.  There  was  a  fence  where 
men  could  stand  and  watch  the  dancers  if  they  didn't 
have  a  dollar  for  a  ticket.  A  pillar  covered  with  mirrors 
ran  through  the  center  of  the  dance  hall.  Every  July  4th, 
Fred  would  entertain  his  guests  with  a  fireworks  display 
shot  from  the  rim  of  the  canyon,  directly  over  the  dance 
hall.  Alcohol  was  not  allowed  inside  the  hall,  but  a  brisk 
business  was  carried  on  in  the  parking  lot.  Jim  Hoy,  who 
ran  a  still  in  the  Green  timber  area,  was  one  of  the  main 
suppliers  of  moonshine. 


The  Rendezvous  Dance  Hall,  about  1930. 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

Fred  was  an  active  fur  buyer  for  the  Hudson  Bay 
Company.  In  the  1920s,  rabbit  fur  hats  were  very  pop- 
ular. Fred  paid  34  cents  for  a  snowshoe,  and  25  cents 
for  a  jack  rabbit.  The  carcasses  were  sold  for  a  nickel  a 
pound  to  make  dog  food.  On  a  good  day  a  hunter  could 
make  $25  to  $50,  which  was  good  money  then. 

For  years,  local  men  helped  Fred  put  up  ice  from 
Robinson  Creek.  Blocks  would  be  sawed  and  stored  in 
sawdust  to  be  used  during  the  summer. 

Fred  and  Berta's  son  Harry  Lewies  attended  the  Uni- 
versity of  Idaho,  where  he  served  as  student-body  pres- 
ident and  was  active  in  ROTC.  In  World  War  II,  Harry 
served  as  a  lieutenant  colonel  in  the  U.S.  3rd  Army  in 
the  Battle  of  the  Bulge  under  General  George  S.  Patton. 
He  earned  the  Silver  Star,  Oak  Leaf  Cluster,  and  a  Purple 

After  Harry  returned  home,  he  helped  his  parents 
run  the  resort  and  was  one  of  four  partners  in  Bear 
Gulch  Ski  Basin.  He  married  Lillian  Glover  in  1951,  and 
they  made  their  home  in  St.  Anthony  living  at  Warm 
River  during  the  summers.  Harry  pursued  business  in- 
terests in  title  insurance  and  realty,  and  he  taught  high 
school  at  South  Fremont  High  School. 

The  main  highway  to  Yellowstone  was  rerouted  up 
the  Ashton  Hill  as  Highway  20  in  1957,  bypassing  the 
resort,  resulting  in  a  great  decrease  in  business.  The  old 
Rendezvous  Dance  Hall  that  had  stood  vacant  burned 
down  in  the  mid  1960s.  The  store  and  cabins  were 
leased  to  various  parties  during  the  '60s.  Since  Harry 

did  not  wish  to  go  back  into  the  restaurant  business,  he 
demolished  the  cafe  and  bar  building. 

In  the  late  1960s,  Harry  remodeled  the  old  Keppner 
home  and  built  an  addition  to  it,  opening  a  supper  club 
and  bar  called  the  Ranch  House.  The  business  was  op- 
erated at  different  times  by  local  restaurateurs,  includ- 
ing Jill  Lehmkuhl,  Harry  Housley  and  Larry  Hossner. 
In  1974,  Harry  approached  the  Orvis  fly-fishing  equip- 
ment company  and  opened  the  first  Orvis-endorsed 
fishing  lodge,  catering  to  serious  fly-fishing  clientele. 
The  resort  was  renamed  Three  Rivers  Ranch,  and  ex- 
pert guides  were  hired  to  teach  the  new  trend  in  catch- 
and-release  fly  fishing. 

Marys  ville 

The  town  of  Marysville,  Ashton's  older  sister,  had  its 
beginning  in  May  1889  when  Horace  Weaver,  his  half- 
brother  Frank,  and  his  cousin  Gibson  came  through  the 
upper  Snake  River  valley.  Later  that  summer  another 
cousin,  Mary  Weaver  Baker,  and  her  husband,  Joseph 
Baker,  came  and  filed  on  a  quarter  section  of  land  with 
a  spring  on  it,  now  known  as  Baker  Spring,  about  a  mile 
north  of  present-day  Ashton.  They  homesteaded  there 
and  used  a  wagon  box  for  their  bedroom  and  a  lean-to 
as  their  kitchen  until  they  could  build  their  two-room 
log  cabin.  Joe's  brothers  hauled  the  logs  from  the  Green- 
timber  area.  Thomas  William  Whittle  settled  nearby. 


Marysville,  looking  southeast,  about  1915.  The  grain  elevator  on  the  right  is  alongside  the  railroad  tracks  to  Driggs  that  were  completed  in  1912, 
so  this  photo  is  no  earlier  than  that  date.  Much  of  the  horizon  on  the  right  half  of  the  photo  appears  to  be  aspens  that  are  certainly  not  there 
today.  It  is  said  that  a  vast  stand  of  aspens  (perhaps  one  of  the  world's  largest)  once  covered  the  area  east  ofAshton  to  the  foot  of  the  Teton  Range. 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

Ed  McGavin  and  Asa  Hendricks  filed  on  two  quar- 
ter sections  to  the  south  of  Joseph  Baker  with  two  sec- 
tions of  school  land  adjoining  them  to  the  south.  Parts 
of  these  sections  later  became  part  of  Ashton  in  1906. 

Mary  Baker  was  the  first  postmaster,  but  when 
Marysville  was  organized  two  miles  to  the  east,  she 
transferred  the  post  office  there.  John  L.  Dorcheus  and 
his  wife,  Mary,  built  the  Lodi  Post  Office  on  his  ranch  at 
Dorcheus  Springs  about  a  mile  north  of  Ashton. 

In  the  1890s,  other  families  began  to  arrive,  and 
Bishop  James  Henry  Wilson  and  David  Weatherbee 
each  deeded  80  acres  to  the  Marysville  town  site  to 
entice  immigrants  to  settle  there.  The  community  was 
known  as  Springville  when  Idaho  achieved  statehood 
in  1890,  but  the  postal  authorities  said  there  were  too 
many  communities  with  that  name,  and  since  there 
were  five  ladies  named  Mary  living  there,  one  of  which 
was  Postmaster  Mary  Baker,  they  chose  the  name  of 
Marysville.  When  the  post  office  was  moved  to  Ashton, 
Marysville  became  Rural  Route  #2. 

The  first  house  was  built  by  Tom  Gooch,  who  was  a 
notary  public.  Annie  Gooch,  his  wife,  became  the  post- 
master following  Mary  Baker.  Barbara  Hardy  taught 
children  in  her  home,  a  tuition  school,  in  1890,  until 
a  one-room  log  schoolhouse  could  be  built.  The  brick 
schoolhouse  in  Marysville  was  built  in  1913. 

The  Marysville  LDS  church  was  organized  in  Novem- 
ber 1891.  The  first  church  building  was  finished  in  1892, 

with  James  Henry  Wilson  installed  as  presiding  elder 
in  May  1893.  The  first  meetinghouse  was  built  of  logs 
in  1893  and  replaced  by  another  in  1899.  The  Marys- 
ville Branch  was  officially  organized  in  March  1902 
with  Hyrum  Larson  as  presiding  elder.  It  was  made  the 
Marysville  Ward  on  June  28,  1903,  with  Parley  Cutler  as 

The  first  mail  was  delivered  by  Morris  Sprague  using 
a  dog  sled  that  first  winter.  George  White  Sr.  carried  the 
mail  from  Chester  up  the  old  Fall  River  road  to  Farnum, 
Lillian,  and  Squirrel  before  the  Oregon  Short  Line  sired 
Drummond.  In  the  spring  of  1889,  Mary  Baker  snow- 
shoed  from  her  home  at  Baker  Springs  to  act  as  midwife 
at  the  birth  of  twins,  Mary  and  Marian  Whittle.  There 
were  no  doctors  north  of  Rexburg  until  1902. 

M.  M.  Hammond  and  Joseph  Smith  Hendricks  built 
the  first  sawmill  in  the  Ashton  area  in  1892  at  the 
confluence  of  Warm  River  and  the  Snake  River.  Fred 
Hoffman  and  Will  Cordingley  operated  the  first  well- 
drilling  outfit.  The  Brady  Canal,  named  for  Governor 
Brady,  who  helped  greatly  in  the  settling  of  Marysville, 
was  changed  to  the  Marysville  Canal  and  Irrigation  Co. 
in  1904,  when  Brady  sold  his  interest  in  it.  Along  with 
the  Farmer's  Own  Ditch  Co.,  it  is  still  serving  the  com- 

Dr.  Young  opened  his  drug  store  in  1902.  The  of- 
ficial date  of  incorporation  of  Marysville  was  January 
15,  1904,  on  a  petition  signed  by  R.  W  Hardy  and 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

others.  At  that  time  there  were  about  30  business  build- 
ings, including  Home  Banker,  Tithing  Office,  Town 
Well,  Reynolds  Hotel,  Post  Office,  Lime  Harris  Black- 
smith Shop,  Kelly's  Hotel  (Mrs.  J.  Kelley,  prop.),  Oscar 
Green  Saloon,  Blacksmith  Shop,  Barber  Shop,  Kelly's 
Livery  Barn,  Louis  Shaw  Blacksmith  Shop,  Relief  So- 
ciety Grainery  City  Jail,  McNair's  Blacksmith  Shop, 
Hendricks  Livery  Barn,  Reynolds  Butcher  Shop,  Ed 
Shettler's  Bank,  Hessman  Lumber  Co.,  William  Barrett 
Mercantile,  Farmer's  Equity,  Frank  Britton  Store,  Cash 
Racket  Jim  and  Bill  Leeper's  Store,  Brig  Nelson  Saloon, 
Clyde  Lucas  #2  Residence  Store,  Frank  Britton  Imple- 
ment, William  Winigar  Butcher  Shop,  and  Mrs.  Richard 
Brower's  Millinery  Shop.  John  Hendricks  opened  a  loan 
agency  in  Marysville  in  November  1904.  By  July  1906, 
there  were  also  C.  E.  Lucas's  general  merchandise  store; 
William  Hobson,  farrier;  and  Sam  Nelson  Buffet.  In  May 
1906,  Baker's  Livery  started  a  stage  line  from  Ashton  to 
Marysville.  Otto  Johnson  ran  a  dray  wagon  from  the 
railway  station  delivering  freight  to  all  the  stores.  Mat 
Fuller  was  the  Marysville  depot  agent.  J.  H.  Egbert  re- 
signed as  marshal  of  Marysville,  and  S.  C.  Drollinger 
took  his  place,  in  May  1905. 

An  early  photo  shows  a  marching  band  ready  for 
the  July  4,  1905,  parade.  The  musicians  included  Di- 
mond  Loosli  and  Milt  Humphries,  with  Theo.  France 
as  Uncle  Sam.  The  largest  population  of  Marysville  was 
in  1904-1905  with  approximately  101  families.  There 

was  always  plenty  of  entertainment,  with  Saturday  be- 
ing a  day  for  horse  races,  baseball  games,  and  dances 
at  Sheppard  Hall  in  the  evening. 

Work  on  the  bridge  at  Wilson  ford,  to  be  known  as 
the  Marysville  Bridge,  was  begun  by  Grant  Hopkins  in 
January  1905  with  rock  rip-rap.  It.  was  finished  in  con- 
crete in  July  1906.  It  was  built  in  three  sections,  but 
in  1947  one  section  caved  in  and  was  carried  away  by 
the  spring  run- off.  Dennis  and  Paul  Gifford  were  there 
shortly  after  it  was  demolished.  In  1905,  it  was  the  main 
road  to  West  Yellowstone  by  way  of  Hatchery  Ford  and 
the  Osborne  Bridge. 

It  was  originally  planned  for  the  town  of  Marysville, 
1.7  miles  to  the  east  of  Ashton,  to  be  the  railroad  center, 
but  it  is  reported  that  the  farmers  in  Marysville  asked 
too  much  money  for  their  land,  and  that  there  was  a  dis- 
pute with  the  Marysville  bishop  concerning  the  route 
of  the  lines  through  his  land.  In  December  1905,  offi- 
cials of  the  Oregon  Short  Line  Railroad  came  from  Salt 
Lake  City,  visited  the  area,  and  settled  on  the  townsite 
of  Ashton  for  the  location  of  the  depot  and  the  yards. 

A  poem  written  by  Abner  Widdison  shortly  after  Ashton 
became  a  town,  and  widely  circulated  at  the  time,  said: 

Marysville  was  Marysville 
When  Ashton  was  a  pup, 
But  Ashton  will  be  Ashton 
When  Marysville's  gobbled  up. 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

There  was  a  tremendous  rivalry  between  the  two  towns,  so 
Marysville's  version  was: 

Marysville's  an  old  dog; 
Ashton'sjust  a  pup. 
Marysville  will  be  an  old  town 
When  Ashton's  gobbled  up. 

On  March  18,  1904,  Marysville  trustees  passed  a  law  closing 
saloons  on  Sunday  and  compelling  drug  stores  to  require  a 
written  excuse  to  sell  wine  and  whiskey  on  Sunday. 

An  ad  in  the  November  1905  Marysville  Mirror  read,  "Property 
is  going  up,  now  is  the  time  to  buy."  The  newspaper  was 
bought  out  in  1906,  and  its  equipment  moved  to  Ashton. 

The  Chester  boll  team  came  to  Marysville  April  20,  1905,  but 
was  easy  prey  for  the  Invincibles.  The  free  dance  was  paid  for 
by  the  Chesterites.  The  Lodi  team  came  up  that  Saturday,  but 
a  good  game  failed  to  materialize. 

The  Nedrows,  who  were  Methodists,  helped  get  the  post  office 
in  Marysville,  because,  under  Idaho  law,  Mormons  were  not 
considered  citizens  and  could  not  sign  on  application. 


Elmo  Lamont  homesteaded  the  land  that,  except 
for  the  grant  from  Conrad  Lenz,  became  the  village  of 
Drummond.  The  town  was  to  have  been  named  La- 
mont for  the  Lamont  family  who  first  settled  there,  but 
Drummond,  the  railroad  engineer  who  surveyed  the 
line  there,  decided  to  name  it  after  himself  and  call  the 
next  town  Lamont.  Mrs.  Margaret  Painter  was  the  first 
citizen  of  Drummond.  The  1900  census  showed  15  resi- 

The  first  post  office  was  established  in  October  1911, 
with  Mary  Conlin  as  postmaster.  The  first  mail  carrier 
was  Phoebe  Saunders  White  Swanner.  She  made  a  loop 
three  times  a  week  from  Ashton  to  Drummond  and  on 
to  deliver  mail  to  Squirrel,  where  Charlie  Burrell  owned 
the  store  and  post  office,  and  on  to  Fall  River,  where 
Silas  Green  owned  the  Farnum  Store  and  post  office. 
She  was  succeeded  by  Hazen  Hawkes,  who  carried  the 
mail  for  18  years,  except  for  an  interim  8  years  when  it 
was  delivered  by  Conrad  Lenz. 

The  Foster  Lumber  Co.  was  located  there  in  1913, 
with  James  "Monte"  Painter  working  there.  He  was  also 
the  first  janitor  of  the  school  and  was  mayor  for  several 
years  until  1947. 

The  settlement  was  incorporated  as  the  Village  of 
Drummond  in  January  1917,  with  L.  A.  Lamont,  C.  N. 
Dedman,  H.  L.  Benson,  F.  K.  Wallin,  V.  E.  Bailey,  and 
R.  J.  Little  as  trustees.  This  led  to  the  ultimate  demise 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

of  the  other  small  communities  in  the  area.  The  date 
on  the  three-story  schoolhouse  was  1913.  Some  years 
the  enrollment  exceeded  200.  Among  the  early  teach- 
ers were  Mr.  Catrin,  Mr.  Cowles,  Mr.  Caulderhead,  Mrs. 
Pete  Madsen,  Alice  Hannawalt  Simmerley  Freida  Isen- 
berg,  and  Mrs.  Steve  Meikle.  The  school  at  Green  Hill, 
five  miles  to  the  south,  and  Lillian,  a  few  miles  to  the 
west,  were  later  incorporated  into  the  Drummond  dis- 

The  first  business  license  was  issued  in  October  1917 
to  V  E.  Bailey  for  a  general  merchandise  store,  the  sec- 
ond to  the  St.  Anthony  Flour  Mill,  and  the  third  to  the 
Spalsbury  Implement  Company.  Other  licenses  issued 
in  1918  were  to  Burrall  &  Co.,  Sperry  Grain  Co.,  L.  O.  An- 
derson, Miller  Bros.,  E.  S.  Judd,  National  Park  Lumber 
Co.,  and  a  pool  hall.  In  1956,  L.  B.  Lindsley  advertised 
paint  for  sale  in  Drummond.  In  1921,  Monte  worked  in 
the  Sperry  Division  of  General  Mills  as  elevator  man- 
ager at  Drummond. 

A  bond  election  in  1917  authorized  the  drilling  of 
a  well  and  installation  of  a  water  system.  In  1919,  an- 
other successful  bond  election,  held  at  the  Presbyte- 
rian Church,  authorized  the  enlargement  of  the  water 
system.  The  ladies  of  Drummond  organized  a  "Ladies 

Green  Hill 

Green  Hill  was  a  small  community  about  two  miles 
south  of  Drummond  and  had  its  own  school,  located 
near  the  Teton  River,  for  several  years.  The  building  was 
also  used  as  a  community  center  and  a  church.  In  1910, 
Joseph  Young  was  the  teacher.  The  school  district  con- 
solidated with  Drummond  in  1913. 

The  residents  of  Green  Hill  built  the  first  telephone 
system  in  the  entire  Ashton  area.  Known  as  "the 
Farmer's  Line,"  it  was  extended  into  Lillian  about  1912 
and  connected  to  the  line  from  Ashton  in  1915. 


The  Sheetz  school  was  located  on  the  reclamation 
road.  The  D.  H.  Kelly  family  was  instrumental  in  having 
the  one-room  school  building  built  there.  Mrs.  Duke 
was  the  first  teacher  there,  in  1920. 


The  settlement  of  Farnum  was  named  for  Rosamond 
Farnum  Sprague  Green,  the  mother  of  Silas  Green,  the 
first  postmaster,  who  settled  just  downstream  from  the 
confluence  of  Conant  Creek  and  Fall  River.  This  was 
also  the  location  of  the  Farnum  store  and  post  office 
built  in  1897. 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

Katie  Murdoch  on  the  family  farm  inFarnum,  about  1930,  looking 
embarrassed  because  her  brothers  have  dressed  her  in  boys'  clothes. 

The  Farnum  Branch  of  the  LDS  church  was  orga- 
nized in  1897,  with  James  Green  as  presiding  elder.  Res- 
idents went  to  Marysville  to  church  when  possible  by 
fording  the  river  at  what  is  now  Anderson's  Bridge.  A 
small  log  school  building  was  erected  in  1899.  Church 
was  held  there  until  a  church  house  was  built  in  1909. 

The  Farnum  school  district  was  formed  in  1900.  The 
first  teacher  in  Farnum  was  Mae  Hawkes.  A  new  rock 
school  was  built  in  1909.  In  1911,  another  room  was 
added  by  Hugh  Davis,  and  two  teachers  were  hired. 


Grainville,  the  location  of  some  grain  elevators  on 
the  railroad  a  few  miles  west  of  Squirrel,  was  named  for 
the  acres  of  prolific  grain  in  the  area.  There  was  a  one- 
room  school  house  where  Kate  Thomas  Lamont  taught. 
Art  Anderson's  father  settled  in  the  area  around  1910, 
and  Art's  Aspen  Acres  Golf  Course  was  ultimately  built 


Greentimber,  a  small  community  eight  miles  east 
of  Ashton,  was  first  known  as  Green  Timber  because 
of  the  lush  grasses  and  quaking  aspens  in  the  area.  It 
includes  the  area  north  of  Fall  River,  south  of  Robin- 
son Creek,  east  of  the  Hugginsville  district,  and  west 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

of  the  Targhee  National  Forest.  Ferdinand  Kramer,  the 
first  settler,  arrived  in  October  1896  and  built  a  cabin 
near  the  confluence  of  Porcupine  and  Rock  Creeks.  He 
left  for  two  years  but  returned  in  1898  with  his  father, 
Henry.  In  1899,  Fred  Kramer  and  Henry  Oastman  filed 
on  water  from  Fall  River  for  the  Greentimber  Canal,  but 
in  1901  they  transferred  it  to  the  Yellowstone  Canal  Co. 

School  was  held  in  1903  and  1904  in  the  Reimann 
home  with  Pearl  Fisher  as  the  teacher,  as  were  Lutheran 
Church  services  with  Carl  Lindsley  as  minister.  The 
school  district  was  organized  in  1905.  The  schoolhouse 
was  built  in  1906  with  lumber  hauled  from  the  ranger 
station  by  soldiers,  and  school  started  in  1907.  The 
schoolhouse  still  stands,  owned  by  Fremont  County 
School  District,  but  the  ground  it  sits  on  is  owned  by 
Marilyn  Corcilius.  The  300-pound  bell  that  was  origi- 
nally installed  on  the  schoolhouse  was  stolen  in  1970 
but  returned  three  years  later,  only  to  be  stolen  again 
in  2004  and  never  recovered. 

The  first  postmaster  was  Fred  Hossner,  in  his  home, 
with  mail  delivered  from  Ashton.  The  first  road  grader, 
pulled  by  eight  head  of  horses,  went  up  the  Greentim- 
ber road  in  1903  as  far  as  the  site  of  the  schoolhouse. 
The  state  of  Idaho  took  over  maintenance  and  con- 
struction of  the  road  to  Cave  Falls  in  1933.  The  first  tele- 
phone line  was  constructed  in  1909,  and  the  first  elec- 
tricity came  in  1938. 

In  June  1935,  Lucille  Grube,  Evelyn  Grube,  Neola 

Vik,  Madison  Reimann,  Elsie  Howell,  Florence  Hall,  and 
Goldie  Zitting  started  the  Greentimber  Goodfellowship 
Club,  meeting  in  their  homes  until  1937,  when  they  be- 
gan meeting  in  the  schoolhouse  once  a  month,  inviting 
their  husbands  to  come  and  play  pinochle.  The  men 
later  started  the  Greentimber  Garden  Club,  which  was 
a  cover  for  their  poker  games. 

Many  new  homes  have  been  built  in  the  area  during 
the  past  few  years  by  people  who  say  "We're  here  be- 
cause we  love  the  scenery  and  love  the  isolation  in  this 
beautiful  country." 

Early  in  Greentimber's  history,  one  abused  woman  reported 
that  her  husband  had  committed  suicide.  The  fact  that  the 
wound  was  obviously  in  his  back  seemed  to  go  unnoticed, 
and  an  official  investigation  was  never  held. 

In  1936,  Alvin  Matthews  visited  his  old  friend,  Jim  Hoy,  a 
bootlegger,  who  lived  in  a  remote  cabin  on  Porcupine  Creek, 
to  buy  some  moonshine,  but  he  was  refused  because  he 
supposedly  owed  for  previous  drinks.  Matthews  had  his  rifle 
and  promptly  shot  Hoy,  then  spent  the  night  "dead  drunk"  in 
the  cabin.  The  next  day  he  was  arrested  and  confined  to  the 
jail  in  St.  Anthony,  but  after  a  few  days  he  committed  suicide 
by  jumping  off  the  upper  Punk  onto  his  head  after  telling  a 
fellow  inmate,  "I  know  I'm  guilty,  and  I  don't  want  my 
grandchildren  to  go  through  my  trial,"  Both  men  are  buried  in 
Pineview  Cemetery, 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

It  took  early  settlers  Henry  Kramer  and  his  son  Ferdinand  a  full 
week  using  a  block  and  tackle  to  get  their  wagon  over  the 
Teton  Pass. 

1910.  Her  family  boarded  the  linemen  but  couldn't  afford  a 
telephone.  They  didn't  have  indoor  plumbing  or  electricity, 
but  they  did  have  a  big  raspberry  and  gooseberry  patch. 

If  you  haven't  played  Greentimber  Stud,  you  just  haven't 
played  real  poker. 


Svea  Falls  held  their  first  school  with  about  eight  chil- 
dren in  the  summer  of  1906  in  the  Dan  Kirkham  home. 
This  school  was  later  called  Hugginsville  because  of  the 
John  Huggins  family,  who  homesteaded  just  south  and 
west  of  the  corner  in  1898,  and  the  area  has  generally 
been  known  as  Hugginsville  ever  since.  Maude  Hillman 
was  the  first  teacher.  In  the  fall  of  1906,  a  log  school- 
house  was  built  and  later  sided  with  lumber.  About 
1912  it  burned,  and  a  new  one-room  frame  school  was 
built.  It  had  a  cloakroom,  was  heated  by  a  wood  stove, 
and  was  used  as  a  community  center  as  well.  A  dance 
was  held  every  Friday  night.  The  school  was  closed  in 
1945  and  consolidated  with  the  other  districts  in  1948. 

Mrs.  Ethel  Huggins  Reed  said  the  first  telephone  line  came  in 


Franz  was  and  still  is  a  railroad  siding  for  the  load- 
ing and  shipping  of  grain.  It  was  named  for  the  first 
homesteaders,  Bob  and  Max  Franz.  When  World  War 
I  started,  the  name  of  Franz  had  a  bad  German  conno- 
tation, so  the  name  was  changed  to  France. 

There  was  a  one-room  schoolhouse  with  a  teacher 
who  lived  in  a  nearby  teacherage.  The  story  is  told  that 
once  when  she  went  to  the  outhouse,  a  bobcat  tried  to 
get  in  with  her.  She  was  terrified  and  stayed  inside  until 
a  student  came  along  and  told  her  the  bobcat  was  gone. 

Horseshoe  Flats,  a  settlement  south  of  Franz,  was 
first  homesteaded  by  O.  L.  Packer.  Work  on  the  Conant 
Creek  Canal  was  started  there  in  1896.  It  was  reported 
that  there  were  herds  of  elk,  deer,  and  antelope  there  at 
that  time. 


The  settlement  of  Lillian  was  located  between  Far- 
num  and  Drummond.  This  small  town  was  named  for 
Lillian  Newby,  who  served  as  the  first  postmaster.  The 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

town  had  a  post  office,  a  store,  and  a  school  with  as 
many  as  35  students. 

The  morning  after  one  Halloween,  Henry  Bratt's  buggy  was 
found  on  top  of  the  Lillian  schoolhouse.  It  took  three  days  to 
dismantle  the  buggy  and  lower  it  to  the  ground  while  the 
volunteers  wondered  how  the  perpetrators  got  it  up  there  in 
one  night. 


John  L.  Dorcheus,  Ed  Dorcheus'  father,  at  Dorcheus 
Springs,  established  Lodi  in  1893,  about  a  mile  north 
and  a  quarter-mile  west  of  what  would  become  the 
townsite  of  Ashton,  when  he  bought  the  Shepard  home- 
stead. A  four-room  school  and  a  post  office  were  built, 
with  Mary  Dorcheus,  Ed's  daughter,  as  postmaster.  Mail 
was  delivered  from  Market  Lake  to  St.  Anthony  in  1906 
and  then  on  to  Lodi.  Mr.  Shepard  taught  at  Lodi  in  the 
winter  and  Sarilda  in  the  summer.  In  February  1906, 
the  school  district  of  Harris  petitioned  to  be  consoli- 
dated with  the  nearby  Lodi  district  and  build  the  Union 
School  at  Ashton. 


Symington  Allen  Nedrow  and  his  wife,  Sarah,  came 
in  1890,  the  first  to  settle  in  that  area.  He  filed  on  the 
water  rights  of  all  the  springs  in  Snow  Creek  in  1892. 
Marion  Joseph  Kerr  was  the  first  postmaster,  with  the 
post  office  in  his  home.  Ora  was  named  after  Mrs.  Kerr. 

George  Kent  had  the  contract  to  carry  mail  from  St. 
Anthony  to  Ora  and  on  to  Rice,  now  known  as  Upper 
Sand  Creek.  The  community  of  Rice,  five  miles  west  of 
Ora,  was  settled  earlier  because  of  the  lush  meadows. 
Summer  school  was  held  for  three  months  every  sum- 
mer at  Sarilda.  The  first  schoolhouse  was  built  in  1894 
just  southwest  of  the  Ora  Cemetery,  but  the  two-room 
schoolhouse  on  the  Kerr  place  was  not  built  until  1905. 
In  April  1905,  the  pupils  celebrated  Arbor  Day  by  plant- 
ing trees,  shrubs,  and  flowers.  Fred  Hunnlent  took  over 
the  school  in  1908. 

The  Ora  community  was  settled  by  early  pioneers 
of  the  area  and  consisted  of  several  homes  along  the 
main  street.  It  later  boasted  a  two-room  schoolhouse, 
an  LDS  church  built  in  1892  (with  Hyrum  Wilson  as 
presiding  elder),  and  the  church  tithing  granary,  cel- 
lar, and  platform  scale,  which  were  used  for  weighing 
produce  for  both  church  and  public  service.  Marion 
Joseph  Kerr  was  one  of  the  early  homesteaders  and  de- 
velopers of  the  community.  Under  his  leadership,  the 
Ora  church  house  was  completed  and  dedicated  in 
1906  on  a  lot  across  the  road  from  his  home  in  Ora. 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

The  Ora  schoolhouse  and  the  Kerr  home  and  barn  were 
later  destroyed  by  fire,  but  the  Ora  church  was  still 
standing  in  the  late  1980s.  The  year  "1906"  was  posted 
on  the  front  gable.  At  that  time  there  were  nineteen  ac- 
tive member  families,  with  a  membership  roll  of  133 

The  Arcadia  LDS  branch  was  organized  in  1895  near 
Ora.  Marion  Joseph  Kerr  was  presiding  elder.  The  Ora 
Ward  was  located  west  of  the  river,  four  and  a  half  miles 
straight  west  of  Ashton.  Fred  C.  Porter  was  clerk  of  the 
Arcadia  Canal  Co. 


In  1888,  Samuel  Suver  Sadoris  and  his  wife,  Sarilda, 
established  their  family  near  the  sand  dunes  on  Spring 
Creek  and  established  an  irrigation  system  there.  His 
grandson,  Sam  Moon,  was  a  longtime  resident  there 
with  his  extended  family.  When  the  application  for  a 
name  for  the  community  was  sent  to  the  postal  depart- 
ment, one  of  the  signers  was  Sarilda  Sadoris,  and  al- 
though Sadoris  was  requested  for  the  name  of  the  com- 
munity, it  was  assigned — probably  through  a  clerk's 
error — the  name  of  Sarilda. 

The  first  school  in  the  Ora  Sarilda  area  was  held  in 
the  Sadoris'  living  room,  taught  by  Lena  Moon.  Irene 
Stone  deStwolinski  taught  school  at  Sarilda  in  1906. 

The  main  freighting  road  and  the  main  route  to  West 
Yellowstone  at  that  time  was  the  Sadoris  Hill  Road.  To 

the  east  was  the  Ora  Hill  Road,  a  parallel  route  that  was 
also  used.  The  two  roads  met  north  of  Big  Bend  Ridge 
near  Elk  Wallow  Well.  Since  there  was  no  bridge  across 
the  Snake  River  at  that  time,  the  Hill  Ford,  which  is  now 
under  the  backwaters  of  the  Ashton  Reservoir,  was  used 
to  go  from  Ora  and  Sarilda  to  the  Ashton  area. 

Tom  McMinn  was  a  neighbor  who  helped  survey  the 
canals  and  build  the  dams  on  Spring  Creek  and  the 
dams  to  make  fish  ponds.  Sadoris  wanted  people  to 
stop  at  his  place  and  change  horses.  He  raised  a  large 
garden  and  sold  the  produce  at  West  Yellowstone. 

The  Ora  area  was  originally  used  as  a  cattle-holding 
ground  by  cattlemen  from  southern  Idaho.  There  was 
a  line  camp  at  the  foot  of  Big  Bend  Ridge  between  the 
dunes  and  the  river  where  it  was  easy  to  sort,  mark,  and 
divide  the  cattle  in  the  spring  and  fall. 


The  first  settler  in  the  Vernon  area  was  Symington 
A.  Nedrow  (in  1892),  whose  children  were  Salome,  Jim, 
Dick,  Al,  George,  Paul,  Etta,  Lucy,  Lulu,  and  Ruby.  He 
settled  on  the  north  side  of  the  river,  but  Vernon  was 
actually  on  the  south  side.  He  brought  scrapers  and  30 
head  of  mules  and  worked  on  the  water  works  of  Eagle 

Millie  Ricks  Olsen,  who  was  married  in  Marysville 
to  John  P.  Olsen  on  April  3,  1893,  lived  in  Vernon  and 
worked  for  Dave  Nelson,  who  had  a  dairy  at  Black 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

Springs.  Nelson  Dairy  furnished  employment  for  many 

Early  residents  took  wagons  into  the  Bechler  Mead- 
ows, cut  the  wild  hay  and  hauled  it  back  to  Vernon.  The 
Nedrows  maintained  a  commercial  campground. 

Sarah  Nedrow  helped  organize  the  first  church  in 
the  area  with  regular  services  being  held.  A  Methodist 
church  building,  begun  in  1892  with  planed  lumber 
hauled  by  team  and  wagon  from  the  Arangee  Mill  in 
Island  Park,  was  finished  in  1898.  This  church  building 
later  became  the  Vernon  Schoolhouse  and  had  30  stu- 
dents. Before  that,  the  Vernon  school  was  just  east  of 
the  church.  The  Vernon  schoolhouse,  a  brick  building, 
was  built  in  1900  by  Perham  and  Harris.  They  some- 
times had  their  own  minister  but  sometimes  shared  a 
minister  with  the  Ashton  Methodist  Church.  The  first 
minister  in  the  new  church  was  Harley  J.  Adams,  who 
rode  a  horse  from  St.  Anthony  to  teach.  One  inexperi- 
enced minister  on  an  inexperienced  horse  attempted 
to  cross  the  river  in  the  wrong  place  and  was  drowned. 

There  was  a  cemetery  in  Vernon,  but  most  of  the 
headstones  were  later  bulldozed  up  against  the  fence, 
and  the  ground  was  then  plowed  over. 

Three  different  years  there  were  cricket  infestations, 
and  everyone  turned  out  to  keep  them  from  crossing 
the  new  Fritz  Bridge,  now  named  the  Vernon  Bridge.  It 
was  difficult,  but  they  were  successful. 

The  Ashton  Branch  of  the  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of 

Latter-day  Saints  was  organized  in  March  1902,  with 
Hyrum  Larson  as  presiding  elder.  It  was  made  the  Ver- 
non Ward  on  June  28, 1903,  with  Parley  Cutler  as  bishop. 
In  the  autumn  of  1903,  the  brethren  got  out  logs,  had 
them  sawed,  and  erected  a  log  and  frame  building 
about  one  and  a  half  miles  south  and  one  mile  west  of 
the  Ashton  town  site  for  the  Vernon  Ward  chapel.  While 
that  building  was  under  construction,  all  church  ser- 
vices were  held  in  the  home  of  Brother  Abraham  Davis. 
In  the  winter  of  1904,  Bishop  Cutler  died  and  was  re- 
placed by  Samuel  Parley  Egbert,  who  served  until  1907, 
when  the  Vernon  Ward  was  combined  with  the  Ashton 
Ward  and  the  old  Vernon  church  building  was  moved 
into  Ashton,  placed  on  church  property,  and  used  as  an 
amusement  hall. 

Sand  Dunes 

The  border  of  the  tillable  land  west  of  Ashton  is 
marked  by  the  Sand  Dunes  west  of  Sarilda.  The  sand 
dunes,  shifting,  restless,  never  still,  are  haunted  by 
winds  that  moan  strangely  at  times.  Long  ago,  when  the 
Bannocks  were  a  powerful  tribe,  the  Blackfeet  warred 
upon  them,  and  Indian  legend  says  these  wars  led 
to  the  creation  of  the  sand  dunes.  There  were  many 
battles,  and  so  bloody  were  they  that  the  legends  say 
the  spirits  that  watched  over  the  Indians  tired  of  the 
senseless  slaughter.  A  warning  came — how  or  when  the 
Indian  doesn't  know — but  the  Bannocks  and  their  allies 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

obeyed  the  spirits.  They  gave  up  the  land  of  the  buf- 
falo, the  rich  valleys,  the  clear  sparkling  streams  where 
the  fish  leaped.  But  their  women  no  longer  keened  in 
mourning  nor  chopped  off  one  finger  joint  after  an- 
other as  their  men  fell  never  to  rise.  The  children  did 
not  go  fatherless. 

But  this  retreat  did  not  satisfy  the  Blackfoot.  Perhaps 
the  message  from  the  spirits  never  reached  them — or 
perhaps  they  knew  only  the  evil  spirits  the  mountain 
men  claimed  they  personified.  At  any  rate,  they  took 
the  retreat  of  the  Bannocks  from  their  excellent  hunt- 
ing grounds  as  a  sign  of  weakness  and  pursued  them 
more  viciously  than  ever.  Away  from  the  buffalo,  be- 
yond the  best  of  the  game,  out  of  the  last  of  the  pleasant 
valleys  and  meadows,  the  Blackfoot  pushed  the  Ban- 
nocks clear  to  the  edge  of  the  desert.  Like  others  before 
and  since,  the  Blackfoot  took  appeasement  as  a  sign  of 

And  then — the  Bannocks  stopped  retreating.  They 
could  take  no  more  and  retain  any  shred  of  dignity. 
Good  spirits — evil  spirits — come  what  may,  the  Black- 
foot had  pushed  them  too  far.  Fiercely  they  turned  on 
their  enemy.  It  was  a  battle  to  have  delighted  a  Roland 
or  a  Prince  Valiant.  And  there  was  no  doubt  who  was 
winning.  The  anger  of  the  righteous  seems  to  give  a  gun 
or  a  tomahawk  extra  power.  The  spirits — good?  evil?  No 
one  knows.  And  the  Indian  never  says. 

But  the  spirits  were  outraged.  The  winds  came 

whistling  down  upon  the  embattled  warriors.  The 
squaws  and  the  children  and  the  old  men  staggered 
away  from  the  dunes  that  began  building  up.  Louder, 
stronger  came  the  winds,  with  the  shrieking  of  the  spir- 
its in  them.  And  the  dunes  swallowed  up  the  warriors, 
good  and  bad,  Bannock  and  Blackfoot,  foe  or  friend, 
and  never  were  any  of  them  seen  again. 

The  tribes  went  rapidly  downhill  after  that.  The 
Blackfoot  that  were  left  were  decimated  by  a  small- 
pox epidemic,  and  their  power  was  forever  broken.  The 
Bannocks  wandered  the  dismal  plains  of  the  Snake 
River,  poor  in  lodges  and  clothing,  often  without  buf- 
falo, sometimes  eating  grasshoppers  and  crickets  to 
survive.  And  out  in  the  sand  dunes  one  can  find  arrow- 
heads and  occasionally  a  bone  or  two  in  the  shifting 
sands.  But  no  Indians.  To  this  day  they  haven't  forgot- 
ten what  happened  there. 


Squirrel,  named  for  the  flourishing  ground  squir- 
rels in  the  area,  was  created  in  1900  but  was  first 
called  Highland  Ranch,  with  2, 160  acres,  started  by  four 
young  men  for  a  stock  and  grain  operation.  They  found 
grass  higher  than  the  sagebrush  and  aspen  groves  as 
beautiful  as  a  painting,  but  it  was  a  real  task  to  make  the 
fertile  ground  available  to  plant  crops.  The  only  one  of 
the  four  to  stay  was  ranch  manager  William  Campbell, 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

who  was  the  first  postmaster  and  was  succeeded  by  Fe- 
lix Burgess  in  1909. 

By  1905,  the  ranch  had  grown  to  4,000  acres,  with 
four  hundred  head  of  Hereford  cattle  and  hundreds  of 
Red  Duroc  hogs.  The  Orme  Brothers  bought  it  in  1910 
for  $80,000.  However,  the  first  settler  of  the  area  was 
probably  Elijah  "Boat"  Johnson  and  his  wife  Anna,  who 
took  up  a  ranch  in  Squirrel  Meadows  in  1897.  A  canal 
was  begun  at  least  as  early  as  1899  but  not  finished  un- 
til 1905. 

The  first  store  was  built  by  Bill  Wanke,  but  in  1903 
the  merchandise  was  moved  to  the  new  building  built 
by  Howard  Campbell,  who  later  sold  to  Felix  Burgess. 
The  post  office  was  in  that  same  building,  and  the  mail 
was  carried  for  four  years  by  Mrs.  Phoebe  Saunders 
White  Swanner  from  St.  Anthony  to  Farnum,  Lillian, 
and  on  to  Squirrel.  The  route  was  taken  over  by  Hazen 
Hawkes,  who  delivered  for  eighteen  years  except  for  an 
eight-year  interim  break,  when  the  mail  was  delivered 
by  Conrad  Lenz. 

Charles  Burrall  bought  the  store  in  1909  and  then 
sold  to  Axel  Johnson,  who  ran  the  store  and  was  post- 
master for  more  than  thirty  years.  Ax  almost  always 
had  a  pinochle  game  going  in  the  back  and  had  the 
first  radio  for  everyone  to  listen  to.  He  sold  to  Floyd 
and  Aimee  Griffel  in  1950.  The  post  office  was  closed 
in  1979,  but  the  store  was  kept  open  for  several  years.  It 

was  a  polling  place  for  the  Squirrel  Voting  Precinct  until 

The  Highland  School  was  erected  in  the  dry-farm 
area  with  two  outhouses.  One  teacher  handled  all  eight 
grades  and  lived  in  a  cottage  nearby.  Hazel  Scott  taught 
in  1920.  The  first  school  at  Squirrel  was  a  log  building 
constructed  by  Jens  Morton  "Mort"  Anderson.  It  was 
replaced  by  a  two-room  building  in  1916  and  closed  in 
1950.  In  1904,  there  were  54  students.  Bad  weather  in 
winter  made  it  so  difficult  to  hold  school  that  the  school 
year  was  from  April  to  November,  with  a  four-month 
winter  vacation. 

Lutheran  church  services  were  first  held  in  1901,  and 
a  Lutheran  church  was  built  in  1907.  LDS  services  were 
first  held  in  the  Highland  school. 

Carl  C.  "Kelsey"  Lenz  donated  land  two  miles  north 
of  Squirrel  Corners  on  the  Reclamation  Road  in  1906 
for  a  cemetery.  It  was  first  called  the  Zion  Lutheran 
Cemetery  but  is  now  known  as  the  Squirrel  Cemetery.  It 
is  fenced,  has  a  well  and  sprinkling  system,  and  is  still 
well  kept. 

Local  men  built  the  Squirrel  Hall  in  1917.  It  had  a 
light  plant,  two  stoves  to  keep  it  warm,  and  has  always 
been  a  community  center  with  dances,  pinochle  par- 
ties, and  family  gatherings.  It  was  renovated  in  1969 
with  insulation,  a  new  tin  roof  and  siding,  and  win- 
dow coverings.  Squirrel  had  a  baseball  team,  a  band,  a 
Grange,  and  a  Ladies  Friendship  Club. 


Neighboring  Areas  and  Communities 

The  Kunrath  family  homesteaded  near  the  forest  on 
the  location  that  is  now  Squirrel  Creek  Resort. 

Arthur  Conant  homesteaded  in  1908.  While  he  was  hauling 
firewood,  his  load  tipped  over  and  pinned  him  underneath, 
He  was  unable  to  free  himself  and  froze  to  death  in  the  creek 
that  now  bears  his  name. 

About  1960,  Schlitz  Brewing  Co.  brought  their  crew  and  filmed 
a  commercial  on  the  front  porch  of  the  vacant  Harrigfeld 
home  across  the  street  south  of  Aspen  Acres  Golf  Course.  Hal 
Harrigfeld,  who  was  a  major  producer  of  malting  barley,  sat  on 
the  porch  and  passed  a  Schlitz  beer  to  someone  else.  He  was 
assisted  by  Herman  Marotz,  Kurt  Kandler,  Clen  Atchley,  and 
David  Reinke.  The  locals  helping  were  unhappy  because  the 
Schlitz  people  then  poured  the  beer  on  the  ground  instead  of 
letting  them  drink  it. 


Chapter  8 

Distinguished  Citizens 

There  have  been  many  famous  and  notable  people 
who  have  called  Ashton  their  home.  This  is  to  honor 
them.  They're  listed  in  no  particular  order,  but  some  of 
the  earlier  residents  are  listed  first.  We  have  undoubt- 
edly omitted  some  who  should  be  listed  here,  and  to 
them,  we  sincerely  apologize. 

Charles  C.  Moore,  born  in  1866,  was  one  of  the 
founders  of  Ashton,  was  a  schoolteacher,  was  elected 
to  the  State  Legislature  in  1903  and  1905,  was  elected 
lieutenant  governor  for  two  terms,  and  was  governor  of 
Idaho  from  1922  until  1927.  He  served  for  four  years  as 
President  Hoover's  appointee  as  commissioner  of  the 
General  Land  Office  in  Washington,  D.C.  He  died  in 

Hiram  G.  "Fess"  Fuller,  one  of  the  founders  of  Ash- 

ton, was  a  schoolteacher,  a  state  senator  in  1915,  the 
mayor  of  Ashton  for  several  years,  and  held  many  other 
prominent  positions  until  his  death  in  1954.  In  those 
days,  if  you  were  a  lawyer  you  were  called  Judge;  if  you'd 
ever  been  in  the  army,  you  were  Cap'n  or  Major;  and  if 
you  were  a  schoolteacher  you  were  called  Professor.  In 
the  case  of  Professor  H.  G.  Fuller,  it  was  shortened  to 

James  H.  Brady  was  instrumental  in  starting  the 
Brady  Canal,  which  later  became  the  Marysvale  (Marys- 
ville)  Canal  and  Improvement  Co.,  Ltd.  He  was  elected 
governor  of  Idaho  in  1908. 

Oliver  P.  "Bronc"  Sparkman,  born  in  1866,  descen- 
dant from  the  Cherokee  Indian  Nation,  was  an  early 
law  officer  in  Ashton,  a  real  cowboy  wearhing  a  high- 


Distinguished  Citizens 

crowned  western  hat  and  carrying  a  six-shooter  on  his 
hip  as  he  rode  his  horse  down  Main  Street.  Bronc  was 
marshall  of  Ashton  in  1909.  He  was  such  a  recognizable 
figure  that  he  was  asked  by  FOX  Film  Company  in  1930 
to  go  to  Hollywood  to  make  a  movie  portraying  a  west- 
ern sheriff.  They  referred  to  him  as  "our  movie  sheriff." 
Whether  or  not  Bronc  actually  made  the  movie  is  ques- 
tionable. He  found  Hollywood  "too  glamorous"  and  re- 
turned to  Ashton.  He  was  Fremont  County  Sheriff  from 
1921  until  1926.  He  was  elected  constable  of  Ashton  in 
November  1930  but  was  probably  Ashton's  marshall  in 
1927.  He  died  in  1936. 

S.  "Sam"  Trude  was  an  eminent  Chicago  lawyer  who 
became  a  Fremont  County  justice  of  the  peace.  The 
story  is  told  that  when  the  game  warden  brought  two 
fishermen  who  had  exceeded  their  limits  before  Judge 
Trude,  he  fined  them  each  $25.  A  month  or  so  later,  the 
same  two  were  brought  in  again,  and  the  judge  fined 
them  $50  each  and  cautioned  them  that  they  must  quit 
poaching.  Another  month  or  so  later,  they  were  back, 
asking  the  judge  how  much  it  was  that  time,  and  that 
they  had  it  right  in  their  wallets.  The  judge  responded, 
"You  mean  to  tell  me  that  you  have  30  days  in  there?" 

Mayor  H.  G.  Fuller  crowning  the  Dog  Derby  Queen  in  1925. 


Distinguished  Citizens 

William  Otis  "Ott"  Harris,  a  veteran  of  World  War  I, 
was  a  prominent  businessman  and  community  leader, 
owner  of  the  famous  "Ott's  Place,"  and  was  mayor  of 
Ashton  for  two  terms. 

Tud  Kent  was  a  multi-year  winner  of  the  Ashton 
American  Dog  Derby,  placing  first  in  six  events.  He 
was  the  winner  in  1917,  1919,  1921,  1922,  1925,  and 
1928.  He  was  the  original  lessee  of  what  would  become 
Pond's  Lodge  in  Island  Park  in  1925.  At  one  time,  he  op- 
erated a  hamburger  joint  in  Ashton. 

Dimond  "Dime"  Loosli  served  as  state  representa- 
tive in  1931  and  state  senator  in  1923. 

Dick  Vasac,  longtime  citizen  and  philanthropist  of 
Ashton,  was  born  Richard  Waschak  March  29,  1900,  in 
Vienna,  Austria.  He  was  trained  as  a  restaurateur  and, 
after  losing  his  father  in  1915  and  his  mother  in  1917, 
he  immigrated  to  the  United  States  in  1920.  In  1921, 
he  answered  an  ad  and  moved  to  Squirrel  to  work  for 
Harrigfelds.  He  never  married  but  worked  hard  and  ac- 
quired his  own  farm.  At  the  time  of  his  death  on  Febru- 
ary 1, 1986,  he  left  a  sizeable  trust  fund  to  be  distributed 
over  the  years  as  needed  by  the  citizens  of  Ashton. 

Dr.  Ed  Hargis,  just  out  of  medical  school  in  the  east 
in  1906,  was  on  his  way  to  the  west  coast  when  he 
stopped  in  St.  Anthony  and  it  was  suggested  that  he 
take  "a  brief  visit  to  the  new  town  of  Ashton,"  as  he  put 
it.  He  became  Ashton's  first  doctor  and  stayed  for  many 
years.  At  one  time  his  office  was  in  the  Odd  Fellows 

building.  His  shingle  read  "Dr.  E.  L.  Hargis,  Physician; 
The  Ashton  Sanitarium,  Dr.  E.  L.  Hargis,  Prop." 

Calvin  Harmon  Smith  was  born  April  13,  1912,  in 
Marysville,  Idaho.  His  first  professional  fight  was  in 
1931  at  the  American  Dog  Derby,  and  he  went  on  to 
win  the  professional  heavyweight  championship  of  the 
Intermountain  States  in  1939,  holding  that  position  for 
many  years  through  about  160  fights.  He  also  served  as 
Fremont  County  sheriff.  He  was  once  featured  in  the 
magazine  True  Detective. 

Dr.  A.  A.  Krueger  was  the  best-known  doctor  of  Ash- 
ton, beloved  by  all,  and  was  instrumental  in  building 
the  Ashton  Memorial  Hospital. 

An  idea  of  how  Dr.  Krueger  was  able  to  keep  the  hospital  in 
operation  is  the  account  of  an  occasion  after  his  death  but 
before  the  clinic  was  built,  when  an  elderly  lady  came  into 
the  hospital  and  asked  that  she  be  admitted  "because  Dr. 
Krueger  always  puts  me  in  the  hospital  for  two  weeks  when  I 
get  back  from  Arizona." 

Born  July  15,  1912,  a  citizen  of  Latvia  (one  of  the 
Balkan  States)  and  educated  in  Italy,  Dr.  Krueger  first 
arrived  in  Ashton  with  his  wife,  Margaret,  December  1, 
1940.  They  rented  living  quarters  and  office  space  in 
the  Neifert  Hotel,  and  he  opened  his  practice  there  the 
next  day.  He  became  a  citizen  of  the  United  States  on 
August  27,  1942.  He  later  used  his  home  on  the  corner 


Distinguished  Citizens 

of  Fremont  and  Eight  Streets  as  an  office  until  Bob  Bean 
purchased  that  building,  removed  the  top  floor,  and  re- 
modeled the  rest  into  a  funeral  home. 

Dr.  Krueger  enlisted  in  the  army  during  World  War 
II  and  was  stationed  in  Europe.  After  he  returned  from 
the  service,  he  bought  the  Merrill  home  on  the  corner 
of  Eighth  Idaho  Streets  and  for  a  few  months  saw  pa- 
tients there.  He  remodeled  a  building  on  Main  Street 
and  began  seeing  patients  there. 

Dr.  Krueger  made  house  calls, 

In  1948,  the  community  rallied  behind  Dr.  Krueger 
to  raise  money  for  a  hospital  building.  Ashton  Memo- 
rial Hospital  was  created  as  a  nonprofit  corporation. 
Fund  raising  and  grants  were  responsible  for  paying  for 
the  building.  The  hospital  opened  with  10  acute-care 
beds  and  an  emergency  room  and  operating  room.  The 
first  patient  was  admitted  on  April  10,  1950.  In  1956, 
a  pediatric  ward  was  added,  increasing  the  acute  care 
beds  to  20.  In  1974,  the  final  addition  was  a  surgical 
suite  that  was  required  to  meet  state  and  federal  re- 

Dr.  Krueger  was  a  pilot  and  tragically  crashed  his 
plane  in  a  "white-out"  snow  storm  on  January  26, 1976. 
After  Dr.  Krueger's  death,  the  hospital  struggled  finan- 

Dr.  Krueger  drove  a  little  red  sports  car  and  often  failed  to 
follow  all  the  driving  rules.  Whether  he  was  rushing  to  an 
emergency  or  simply  driving  home,  the  police  turned  a  Plind 
eye  to  his  creative  driving. 

Dr.  Dan  Hess,  along  with  his  wife,  Dr.  Mary,  started 
the  Hess  Heritage  Museum  in  1982,  a  mile  south  of  Ash- 
ton on  the  farm  where  Dan  was  raised,  to  preserve  their 
pioneer  heritage,  the  early  history  of  the  Upper  Snake 
River  Valley  and  the  memory  of  all  of  those  pioneers 
who  played  a  major  role  in  settling  this  part  of  the  coun- 
try. Dan  was  a  radarman  petty  officer  first  class  in  the 
Navy  from  1944  until  1947,  and  he  served  as  a  major  in 
the  army  as  a  chaplain  from  1957  until  his  recent  retire- 

Colonel  Don  Ghormley  enlisted  in  the  Army  Air 
Corps  in  1943  and  then  transferred  to  the  Army  Engi- 
neers. He  served  in  Germany,  came  home  and  enlisted 
in  the  National  Guard,  and  later  served  in  Korea  and 
Viet  Nam.  He  was  one  of  Ashton's  most  decorated  vet- 
erans. He  started  blacksmithing  with  his  uncle  when 
he  was  twelve  and  continued  throughout  his  life.  When 
asked  if  he  could  fix  something,  his  response  was,  "It's 
broke,  ain't  it?"  A  sign  on  the  wall  of  his  shop  said,  "La- 
bor $10  an  hour,  $20  if  you  watch,  $30  if  you  help." 


Distinguished  Citizens 

Keith  Nyborg,  an  army  veteran  of  the  Korean  Con- 
flict, filled  a  mission  to  Finland  for  his  church,  was 
a  guide  and  interpreter  for  the  United  States  Rowing 
Team  at  the  Finnish  Olympics,  and  was  the  U.S.  Am- 
bassador to  Finland  for  five  years.  He  started  the  Am- 
bassador's Cup  Foundation  cross-country  ski  races. 

In  1948,  General  Leo  Hammond  started  Ashton's 
first  National  Guard  unit,  the  116th  Combat  Engineers 
Company,  as  a  captain  in  the  army  reserves.  In  June 
1950,  the  unit  was  called  up  for  active  duty,  and  he  was 
sent  to  Fort  Belvoir  as  a  major  to  train  troops  until  Jan- 
uary 1951,  when  the  unit  was  deployed  to  Korea.  About 
July  1951,  he  was  transferred  to  the  73rd  Combat  Engi- 
neer Battalion  as  a  lieutenant  colonel.  Then  in  March 
1952,  he  was  transferred  to  the  Fort  Carson  engineer 
group.  He  came  home  in  1952  and  organized  an  engi- 
neer group  in  1966  in  Idaho  Falls.  He  attended  Com- 
mand Staff  School  and  made  the  rank  of  general  after 
24  years  of  service.  He  farmed  for  several  years  and 
bought  and  operated  the  Ashton  Dry  Cleaners. 

Lynn  Loosli  is  a  prominent  rancher,  farmer,  and  vet- 
eran living  in  Ashton.  He  served  as  Idaho  state  repre- 
sentative for  six  years  and  was  a  member  of  the  presti- 
gious Committee  of  Nine  in  the  Idaho  Water  Resources 

Portia  Loosli,  Lynn's  wife  and  mother  of  nine  chil- 
dren, was  chosen  Idaho's  Mother  of  the  Year  in  1995  by 
the  American  Mothers,  Inc. 

Stan  Clark  was  also  a  member  of  the  prestigious 
Committee  of  Nine  in  the  Idaho  Water  Resources  Com- 

James  Harrell  served  in  the  Marine  Corps  in  World 
War  II,  was  a  longtime  insurance  and  real-estate  agent, 
and  was  Ashton's  mayor  from  1971  to  1983. 

Glade  Lyon  was  manager  of  Lyon's  general  merchan- 
dise store  in  Ashton  for  more  than  42  years,  was  a  reg- 
istered representative  selling  "penny  stocks"  for  a  Salt 
Lake  City  brokerage  firm,  was  a  real- estate  salesman 
for  more  than  twenty  years,  was  a  teacher  at  North  Fre- 
mont High  School  for  one  year,  wrote  a  book  entitled 
Idaho's  Medal  of  Honor  Recipients  and  another,  Our 
Flag  Book  (viewable,  used  as 
a  text  in  the  fifth  grades  of  many  elementary  schools). 
He  was  an  active  member  of  the  American  Legion  for 
more  than  60  years,  including  five  years  on  the  Ameri- 
can Legion  National  Internal  Affairs  Commission. 

Calvin  Wickham  worked  for  Fall  River  Electric  for 
42  years,  serving  as  general  manager  his  last  12  years 
there.  During  World  War  II,  he  fought  on  Iwo  Jima  and 
was  awarded  the  Purple  Heart  for  a  major  chest  wound; 
he  is  featured  in  Steve  Portella's  book  Heroes  Among  Us 
for  this  experience.  For  several  years  he  was  a  leader  in 
the  Boy  Scouts  of  America  and  the  4H.  He  was  called 
to  Washington,  D.C.,  in  1979  to  be  recognized  by  the 
Carter  Administration  for  his  work  in  developing  new 
sources  of  electrical  power.  In  1981  he  was  called  to 


Distinguished  Citizens 

testify  before  Congress  regarding  the  WWPS  (Washing- 
ton Water  Power  Service)  bond  default  issue  and  the 
building  of  nuclear  power  plants  in  the  Tri-Cities  area 
of  Washington  state.  Very  community  minded,  he  was 
active  in  the  Lions  Club,  the  Rotary  Club,  and  the  Amer- 
ican Legion.  In  his  retirement  years,  he  was  responsible 
for  the  flowers  planted  on  the  corner  coming  into  Ash- 

Alwyn  Nedrow,  colorful  veteran  of  World  War  II,  has 
been  recognized  in  the  Eastern  Idaho  Horseman's  Hall 
of  Fame.  He  has  written  articles  that  were  published  in 
Western  Horseman  magazine.  He  is  currently  working 
on  his  memoirs. 

Carol  Bessey  was  a  longtime  editor  of  the  Ashton 
Herald  newspaper  and  wrote  a  book,  Battle  of  the  WAC, 
about  her  World  War  II  experiences. 

Luella  Baum  was  Idaho  state  president  of  the  Amer- 
ican Legion  Auxiliary  and  in  1947  was  the  instigator  in 
starting  the  Girls  State  Program,  of  which  she  was  a  di- 
rector. She  was  very  active  in  the  Republican  Party  re- 
ceiving a  plaque  from  District  7  Republican  Party  for 
her  many  years  of  dedicated  service.  She  served  more 
than  four  years  as  president  of  the  Federated  Republi- 
can Women  of  Idaho,  along  with  many  other  such  posi- 

Dick  Powell  moved  to  Ashton  in  1982  and  was 
followed  a  year  later  by  his  wife,  Gayle.  Gayle  sold 
cinnamon  rolls  and  other  pastries  to  residents  of  Ash- 
ton and  Island  Park  and  was  so  successful  that  they 
opened  a  "Mrs.  Powell's  Cinnamon  Rolls"  store  in  the 
Grand  Teton  Mall  in  1984.  They  ultimately  had  two 
company-owned  stores  and  fifty  franchisees. 

Jack  M.  Lyon  served  for  many  years  as  managing  ed- 
itor of  Deseret  Book  Company  in  Salt  Lake  City.  He  is 
the  proprietor  of  the  Editorium,  a  small  software  com- 
pany, and  is  the  author  or  compiler  of  several  books,  in- 
cluding Managing  the  Obvious.  He  also  owns  a  publish- 
ing business,  Waking  Lion  Press,  which  produced  this 

Joanie  Nyborg  was  chosen  Mrs.  Idaho  1982-1983. 
She  was  the  wife  of  Bruce  Nyborg  and  daughter-in-law 
of  Keith  Nyborg,  United  States  Ambassador  to  Finland, 
and  his  wife  Raija.  In  April  1983,  she  represented  Idaho 
and  Ricks  College  at  the  Mrs.  U.SA.  Pageant  in  Las  Ve- 
gas, Nevada. 

Ryan  Hamilton  was  the  winner  of  the  Sierra 
Mist/ Pepsi  Cola  national  contest  to  choose  "America's 
Next  Great  Comic." 


Photo  Gallery 

This  set  of  two  RPPC  (Real  Photo  Post  Cards)  show  a  view  ofAshtonfrom  the  west  about  191 0,  not  far  from  where  Highway  US-20  is  today.  The 
two  cards  can  be  put  together  to  form  a  panoramic  view.  The  two  have  several  buildings  numbered  on  the  photo  side  (here  removed),  and  there 
are  descriptions  on  the  postcard  side. 


Starting  from  left  to  right  (south  to  north)  on  both  pages  in  this  spread,  we  see  the  U.S.  Reclamation  Service  (long,  dark  building),  train  cars,  the 
city  water  tower,  a  grain  elevator,  the  bank  and  the  hotel  (both  brick  buildings),  various  buildings,  grain  elevators,  the  lumberyard,  the 
red-brick  church  (with  pointed  tower),  houses  and  other  buildings,  and  the  railroad  station  (long  building). 


Fishing  expedition,  about  191 0.  Handwriting  on  the  photo  side  of  this  RPPC  (Real  Photo  Post  Card)  reads,  "94  Trout,  Snake  River  Idaho."  The 
lodgepole  pines  and  general  nature  of  the  background  may  place  the  photo  in  Island  Park. 


Stripped-down  Model-T  Fords  ready  to  race,  about  1912.  Mr.  Paul  Stone  was  a  business  owner  in  Ashton  for  several  years.  This  photo  was 
purchased  by  the  Wickham  family  in  the  1960s  at  Mr.  Stone's  estate  auction  as  part  of  a  trunk  full  of  papers,  letters,  and  photos.  The  photo  is 
probably  from  about  1912,  based  on  the  Model-T  Fords,  which  would  have  been  new  enough  at  the  time  to  draw  special  attention.  Also,  some 
buildings  with  pitched  roofs  next  to  the  Wilson  Hotel  are  replaced  in  a  well-dated  photo  of  1916,  indicating  that  this  photo  is  earlier  than  1916. 


Train  depot,  about  1925.  This  photo  was  obviously  taken  on  the  same  day  as  the  photo  on  page  56,  as  some  of  the  people  in  the  photos  are  the 
same.  These  photos  are  difficult  to  date,  but  judging  from  the  clothing  and  the  truck,  the  time  must  be  the  1 920s. 


Steam  locomotive,  1953.  A  Union  Pacific  note  reads,  "3131  4-6-2  (Alco)  at  station  with  NB  passenger  train  #31  (1  coach,  1  baggage  car)  from 
Idaho  Falls.  Ashton,  Idaho,  July  11, 1953."  Note  the  "W.  C.  Fields"  smoke  stack. 



Billy  Waugh  and  Carl  Swanstrum  in  front  of  store  (American  Legion?).  According  to  Bernetta  Hanson,  the  photo  dates  to  1921.  The  bulding  to 
the  left  is  the  Cannon  Building.  In  later  photos,  the  doorway  seen  at  the  back  of  the  Cannon  Building  is  bricked  in,  which  is  important  in  dating 


Gertie  Williams  in  the  store  where  she  worked  asayoung  woman,  probably  the  clothing  store  owned  by  Mr.  Fried,  in  the  building  that  later 
housed  Chadwick's  and  Stoddard's.  The  photo  can  be  dated  to  about  1925  because  of  the  man's  straw  boater's  hat,  which  went  out  of  fashion 
later  in  the  1920s.  The  women's  hats  on  the  display  case  also  appear  to  belong  to  the  early  to  mid  1920s. 



1  / 

Crowds  throng  Main  Street  to  watch  the  Dog  Derby  in  1935. 


Skiing  at  Bear  Gulch,  1963:  Janean  Wickham,  Beverly  Kandler,  Karen  Daniels,  Janet  Cook. 


Ashton  in  winter  as  seen  from  up  in  the  Ashton  Milling  &  Elevator  grain  elevator  that  is  on  the  west  side  of  railroad  tracks  and  on  Main  Street. 
The  photo  can  be  dated  to  about  1915,  mostly  because  of  the  Hobart  &  Upham  sporting- goods  store  visible  in  this  photo  and  in  other  photos  of 
this  date.  Both  earlier  and  later,  this  building  housed  a  business  other  than  Hobart  &  Upham. 


Main  Street  at  night  (looking  west),  Christmas,  about  1950. 


Main  Street  (looking  east),  about  191 7.  View  of  a  busy  day  on  Main  Street,  looking  east.  Since  the  original  Ashton  Hotel  is  still  standing,  the 
photo  must  be  prior  to  1920.  Considering  the  number  of Model-T  Fords  and  the  fashions,  the  photo  was  probably  taken  between  1916  and  1919. 
This  is  the  photograph  used  on  the  cover  and  the  title  page  of  this  book. 


Main  Street  (looking  east).  The  photo  can  be  dated  to  1 930  by  the  automobiles.  Several  appear  to  be  Model- A  Fords,  which  were  not 
manufactured  until  the  late  1920s  and  were  not  common  until  the  early  1930s.  This  is  the  photograph  used  on  pages  14  and  15  of  this  book. 


Main  Street,  1936. 


Main  Street,  1950. 




Turn  Here Foi 
Lumber  I 

•   .'"'      ' 

Previous  page:  Residents  and  visitors  line  Ashton's  Main  Street  (looking  east),  waiting  for  the  parade  on  July  4,  2006,  during  the  city's  centennial 
celebration.  This  photograph  was  taken  by  Suzanne  Hamilton  to  coincide  with  the  photograph  used  on  the  title  page  of  this  book. 


Thanks  to  those  who  contributed  by  sharing  infor- 
mation, helping  with  their  areas  of  expertise,  or  in  any 
way,  and  especially: 

Clair  Allison 
Jonie  Amen 
Kathy  Anderson 
Tim  Andersen 
Emma  Atchley 
Kendall  Ballard 
Tyler  Baum 
Bill  Bessey 
Carol  Bessey 
Dick  Clark 
DeLane  Cordingley 
Jane  Daniels 
Christine  Dexter 
Peggy  Egbert 

Tressa  Garrett 
Inez  Garz 
Mary  Gonzales 
Suzanne  Hamilton 
Bernetta  Hanson 
James  Harrell 
Dick  Heinz 
Dean  Hossner 
Liz  Hossner 
Tom  Howell 
Garry  Isaacs 
Linda  Janssen 
Phyllis  Jenkins 
Sheila  Kellog 
Connie  Kuehlwind 
Richard  Laux 
Joyce  Leonard 
Jack  M.  Lyon 



Katie  Lyon 
Don  Marotz 
Leon  Martindale 
Tom  Mattingly 
Dan  Maupin 
Warren  Moon 
Keith  Nave 
Keith  Nyborg 
Lorin  Pence 
Weldon  Reynolds 
Marva  Rich 
Robin  Rivas 
Linda  Sheldon 
Susan  Steinmann 
Bud  Swanstrum 
Bud  Trussell 
Thornton  Waite 
Cal  Wickham 

Special  thanks  to: 

Jane  Daniels — Ashton  Archives 

Lula  Stone  Heath 

Margerat  Howe 

Selma  Parkinson  Isaacs 

Steven  Isaacs 

Thomas  Kirkham 

Julie  Lewies 

Leonard  Lewis 

Helen  Reimann  Marsden 

June  Howell  McCord 

David  Rightenour 

Tom  Stegelemier 

Max  Stephens 

Thorton  Waite — Yellowstone  Branch  of  the  Union 

Neal  Wickham,  who  restored,  provided,  and  wrote 
captions  for  most  of  the  photographs  in  this  book. 



Ambassador's  Cup  Sports  Foundation,  86 

American  Dog  Derby,  86 

American  Legion,  69 

American  Legion  Auxiliary,  70 

Archery,  78 

Ashton  Public  Library  91 

Ashton  Regatta,  78 

Bear  Gulch  Ski  Basin,  83 

Berean  Baptist  Church,  60 

Bowling,  78 

Buildings,  landmark,  13 


along  Highway  20,  44 

early,  10 

landmark,  13 

other,  36 

Canals,  3 

City  park,  77 

Drummond,  106 

Electric  power,  58 
Elevators,  42 

Fall  River  R.  E.  C,  59 
Farnum,  107 
Fishing,  81 

Founding  of  Ashton,  4 
Franz,  110 

Golf,  76 
Grainville,  108 
Green  Hill,  107 
Greentimber,  108 

Highway  20,  businesses  along,  44 
Hugginsville,  110 


Hunting,  79 

Lady  Lions,  71 
Law  enforcement,  51 
LDS  Church,  61 
Lillian,  110 
Lions  Club,  71 
Lodi,  111 

Mail  service,  54 
Marysville,  102 
Masonic  Lodge,  71 
Mesa  Falls,  80 
Methodist  Church,  65 
Mexican  laborers,  49 
Movies,  77 

Newspapers,  41 
North  Main  Street,  23 

Odd  Fellows,  72 
Opera  House,  75 
Ora,  111 

Potato  industry,  46 

Railroad,  8 
Rotary  Club,  71 

Sand  Dunes,  113 


Sarilda,  112 
Sawmills,  97 
Schools,  91 

Seed  potato  industry,  46 
Service  stations,  38 
Settlements,  earliest,  2 
Sewer,  54 
Sheetz,  107 
Side  streets,  35 
South  Main  Street,  13 
Squirrel,  114 
Streets,  53 
Study  Club,  69 
Swimming  pool,  77 

Targhee  National  Forest,  79 
Telephones,  57 
Tennis  court,  77 
Transportation,  55 

Vernon,  112 

Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars,  70 

Warm  River,  99 
Warm  River  Resort,  100 
Water  system,  52 
Weather,  50 

Zion  Lutheran  Church,  68 

Glade  Lyon  loved  Ashton  and  contributed  much  to  the  community. 
He  was  manager  of  Lyon's  general  merchandise  store  there  for  more 
than  42  years,  was  a  registered  representative  selling  "penny  stocks" 
for  a  Salt  Lake  City  brokerage  firm,  was  a  real-estate  salesman  for 
more  than  twenty  years,  and  was  a  teacher  at  North  Fremont  High 
School  for  one  year.  He  was  also  a  part  owner  in  the  Ashton  IGA 
Store,  the  Ashton  Theater,  and  other  business  interests,  including 
Potpourri  Ranch.  He  wrote  and  published  three  books,  Idaho's 
Medal  of  Honor  Recipients,  Our  Flag  (viewable  at  and  used  as  a  text  in  the  fifth  grades  of 

many  elementary  schools),  and  Ashton,  Idaho:  The  Centennial 
History.  During  World  War  II,  he  served  in  the  United  States  Army  in 
Germany,  France,  and  the  Philippines  and  was  part  of  the  occupying 
U.S.  forces  in  Japan.  In  2001  he  was  given  an  official  commendation 
by  the  government  of  France  for  his  service  there.  A  true  patriot,  he 
was  an  active  member  of  the  American  Legion  for  more  than  60 
years,  including  five  years  on  the  American  Legion  National  Internal 
Affairs  Commission.  He  enjoyed  wearing  red-,  white-,  and 
blue-striped  socks  to  Ashton's  annual  Fourth  of  July  parade. 

Copies  of  this  book  may  be  ordered  online  at  or  directly  from  the  publisher: 

Book  dealers  and  retail  establishments  may  order  this  book  wholesale  at  or  by  call- 
ing 866-308-6235. 

This  book  was  designed,  assembled,  and  typeset  by  Jack  M.  Lyon  using  the  ETgK  composition  system.  Headings  are  set  in  Copperplate  Gothic, 
and  the  running  text  in  Utopia.  The  printing  was  done  by  BookSurge  in  Charleston,  South  Carolina.